exact syllable matches

got a
blow from Nature
was very irritable,
bored, frustrated
of anger
born from hatred
Hell, he's a natural-
born world-shaker
do us
both a favor
Bowden cable
Bowden cables
have been a
broken nation
if they had
chosen Maybel
to warm the
cold container
corbel table
corbel tables
corner cases
change the
of the
course of nature
is the
course of Nature
books and other
folded papers
for a day's work
guy up
my ass
they asked
for a favor
a madman
for a jailer
for a pay bump
you the perseverance
for attainments
It was
for her makeup
exome panel
for her patient
me over
for Sunday lunch
for the brave ones
human specimen
for the chamber
for the day, huh
certain preference
for the fable
for the faces
dignified protector
for the maiden
to come
for the major
generation,Still better
God's favor
is done
is freedom
of honor
people and
for the nation
cricket matches
the shops
for the paper
makes love
for the papers
medical treatment
for the patient
to fall
for the players
for the sake of
tables, flowers
for the table
is Proper
for the Table
for what they've done
guess what this genius-
for-a-day does
Force Awakens
was a
force of danger
and a
is a
such a
vitality, the
was a
would a
force of nature
country by a
register as a
foreign agent
bed jars and
like bed-jars and
foreign bacon
land to a
foreign nation
by attacks from
foreign nations
least foreign of
foreign races
the oblong
form of chamber
a masculine
form of Eva
From Mediaeval
form the ancient
early writers
form the basis
railway junction and
former station
for those that
fortune favors
adherents on a
are on a
global basis
change, and other
global dangers
life to our
global neighbors
globe luxation
globe luxations
So, just
go away, huh
go the way of
go-away bird
go-away birds
golden ager
golden agers
golden raisins
back to the
grownups table
who brought
home the bacon
striking success and
hopeless failure
than futile and
hopeless labor
desires and
hopes of races
refreshing as a
horse's anus
We're a
host of failures
Joseph Jacobs
do not
know, a stranger
Vin Diesel and
Lauren Graham
talk about Sarah
Lawrence later
Lawrence Taylor
Lawrence Thayer
not on a
local basis
page of the
you for the
local paper
George Stevens, a
local trader
lower chamber
yours in the
lower chambers
death of the
lower nature
mobile phases
mobile station
mobile stations
modal cases
clicked on a
could find a
did he, a
shoots him a
the kitchen a
moment later
fatal heart attack
Was blown up
moments later
a free and
marks of a
role of a
moral agent
Moral agent
Moral agents
face of a
moral danger
principle which measures
moral greatness
of the man's
the course of
moral nature
were making a
moral statement
moral suasion
moral suasions
he may become
more contagious
Anyhow, it was
can make us
more courageous
become more and
more frustrated
make unstable people
more unstable
save themselves from
mortal danger
him the
mortal way, first
to make the
mortgage payment
Morton Bay bug
men are
they are
most afraid of
determined, and the
most courageous
the beginning of
motor races
motor sailer
motor sailers
motor station
motor stations
his intellectual suffered
no abatement
name ANY of
Noah's neighbors
neither on peacefulness
nor persuasion
secretions neither copious
nor tenacious
normal bases
of describing a
normal basis
normal spaces
Norman Angell
Norman Mailer
road just
north of Salem
Eastern Europe and
Northern Asia
Northern Ladle
prices as
northern raised ones
northern raven
northern ravens
Nova Kapela
Oh, what flavour
open beta
personnel, re-examining other
open cases
open razor
open razors
about saving the
or dread of
open spaces
open table
a sufferer
or a patient
buck naked
or butt naked
Law of Contact
or Contagion
from usage,
or from nature
expression of anger
or frustration
own children,
or of strangers
Fortune, Luck
or one's neighbor
thereby producing conviction
or persuasion
to Europe,
or the Caymans
or the Framework
Catholic Church,
or the Masons
or Mahomet,
or the Saviour
big reel of
orange cable
and wadges of
orange paper
down at the
Orchid station
That is an
order sailor
he's an
order taker
new money all
over Asia
you cans come
over laters
hours which pass
over nations
increase its power
Mans triumph
over nature
of people
owed her favors
poker faces
After the professional
poker player
down at the
out at the
up at the
poker table
I am a
portrait painter
psoas major
be supported per
quarter acre
quarter waiter
quarter waiters
quotient spaces
down the
road of hatred
containing a
roll of paper
Roman matrons
declaring myself a
Roman pagan
the name of
Roman statesman
shoulder angel
shoulder angels
and the
shoulder came up
things that
show up later
are ya
so afraid of
It's just
so contagious
We were all
so courageous
now and
so does Nathan
soap acacia
sober spaces
big economic and
social changes
is a pleasant
social favor
social valence
soda paper
soda papers
sola gratia
soldier saved her
makes men masons,
soldiers, slaters
sort of break her
sort of danger
be a
sort of label
not some
sort of savior
In all
sorts of places
are that
becomes a
source of danger
is the
source of hatred
fact, a
sport of nature
stolen bases
fancy, and
Mondrian are
those of nature
torchon paper
torchon papers
in dungeons and
rape rooms and
torture chambers
of the
torture they earned
total bases
an immediate and
I was a
the voice of
way it's a
total failure
fellow murders a
moments of a
or of some
services for a
spawn of a
That was a
total stranger
friends, family, and
total strangers
averted a
war of races
of the
whole of Asia
and the
whole of nature
and the
whole world changes
he will cut
your acquaintance
your blood races
empty cups of
Your anger,
your frustration
Your the greatest

with 1 extra syllable

absorbent paper
absorbent papers
alone were faithful
also a great slut
its best, is
also courageous
cheaper, but
also much safer
also such great fun
methane gas and
ammonia vapor
of the most
atrocious nature
also Elf,
borrowed from later
like a
buttload of places
way to the
Composer's chamber
you can
control the nation
controlled container
crossover cable
crossover cables
begin with, being
promoted later
there has
proposed a wager
a century-long
record of failure
for what the
subordinate does
gets shot at
How about
went down at
Taco Cabeza
and motioned
toward the bacon
moral valet
towards the agent
towards the anus
not hostile
towards the players
and pointing
towards the stranger
died unmarked,
died, unmarked,
unknown, a failure

with 2 extra syllables

in a
Buffalo bus station
advertising characters The
Looks like the
Ninjas or my
California Raisins
the University of
California, Davis
University of
Mexico, one nation
day after
tomorrow from Naples