exact syllable matches

au gratin
au matin
people can
boast as much
bolt action
bolt actions
bone spanner
bone spanners
earlobe, scalp and
both ankles
both barrels
and Venus are
both planets
closed caption
closed captions
clothes hanger
clothes hangers
clothes valets
coal cracker
coal crackers
Coarse language
coat hanger
coat hangers
This is not
code language
in all that
cold blackness
cold transfer
cold transfers
cord factor
core sample
core samples
Corfe Castle
cork jacket
corn cracker
corn crackers
corn salad
corpse candle
corpse candles
court baron
court plaster
court plasters
courts baron
Crowe Ransom
doe, half buck
Don't have some
onto ones that
right and wrong
don't matter
door handle
door handles
Dore Ashton
drogue anchor
dwarf planet
dwarf planets
dwarf rabbit
dwarf rabbits
float glasses
folk dancer
folk dancers
folk dances
horny men starved
The time calls
for action
is no cause
for anger
I've just called
Phone boy called
Should I call
you depend on
for backup
have no resolve
for battle
both operated on
for cancer
our great mom
for granted
will never want
for Hamon
What was that
for Master
for ransom
The r stands
for rapid
A trap
for Santa
an entire star
for shrapnel
anti-crime and
for tax cuts
too small
for that bird
a card
for that one
Banner fall
for that stuff
the tab
for that, huh
brought a chance
for travel
Welsh and Uganda
for Ugandans
forge wagon
forge wagons
form classes
form factor
form factors
was my so-called
form master
form taxa
form taxon
treads but on
four pasterns
George Cantor
George Chapman
George Gallup
George Jackson
George Packer
George Patton
George Salmon
George Sansom
Ghosts can't love
scuttle off
ghosts that come
go after
go bankrupt
go platinum
to starve and
go ragged
gold master
gold masters
Gold standard
gold standards
of life has
grown faster
growth factor
growth factors
growth hacker
growth hackers
hold ransom
Paint the black
hole blacker
home planet
horn angle
horn angles
horned adder
horned adders
horse blanket
horse blankets
Joe Cannon
that fans
we all
you all
know and love
know backwards
we all
know that one
Lord Acton
I have
low ankles
low hangers
Low Latin
Low Saxon
mole fraction
mole fractions
an apple and
more apples
More at thrutch
More back turns
more carrots
and a lot
more cattle
Do you want
more taxes
more than blood
breasts cost
more than hers
It was
more than love
a lot
more than luck
butcher's yard
my ass
more than once
I have
none as
more than one
well as
more than us
It was
most tranquil
All talk and
no passion, and
simply words, and
no action
There was
no anger
that I have
no angle
and I have
but there was
There was
no answer
Photographer Cowherd has
riddles that have
which there are
no answers
no patrol cars,
no backup
There are
no bad guns
all hat and
no cattle
ago, I had
no dragons
Tell Chaz
no hammers
and you are
no hamster
There was
no malice
You got
no manners
Dragons have
no masters
all thought and
no matter
but you got
no paddle
I have
no talent
No time card,
no taxes
Can't stop
no traction
west and
north than Bourke
oak apple
oak apples
oat grasses
A jack-
need help carving my Zack-
old banger
old bangers
former war was
old fashioned
Old Latin
painting by an
old master
Old Master
kind hands and
old masters
Old Masters
Quoted as an
old maxim
Old Saxon
Old Trafford
can hardly be called
whether in thought
or action
a previous paragraph
or chapter
coined from Dan
or Daniel
by their cars
or fashions
braces or contacts
or glasses
you can grasp
or handle
From kram
or krama
patterns of thought
or language
with stripes, spots
or patterns
any catchy songs
or Santa
experience doing improv
or stand-up
, now Tajo
or Tagus
fins or claws
or talons
your job,
or that girl
play than Mozart
or Wagner
osos panda
We do not
own candles
Pau Brasil
pau hana
poke salad
poke salads
pole dancer
pole dancers
pole dances
poll taxes
Pope Francis
pork barrel
pork barrels
Port Allen
Port Talbot
post factum
post hanger
post hangers
pro rata
quoad sacra
Ro Khanna
road apple
road apples
road captain
road captains
rogue planet
rogue planets
roll latten
Via Italo-
Romance from
rope ladder
rope ladders
rose apple
rose apples
rose camphor
rose madder
rose madders
short ballot
short ballots
short handed
short passes
show ankle
show glasses
slow dances
slow matches
smoke wagon
smoke wagons
smoked salmon
smoked salmons
snow alga
snow apple
snow apples
snow banner
snow banners
snow cannon
snow cannons
snow panther
snow panthers
to talk
so damn much
And was
so dazzled
so fashion
Humans are
it was
They are
so fragile
rich, he was
so handsome
so random
But it's not
So Random
and I am
so thankful
Is that not
so, Madam
sorb apple
sorb apples
soul fragment
soul fragments
soul patches
source language
sport jacket
sports jacket
Stoke Canon
Stoke Hammond
steel on
stone and dirt
stone bramble
stone brambles
stone falcon
stone falcons
stone hammer
stone hammers
stone knapper
stone knappers
storm matches
sword grasses
thorn apples
the heavier on
those after
strings were on
those albums
is lifted and
those answers
you see all
those banners
to seeing all
those fashions
life with all
those gadgets
of god dropped
those glasses
work on
those last words
to turn on
those matters
You call
those nads, sir
until I have
those nanites
to throw off
those shackles
You call
those skanks girls
half of all
those taxes
those wagons
throat halyard
throat latches
That Talk And
Throw Apples
toad strangler
toe dances
toe tapper
toe tappers
toll castle
toll castles
torque spanner
torque spanners
war dances
war hammer
war hammers
war wagon
war wagons
like, all
warm and stuff
warm transfer
warm transfers
warp factor
warp factors
whole language
whole package
das kann man
wohl sagen
I trust that
won't happen
I want
your absence
I alphabetized all
your albums
go down upon
your anger
answer, well, that's
Depending on
You got
You just want
your answer
you shall have
your answere
I'd copy all
your answers
sit here on
who saves all
your asses
something on
your back, sir
my wife as
your backup
Put that on
your banner
just as
your branch does
I am
to serve as
your captain
your challenge
I hate all
your chapters
You saw
your dad burn
your dragons
a button off
It's on
your jacket
And watch
I don't understand
remember to watch
show you, watch
told you, watch
your language
world with all
your malice
Matilda, where are
O'Connell, are
Where are
your manners
look great on
your mantle
and I am
Dis is not
hey, I'm not
I am
Selim is not
your master
Compress all
your matter
And that's
your maxim
Your packed lunch
beautiful green on
your palette
It feeds off
your conviction and
your passion
a rebellion on
dominant species on
it is on
the ones on
weather like on
your planet
Your plans suck
as this cause
your sadness
Just take off
your shackles
- but as
your spaniel
Where are
your standards
is, after all,
your talent
and I was
your vassal

with 1 extra syllable

this one is
almost arid
almost at the
until I
almost had one
and Chris, are
also actors
also adverse
also advert
also Alannah
also and Dutch
also as a
a maiden but
also barren
also camba
autonomous republics, and
also cantons
also cracker
also fraction
presidential candidate,
also had one
also hangen
also Latin
also mammer
also Nanna
also rackle
also sadness
also Schaden
temperament, these are
also talent
Also that one
the badges are
also trackers
them to try
Ambrose Chapel
French, and words from
Argo Chasma
barcode scanner
barcode scanners
time-honored disguise and
borrowed language
Along Rio
Bravo Canyon
cargo pallet
seats slung between
cargo pallets
compo ration
compo rations
and protector of
Cosmo Canyon
the inorganic
cosmos, as one
by those that
follow after
could possibly
follow that up
helpful, if one
follows patterns
Glasgow patter
Glasgow salad
Glasgow salads
such arguments are
hollow chatter
and the merry,
hollow laughter
I was a
hologram once
Karo Batak
macho alfa
macho dancer
macho dancers
Where's the
Macho Man huh
macro language
Moscow salad
Yo soy
Pablo Chacon
they shot
popcorn at us
ratto talpa
sacco nanna
Sinbad crossed with
Sancho Panza
shadow matter
like concretions of
sorrow, anger
taco salad
taco salads
Waldorf salad
Waldorf salads

with 2 extra syllables

swept through their
Apollo capsule
Delano Abbott
sedano rapa
tobacco, dipping
tobacco and snus
be destroyed by
tomorrow's masters

with 3 extra syllables

Colorado snapper
Colorado snappers
outweighs what
Cristiano has done
in normally anonymous
ostinato patterns
Santiago Baca