exact syllable matches

Star Sign -
Star Sign -
After all, I--
5 May
in the last
9 days
9 May
bike lane
bike lanes
blind date
not go on
blind dates
accept it on
blind faith
blind snake
blind snakes
bright nail
bright nails
by day
strive to walk
by faith
what you lost
by gain
remembered, certainly not
will NOW call
by name
by rail
by sail
should be taught
by slaves
by trade
total travel cost
by trains
chi che
child rape
child rapes
because of that
child's faith
will determine that
child's fate
Clive James
crime rate
crime rates
It's a one-man
crime wave
cry aim
dice game
dice games
dice snake
dice snakes
die hage
die plate
die plates
dire straights
Dire Straits
drive sale
drive sales
drive train
drive trains
dry haze
dry lake
dry lakes
dry plate
dry plates
dry weight
and cynicism has
dyed grey
eye plate
file name
file names
file snake
file snakes
One shall
find flames
Fine Gael
five eighth
five eighths
own, but, that's
five games
fly rail
fly rails
fly spray
fly sprays
high place
hype train
as that, and
how far have
I failed
as much as
I gave
of notion that
Red color that
I hate
a decision that
small miscalculation that
the decision that
what bargain have
I made
try as
I may
many strippers can
swing a bat,
I play
grew up and
my brothers and
I played
pity listen as
I pray
got up and
I prayed
- reptilian, as
- what shall
-- what shall
all the crap
bowling, what can
But what can
mean, what can
Mullah, what shall
please, what can
That's all
the leader and
the rhymes that
uh, how shall
Uh, what can
what can
I say
all insisted that
I stay
I'm glad that
I stayed
How much can
whenever I want,
I take
sit around and
I wait
species than an
ice age
Ice Age
Oh, fuck, an
ice cave
ice caves
ice skate
of speed on
ice skates
ice tray
ice trays
better theory of all
bend that far,
I'll break
have lunch, and
I'll pay
few children that
I'll raise
path you want,
I'll take
those countries are,
I'll wait
my parents that
I'm gay
they'll tell ya,
I'm great
So far,
I've failed
knife game
that he saw
life plain
to make all
life play
is risen, and
life reigns
light clay
light day
light days
light rail
light rails
light sail
light sails
light wave
light waves
It was
like fate
Hank, but not
like Mays
hair falls back
like nails
line break
line breaks
line weight
line weights
live rail
live rails
- Long
live Spain
live weight
lyre snake
lyre snakes
mai ales
mai tais
mild ale
mild ales
ran the half
mile race
mind game
mind games
another woman at
anything unusual at
like arthritis, at
reading Jump at
my age
That was
my aim
would tear off
my braid
a hat, that's
I've got
my brain
my nerve and
my brains
I was on
I'm on
my break
and get off
get off
No one understands
of nerds on
So I've lost
my case
But, whilst on
my date
Today's not
zero impact on
my day
not in all
Rose of all
my days
a mark on
a smile on
a squid on
air, brushed across
big cannon at
big smile on
can cum on
damned smile on
Do it on
dogs landing on
drunk and slaps
egg on
endearing smile on
fall flat on
felt it on
giant shit on
grease paint on
have soot on
huge smile on
its warmth on
large mole on
me and scratched
my glasses off
not fall on
pleased to call
red cup on
she sat on
smile comes across
stuff was on
sun's warmth on
the sting on
the sun on
their breath upon
themselves physically on
these things on
to gaze upon
with sun on
You drew on
you stare upon
your ass and
my face
Write it on
And I have
I had lost
I lost
reason I lost
that I've lost
You have all
my faith
me and not
my fame
hour for all
my gain
If I'm on
I'm off
my game
and changed all
my games
but you saw
my grades
Those are
my grapes
be planted on
gonna piss on
kicking dirt on
the daisies off
to pee on
my grave
is stronger than
my hate
friend, she was
my maid
And they've got
Bubbles is not
but it's not
Chou was
Did you call
heard him call
how I got
journalists fixated on
Pacas, man, that's
Please call
Roberts, that's
She called
that is not
That's not
when you call
You got
your nickname was
my name
at all was
make you understand
my bargains, and
you can understand
you understand
my pain
didn't even dock
my pay
a shower at
Back at
battlefield is not
hang out at
I have at
It's not
my place
he was on
my plane
a shapeshifter on
only case on
some grapes on
the crumbs off
my plate
I stalk
I target as
my prey
gonna need all
my range
moon shines on
my sail
Light coming off
my sails
more truer than
my saints
I have had
I'm gonna have
my say
5 ounces on
my scale
And you are
my slave
order - as
my slaves
That was
my space
Get off
his ass off
star live on
my stage
animal act on
get up on
got one on
YOU shot off
my tail
and certainly are
my taste
of mortals on
my trail
should be on
my train
and be on
and I lost
and I'm on
best be on
Breakers Yard on
but I'm on
dark light blocked
gotta be on
Guess, I'm on
I am on
I was on
I'll be on
It is not
must be on
my compass and
now I'm on
old man pass
satisfied I'm on
stay right on
that I lost
that I'm on
then I lost
think I lost
was finally on
Well, I'm on
year I lost
Yes, I'm on
my way
night safe
night safes
night snake
on the all
night train
Night Vale
four months, and
nine days
ninth grade
ninth grades
Pi Day
it from that
pie place
pie safe
pie safes
pipe snake
pipe snakes
price range
He was
quite brave
quite gay
She was
quite pale
rice cake
rice cakes
Beans, salt,
rice, sake
right brain
right brains
right face
in logical and
right game
right whale
right whales
Isn't that
right, James
You all
right, mate
Women are
rye flake
rye flakes
side chain
side chains
side gaze
side plate
side plates
side play
What does that
sign say
sine wave
sine waves
thinking using a cat-
sized brain
skier day
skier days
storms call and
skies break
spike train
spike trains
splice tape
splice tapes
Spy Game
spy plane
Steins Gate
market is a no-called-
strike game
strike plate
strike plates
strike rate
strike rates
strike sail
Tai Lake
hanging breathless on
thy fate
house, and on
thy gates
What thy rank,
thy name
thy honor and
thy shame
tide day
tide days
tide gate
tide gates
tide gauge
tide wave
tide waves
tie break
tie breaks
tie plate
tie plates
time frame
time frames
time freight
time freights
one of the all-
time greats
time scales
worker is a part-
time slave
it has, at
times, frayed
type face
vice rey
vine staves
tackling a straightforward, black-and-
white case
White Day
white grape
white grapes
anti-government groups attract
white males
or with other non-
White males
white plague
White Plains
white sage
white slave
white slaves
white space
the bottom are
white straight
white whale
white whales
wide game
wide games
Mother's Day, not
Wife's Day
wind scale
wind scales
Wind wave
Wind waves
wine cake
wine cakes
wine cave
wine caves
wine grape
wine grapes
wine whey
wyne tre
kind of familiar, pal-
y way

with 1 extra syllable

Are you feeling
alright, mate
some of my
archives mail
Hawkeye State
massively multiplayer
the massively multiplayer
online game
ill when playing
massively multiplayer
misery in my
online games
getting so much
online hate
in the Hospital's
online page
back Hitting Sixteen
Parkside Lane
Rankine scale
vampire's sad little
vampire brain

with 2 extra syllables

Africa, is an
call Israel an
functions as an
Israel is an
apartheid state
soon become an
Apartheid State