exact syllable matches

Bury the rest
- together
a bed of velvet
Peanut is
a better dresser
never drove
will be
a better engine
have found
a better method
progress toward
a better present
I have
there is
a better question
dweller or
a cellar dweller
taken as
a central tenet
Knife, stick,
a chair, whatever
a debt of vengeance
Is that
a fair assessment
job with
a French connection
out in
a fresh direction
Snow is
a gentle cleanser
call it
a gentlemen's club
a head of lettuce
a leisure center
to get
a lesser sentence
a mess of treasure
every great man
a predecessor
in favour of
the Dutch in
a referendum
Everybody loves
here is like
it's like
a resurrection
a certain aspect,
a retrogression
a second, fellas
a sense of self-worth
calling me
News, I'm
a sex offender
result of
a special effort
A special haircut
a special lecture
orchestra deserves
a special mention
a-feather session
able to work
and again and
again forever
It won't happen
again, Director
through again, and
again, forever
or met
again, whatever
against war and
and corporate action
in our defense
means of defense
against aggression
Allied Powers winning
while defending itself
against aggressors
against oppressors, but
be the bulwark
by the rebels
devotion and rebellion
endure and fight
expected to defend
in the struggle
against oppression
Buddha struggled forcefully
against possessions
are rooting
against the effort
skin chafing
against the metal
parent, but
against the parent
arm you
against the present
the city
against the rebels
a chance
against the Shredder
means you're
against the weather
press on, dead
ahead, whatever
the absence of
apparent effort
between real and
apparent peril
be the best
Apprentice ever
next salary
assessment next month
attention getter
attention getters
had thought ourselves
bereft forever
socks, and
brush them together
not merely uniform,
but evanescent
cement together
as the
church well suggested
club read the letters
Compare againstand
Compare assessor
See tend, and
compare attendance
See berretta, and
compare biretta
Compare biretta
Compare semester
Compare senescent
Compare subreption
broken and still
compel attention
convention center
blocks to the
Sands Expo and
Convention Center
convention centers
convention centre
convention centres
gives to them
correct direction
corrected them, sir
would be in
direct compression
mind have no
direct connection
So there is
that shape and
direct perception
Quantization by
Direct Selection
directed edges
roof, the
dust never settles
enact the
first twelve amendments
the question is
forever settled
I we're friends
forever, Brenda
is, you can't
forget forever
Do not
forget the helpless
They always
forget the ketchup
from sentimental
of retaliation
from their aggressors
Pits, intent on
her resurrection
call me
her special helper
to spin
her web forever
though she
herself were present
that is not
just detrimental
just get a pencil
just left of center
We were
just there together
Lauretta Bender
conditions and
learn their potential
love breakfast pleasure
that will
love them forever
personal relationships,
love, sex, affection
would be
much better weapons
much less the credit
act, people
must get together
must spread the message
and friend
of Edmund Spenser
The smell
of men together
products and
were made
of precious metals
quotes by hundreds
of predecessors
who complained
of press attention
its invisible waves
of recollection
if I hadn't
of represented
and a promise
beyond the hope
it a symbol
only means--not the purpose--
the first example
of resurrection
on the Day
till the Day
until the Day
of Resurrection
is a kind
of self-assessment
a heightened sense
conscious, committed degree
our familiar sensation
without ANY kind
of self-awareness
the whole enterprise
of self-perfection
dramatists, for purposes
of self-protection
the realm
of sense perception
woman possessed
of seven devils
the concern
of special experts
quite independently
of their direction
root principle
of their oppression
the power
of their oppressors
but loss
of their perfection
to either
of their perfections
peaceful enjoyment
of their possessions
the discipline
of their profession
barbarous Terms
of their Profession
else out
of their Protection
of them against her
get rid
of them forever
of Them from Their Birth
of them the better
off all
to all
of them together
that no
one else possesses
oneself together
to be the
perfect apprentice
Perfect attendance
right and a
perfect contentment
to the most
perfect subjection
guys would be
We were
you two are
perfect together
I see many
potential legends
warning to all
potential rebels
potential buyers and
potential sellers
their usefulness as
potential weapons
have heard the
professor lecture
true writers and
professors thereof
but to
protect the treasure
insurance and fire
protection methods
do not
regret a second
You will
regret forever
she would
rub them together
Prince in the
Sahara desert
area below the
ever to the
in the bleeding
middle of the
mountains of the
Sahara Desert
Emily Dickinson
Selected Letters
selected members
operation of such
selection pressures
can't avoid the
subject forever
the important
subject just mentioned
often the
subject of censure
determination on any
subject whatever
hidden by competitiveness and
perhaps their most
successful weapon
attempt to
suggest a better
my errors and
suggests corrections
off into the
to watch the
sunset together
could effectively
suppress the message
love I would
surrender heaven
Suspended sentence
up in
the air forever
the best of them, son
wise as
the best professors
making me
the better parent
and you're
the better speller
the center's well done
days in
the Delphian Temple
the depths of terror
world by
the devil's henchman
out at
the end together
the ends of their clubs
He really is
the epicenter
these two in
the ever-present
again rise above
the excremental
sit on
the fence forever
The Gender Bender
in as
the gentle present
the Gentlemen's Club
the head of SPECTRE
the help of devils
here at
the leisure centre
on using
the Melbourne method
humbly claim
the merit thereof
world in
the present era
example of
the present lemma
attention of
the present session
moved on from
the outcome of
the result of
was clear in
the referendum
do for
the restless present
and efficacy of
And what of
by faith in
chilly waiting for
or otherwise of
refused to acknowledge
the explanation of
trauma, the stronger
the resurrection
class tickets to
Virgin birth, in
the Resurrection
him, disregarding
the second letter
getting past
the second level
underwear in
the second sector
absent from
dies after
the second sentence
new in
the second session
destruction of
the Second Temple
the sense of presence
relation to
the sense perceptions
Star for
the Seven Network
lives in
the seventh heaven
Equality of
the sexes, better
the strength of heaven
roar throughout
the ten directions
Congress and
the Tenth Amendment
part of
the test together
the threat of terror
the weapons expert
forces in
through in
the Western Desert
I reach
the Western Heaven
this illicit sleeping
together question
Hold it
together, Edmund
as you
touch them together
I give him
tremendous credit
the exertion of
tremendous efforts
will give me
tremendous pleasure
and I
trust their directions
turn them against her
his jaw clenches,
unclenches, clenches
answer some really
unpleasant questions
We'd grown
up there together
were ever scared of
Eleven clubs
were represented
were sent from heaven
fascinating persons
were there together
building, they
were there TOGETHER
hard to
work there together
because we
them to
work well together
good night,
Worst Friend Forever
his tiny
young friend's attentions
We were
young men together
you call
yourself a dentist
yourself a medal
day, give
yourself a present
to defend
yourself against her
You're gonna get
yourself arrested
and keep blaming
yourself forever
gotta ask
yourself one question
But ask
yourself the question
H-hey, pull
Hurry and pull
let you get
So you pull
you come get
you couldn't pull
You pull
you to pull
yourself together

with 1 extra syllable

able men from dead ones
of the
above mentioned letter
should destroy the
above-mentioned temples
Adams ever kept up
be Sir
Alan's next apprentice
Holy Grail
among NES collectors
Arnold, Death of Nelson
yourself up, then
battle recommences
Bender, Bender, Bender
we'd be
bestest friends forever
better get a check up
better, they're much better
pictures they're
brutal sex offenders
allowed on
campus next semester
he did what
Cassius recommended
color represents monk
secondary and tertiary
colors represented
secondary and tertiary
colours represented
that the
Commonwealth comes second
who leaked this
confidential letter
here there's a
continental breakfast
continental breakfasts
out below the
continental level
band that
couldn't get arrested
botanist Adolph
Daniel Edward Elmer
to see Jefferson
Davis represented
of these
deserves special mention
Didn't Check The Weather
didn't get her bairn drunk
doesn't get much better
to the
double pretzel level
Edmund Clarence Stedman
humans on an
elemental level
occupations simultaneously with
equal self-possession
past and the
evanescent present
are never
ever ever ever
Ever, ever, ever
having surpassed his
famous predecessors
to your
final selves forever
really kill a
fire elemental
Florence Becker Lennon
sure, is a
fundamental error
one learns this
fundamental lesson
at a rather
clash at a
fundamental level
suddenly by a
fundamental question
blood to these
say about such
fundamental questions
world of the
future resurrection
giant steps against us
through its
global terror network
are clearly
gonna get arrested
knows they're
gonna get together
whole world's
gotta get together
like the Germans
Hitler represented
human flesh search engine
human flesh search engines
show you a
hundred retrogressions
people have slower
internet connections
words from the
Internet forever
make a
little extra effort
Nazir about our
little get-together
it's a
little temperamental
in through
merit, merit, merit
his life to
morbid self-attention
monarchs could
murder them together
We are
never ever ever
Never ever ever
never ever lets up
it, I'm
never ever tempted
never get arrested
never get the message
two will
never get together
never left the desert
never slept together
more,Never, never,
never, never, never
Never, never, never
noted men of letters
towered over
other men's successes
gold and
other precious metals
let's get
to put
we put
our heads together
can restore
our mental freshness
we found
our next contestants
by plotting against
many ways over
of thinking by
that rendered by
the labours of
the same as
which held helpless
our predecessors
reasons for supporting
the assumption that
the motive of
our predilections
did with
our present methods
sphere of
our sense perceptions
our sense-perception
and celebrate
our strength together
have otherwise
overrevved the engines
How'd your
parents get together
whenever show
people get together
Personnel selection
artefacts and
pestled them together
to what the
picture represented
each of the
pieces represented
any of our
predecessors ever
Presents, presents, presents
purchase, then a credit
Ideal, their
purpose, ever present
to answer
questions, questions, questions
yet the
region felt neglected
ice skate at
restaurant, Lieutenant, not
the skaters in
Rockefeller Center
door, and no
second referendum
Foot rubs,
secret hair collection
leave the
secret there forever
to be
someone else forever
it in a
special referendum
stapled them together
the category of
structure represented
the Mahatma has
suffered retrogression
fond regrets and
tender recollections
terror, terror, terror
Terror, terror, terror
who have achieved
total self-possession
I say, a
trifle temperamental
We are over-lawyered and
valor sentimental
Wanna get together
Wendell next semester
two Pacific
Western bears together

with 2 extra syllables

location of an
alien resurrection
I turned down
Alien Resurrection
casualness of their work
by Dutch
columnist Stella Bergsma
Consider their potential
Considered their suggestion
I'm a
convicted sex offender
sudden drop in
environmental pressure
die, we receive
eternal resurrection
everyone else, but guess what
Mosaic law or
governance represented
We are
important tender engines
to be
imprisoned there, forever
I'm the
infamous Edward Teller
shortly after
Jessica's tennis lesson
needed it for
Jonathan's resurrection
lesbians sent from heaven
Your expertise with
magical resurrection
print a
meaningful error message
medium-well, one well done
means of a
national referendum
perfectness yet of sentence
locks to make
possible self-protection
the door to
practical retrogression
It's a
punishment resurrection
He's a
you're a
registered sex offender
the emergency
required special measures
Such an ability
requires self-awareness
is the
shittiest Devil ever
typical men of letters
physical world
unfolded then together
He was its
unparalleled professor
visual sense of menace

with 3 extra syllables

confided to my
illustrious predecessor
predecessor but no
immediate predecessor
through this whole
incredible resurrection
Abbreviation of
independence referendum
particular set of lenses
on grounds of
political predilection
in a
political sense forever

with 4 extra syllables

to prove a
beatifical resurrection
approved by a
Palestinian referendum