exact syllable matches
aegir ----
have a Top
10 single
ripped off an
air biscuit
air biscuits
air bridges
air filter
air filters
air kisses
air pistol
air pistols
air ticket
air tickets
Valley, could not
bear children
I cannot
bear witness
bearing up
bears witness
bed ridden
bell ringer
bell ringers
belting up
Ben Sira
Ben Stiller
ben vista
best bitter
best bitters
betting up
Betz limit
Betz limits
blessed thistle
blessed thistles
bread kitchen
bread kitchens
care giver
Celtic punk
check digit
check digits
checking up
and performer was
Clare Fischer
dead fishes
dead ringer
Dead Ringers
Dead River
death whistle
death whistles
deck bridges
des winters
I'll not
dress it up
dressing up
Ed Sheeran
eh, with tusks
Elk River
em vigor
en instance
en vigor
end result
end results
ending up
It's all
ending, huh
of thought
ends with her
Eric Berne
Eric Trump
Especially a blonde
Essex girl
Essex girls
live here, all
ethnic Uyghurs
fair dinkum
fair enough
fair in love
fair linen
Fen River
fence lizard
fence lizards
fence sitter
fence sitters
fesses up
fessing up
flaring up
Fred Fisher
Fred Willard
French kisser
French kissers
French kisses
French knickers
French tickler
genning up
get enough
Get him, Sponge
get in touch
arse, and
get it done
get it up
can not
I cannot
get rid of
are created are
getting blurred
fire, And not
getting burned
in bars and
getting drunk
So, you are
getting flushed
No one was
Someone was
you can outsmart
getting hurt
You're not
getting one
getting some
but he's not
getting up
abduction nightmares are
broadly, everything was
getting worse
Ghent system
Ghent systems
glare filter
glare filters
Guess which one
hair trigger
hairpin curve
hairpin curves
hairpin turn
hairpin turns
Hare Krishna
You've got
head pigeons
hedge trimmer
hedge trimmers
prop that's
held him up
somehow, I was
That's not
helping her
helping verb
helping verbs
hen pigeon
hen pigeons
herring gull
herring gulls
herring worm
Jeff Stilson
jet bridges
Ken Wilber
Ken Wilbur
Kenneth Burke
kept wicket
kept women
Kevin Rudd
L clearance
lead crystal
lead crystals
lead fiddle
lead fiddles
lead singer
lead single
lead singles
left inverse
all that's
left is hurt
Left winger
Left wingers
leg bridges
leg business
leg spinner
leg spinners
leget um
lucrative, a lot
less prison
meant business
Meg Whitman
concept art was
gang up on
Mel Gibson
melting up
men children
men will work
will not
mess it up
messes up
messing up
metric ton
metric tons
net income
net incomes
pear psylla
pear psyllas
She's all
pelvic thrust
pelvic thrusts
pen picture
pen pictures
petits jours
premier but
premiers buts
red ginger
red gingers
red liquor
red nigger
red niggers
red piller
red ribbon
red ribbons
red ring skirt
red ring skirts
Red River
pyrargyrite, or dark
red silver
Red Symons
red trilliums
red wiggler
the walls
walls Are
red with blood
red-billed gull
red-billed gulls
redded up
redding up
all distant galaxies are
revving up
It's not
said enough
Knock, knock,
says Mr
what your mom
says, Mr
I was
scared shitless
Scared shitless
scared spitless
scaring up
self image
please turn off that
main job was
selling drugs
selling up
sending up
sending word
set chisel
set chisels
knows Oswald,
sets him up
Setting sun
setting up
sex kitten
sex kittens
Sex Pistols
sex symbol
sex symbols
- had
sex with her
sexing up
share milker
share milkers
shell ginger
shell gingers
sneck lifter
sneck lifters
spelling word
spelling words
spells Tigger
spendthrift trust
spendthrift trusts
spread limit
spread limits
square inches
stencil work
tear it up
tearing up
something you're not
telling us
and link all
I only got
ten fingers
ten million
my mother's not
on, you got
ten minutes
test driven
Thames Ditton
Thames River
alone in all
their brilliance
and carried on
They are
their business
might have on
out of all
the gods and
their children
Throwing darts at
their dinner
in practically all
their dishes
and watched off
their fingers
Washington sweet on
their interests
order to launch
their missiles
fall back on
their reserves
the Masjid on
their return
them on
their trip, but
You might call
them fringers
We call
them tickets
books and called
them wicked
Then fear comes
then it's won
is no God
then Mr
It's all
there is, sir
there pictures
There, it worked
there's Lincoln
There's still a
They'll kill us
They're bishops
they're children
they're fearless
They're in love
They're killers
this house not
wearing gloves
rally, everyone was
wearing one
wedge prism
wedge prisms
well, ay, not
well enough
well liquor
well liquors
welling up
West Bishop
West Briton
West Britons
West Frisian
depend on
when it does
when it hurts
This was
when it turned
when it's done
Where is Church
Where's it from
wrecking pump
wrecking pumps
Windows, and OS
X systems
yes women
yes, it works
has not
have not
yet been done
mythos has not
ones have not
yet emerged
it was not
yet kindled
messenger has not
yet returned
obligations are
yet with us
Zell Miller
with 1 extra syllable
Advent Children
cathead biscuit
cathead biscuits
ass with
comment, it just
as an adaptive
lead to a
viewed as a
complex system
Complex system
abstractions to model
diverse kinds of
dynamical systems and
engaging with specific
in complexity and
mathematical studies of
of larger, more
of these very
the dynamics of
the vulnerability of
complex systems
Complex systems
gallery of vivid,
complex women
not enough to
content Mr
when the
contest is done
, on the
Donets river
magnetic flux
Maxwell bridges
each moving
object in turn
if that
object is null
program a different
programming a particular
object system
with the
objects it loves
Po and the
Piave rivers
that the
process will work
sharing that
process with us
certain ideas of
progress become
the philosophy of
progress, Mr
Project Christmas
structures of a
software system
as well as
components of large
software systems
with 2 extra syllables
Isobel Bishop
have been rendered
permanent children
it's just not
permanent enough
They accomplish no
permanent result
with 4 extra syllables
paramesonephric duct
paramesonephric ducts