exact syllable matches

total of
7 funding bills
you had
better admit it
life the
better worth living
, Grand
Central Publishing
Cert covered in lint
chest, doesn't it, Sticks
dead but the living
death of a sibling
edge of the building
rules of standard
edited English
Edited English
worth the
effort of living
demanding the
effort of thinking
Browne by Sir
Egerton Brydges
He has
elegance in him
has different
elements in it
was torn by
elements within
end of fucking list
ends up crushing him
did he
going to
enter the building
to the
essence of living
error that God
sin you have
ever committed
people would
ever forgive him
ear without
ever touching lips
until the
evidence is in
evidence is mixed
evidence is this
evidence--and the
evidence will win
centers within the
federal building
federal district
federal districts
French film
festival, Kristin
friends of the victims
friends were loving it
up with something non-
gender specific
British English and
general English
important branches of
general physics
bravest and most
generous spirits
get nervous with it
gets the fucking thing
help from us in this
will all
lead productive lives
lead the world in this
Let the fun begin
let us forgive him
Autobiography and
Introduction to
Letters of Mrs
our present
level of thinking
Level one, begin
of schools and
medical clinics
Go sell some
medicine, bitches
mess Russia in in
messed the rug in years
first published
method appears in
as a
method of killing
and savage
methods of thinking
officers, with
never a flinching
programmed to
though you'd
never admit it
alive, I'll
never forgive him
this, I'LL
I will
never forgive Phil
and never,
never once squinted
the oppressor,
never the victim
him, I
never trusted him
for the
next 100 years
that guy from
Penguin Publishing
but the
pleasure of drinking
had the
pleasure of killing
else does the
predator exist
can't get
pregnant from kissing
question, what is it
Skyler, you've
read the statistics
realm of the living
the color
red doesn't exist
accidents recorded during
regular filming
sure of getting
regular sittings
it's not
relevant, is it
an emotional
resonance with it
rest of the building
rest of the picnic
scares us, does it Zip
careful research or
sensible thinking
set us up willing
share a skull with him
Shepard, but is killed
strength comes from within
and the gerund
to English gerund
suffix -ing
tell her what it is
tell us what it is
the national
temperament in him
the maximum
temperature in Minsk
Because there's
tenderness in him
foyer of a
tenement building
stars, how
terrible is it
are, how
terrible it is
not too
terrible, is it
texture of his skin
their servers in-synch
them from the victims
then the truck hit it
there's a worm in it
they're just a gimmick
of the root
vegetable district
weather permitting
Well, tough fucking shit
Asia and the
Western Pacific

with 1 extra syllable

especially with
11 fucking quid
actually very
acceptable this year
Adventures of Tintin
faith, Which neighbourly
affection nourisheth
too much
attention from linguists
in heightened
awareness of living
vision is
commensurate with this
comments of the critics
humane in
straw in
comparison with it
South Dakota's at-large
congressional district
established an odd-shaped
Congressional district
mobilized in every
the Texan First
Congressional District
a failure of
are alien to
conventional physics
clever rhetoric or
fundamentally change its
conventional thinking
corrections were slipped in
must be
developed from within
years behind in trans-
years to master trans-
dimensional physics
his special
direction from instinct
right to self-
direction from within
electoral district
electoral districts
of sick
experiment is this
dreadful, however sudden,
however afflicting
incredible in it
This is
intelligent living
was the
invention of printing
three wishes my
malevolent spirits
professional victim
professional victims
or a
professor of English
reflects the world within
remember what it is

with 2 extra syllables

of its
architecture from within
in Lord
Birkenhead, Rudyard Kipling
a precise and
comprehensible physics
inferential statistics
bloody, brutal, violent,
reprehensible killing
to represent
the suffix -nisse
and engage in
unconventional living