exact syllable matches
a break from
- this
entered an
in an
age of fear
like, one Band-
Aid a year
aim assist
to be an
aimless thing
anal fin
anal fins
monument of an
ancient fear
angel fish
I let an
angel in
bones of fallen
angel wings
will clip an
Angel's wings
April 6
apron string
apron strings
kid, or an
Asian kid
albus an
ater sit
bail jumping
baker in
BASE jumping
Bay of Pigs
blazen in
brain bucket
want a
break from it
If not bizarre,
the kitchen and
break something
like my pre-martial
break-up fears
cable knit
cable ship
cable ships
Shepherd had
came up with
Cape constricts
I can't
change a thing
change nothing
did not
change one bit
change purses
moments and
change the will
Time has
changed nothing
season interrupts and
system, rather than
changes it
Well, that
changes things
dame just sits
data stick
data sticks
We got a
date coming
Dave Ulrich
did that
day a sin
face fucking
face fuckings
on the
face of it
on the
face of things
wheels around and
faces him
Well, I was
fake chirping
fake one is
your mom a
favor, Sid
God did not
favour him
Lemme see cock-
flavored spit
frame fucking
Fraser Anning
the house that
Frasier built
game of kings
game of skill
games of skill
game's the thing
gave a rip
gaven in
Compare aghast,
gaze, adhere
geva dill
glabrous skin
glacial drift
glacial drifts
glacial milk
glacial milks
glacial till
glacial tills
the gods
graced us with
graven in
stupendous voices and
great careers
happens with that
Great Pumpkin
a great land
potential rewards are
greater still
greatest film
will preserve God's
greatest gift
hail the King
hate fucking
sinner and
hate the sin
wife and stepdaughter
hated it
Like it was
Hazel Blears
Hey, what's this
wasn't even on
Jacob's list
Come on,
Jaden, think
jail purses
Jake Dunning
Jason Biggs
K trusses
what society has
labeled him
are labels, and
labels stick
laden in
laser disc
laser discs
laten in
lay judges
lazen lip
More at chamber,
wands and
made a bridge
world and
made a wish
genitive was
made from it
Walls are
made of bricks
all have
thinking, have
made of him
Everything was
we have
would have
made of it
attractive and
threads are
made of silk
Puns are
made of this
mail merges
mail merging
major in
major sixth
major sixths
I cannot
one man
make a film
make a lip
make a mint
does not
make a spring
rather than
make a stink
legs and
make a wish
make love with
is gonna
make of this
make one film
down and
make the kill
faults that
make us feared
Come and
make us kings
it's gonna
make us rich
last act
makes the film
not what
makes us rich
or poets, and
makes verses
as long as
Mason lived
Mason twist
Mason twists
Maynard Smith
nail punches
I saw a
naked chick
injuries, not the
naked kid
They are
From polygon
name suffix
Hans Zinsser and
Nathan Brill
realize how awesome
nature is
of nature, and
nature kills
and heaven, and
nature sing
nature strip
nature strips
navel string
navel strings
pages in
which he has
paid nothing
paid the bills
paint bucket
painted finch
their kitchens and
painted it
I've got the
painters in
paper bin
paper clip
paper clips
where the Xerox
paper is
people from that
paper mill
paper mills
The bar
patrons cheer
'em -
pay the bill
pay the bills
pays the bills
he has
placed a gift
More elevated than
plainer drink
plate lunches
play something
the Cosmo on
Rachel's lip
raise a stink
raise the fear
the force that
raises it
I was
Ranger Rick
razor thin
what if Ronald
Reagan quit
sacred fig
sacred figs
most define and
most divine and
sacred gift
sage brushes
Saint something
write upon the
same subjects
Is she on
Satan's Ridge
save the King
expression God
From God
Save the King
hold it and
to stop and
savor it
a lot and
say nothin'
by, watch and
take everything and
thy peace and
too much and
will do and
say nothing
bitty baby talk
but you gotta
Come on,
Go on,
I gotta
I wanna
of you morons
of you wanna
on, come on,
speak up and
would I wanna
You wanna
say something
shaken it
Shaman King
military these past
shameful years
stage buses
Stretch it and
staple it
state churches
station bill
station bills
stave churches
straight flushes
way creepier than
straight-up filth
strain of this
wonder who that
stranger is
Stranger Things
table beer
tail merging
give and
take a bit
take a chill
take a dip
you're gonna
take a drink
enemy and
take a hill
hell can't
I can
man cannot
obviously can't
who can
take a hint
we all
take a hit
take a pill
really gotta
you wanna
take a piss
take a risk
he can
take a sip
take a spill
just gotta
take a whiff
take a whiz
take a whizz
take a wiz
take a wizz
It's gonna
take courage
dues and
take some risks
take the fifth
did not
you not
take the hint
you can
take the kit
take the mick
take the piss
you not
take the Ring
take the risk
of honor and
take umbrage
take up with
groans cannot
take us in
abominable snowman has
taken him
his wife was
taken ill
information we have
material they have
public, naturally, was
taken in
demons must have
else must have
you might have
taken it
takes a hint
thumb, and
takes a shit
I mean, that
takes courage
takes first pitch
takes the hint
takes the piss
takes umbrage
taper pin
taper pins
taste of it
before you have
his knees and
tasted it
and quite often
tasteless skits
threatened, and called
Taylor Swift
hostile targets as
more deviant than
of nature as
second are what
them are as
they appear
as great as
they appeared
fast as
they come in
fast as
they earn it
they flourished
they learning
him, yeah,
How can
they love him
how shall
they love Him
it and
Little tarts,
they are,
they love it
Virgin and
they loved it
conviction as
they once did
Where are
they punished
They serve beer
than that
they were feared
I thought
they were fish
They were killed
I thought
they were shit
I thought
they were twins
impression that
they were wings
They've done it
- you wanna
trade something
chrome off a
shine off a
trailer hitch
train surfing
You're gonna
wake up Sid
waste of skin
gazing across the
wasted years
wasten wit
wastes of skin
all the
way from Xing
all the
way up it
work that
way, does it
huffing, but not
ze puffing
zeta pinch
with 1 extra syllable
acacia tit
he's not
I'm not
afraid of him
am not
and are
he's not
people are
they are
afraid of it
I was
afraid of this
she wasn't
always a bitch
but they won't
always admit
faster, never slower,
always coming
and it
always does win
and lonely, but
always learning
I will
always love him
heart, you'll
they will
always love it
I have
always loved it
to Stockholm, but
always nothing
We was
always one thing
end they are
always punished
always somethin'
know that there's
There is
always something
Always the years
people she's
always worked with
before, I was
it easy, you're
always working
But it's
always worth it
I'm not
rebels are
ashamed of it
you not
ashamed of this
Australian Mist
Australian Mists
I got
occasionally got
the ball
they are
away from him
and walk
Don't walk
gunfire, not
I got
men's thoughts
really walked
seldom was
so far
too far
away from it
can walk
can't walk
just walk
still walk
they walk
you'll walk
away from this
champagne bucket
container ship
container ships
jackstay searches
children can
things must
who shall
partake of it
consciousness that
partakes of it
you think this
salvation is
Sunday punches
Today's the thing
translated it
about people, the
translation is
turntable hit
turntable hits
That's what
wallpaper is
with 2 extra syllables
coaptation splint
coaptation splints
going to make
combinations with
It's a
compensation thing
they molded and
complicated him
most delicate and
complicated skill
of people doing
worry about such
complicated things
Look, it's not
complicated, Vince
cold premeditation and
concentrated skill
it's a highly
concentrated thing
the authorities would've
The Xerox police
confiscated it
how ironic this
That's what
conversation is
conversation pit
conversation pits
knows where the
demarcation is
Hayek that she
dominated him
two weeks
holidays a year
don't know the
holiday's coming
The transformation
incantation is
part of an Oscar-
nominated film
were made into Oscar-
nominated films
perhaps more invasive
observation will
occupation bridge
occupation is
heart of their
operation is
church believed and
promulgated it
the refusal
propagates a fear
simply cannot
tolerate the thing
with 3 extra syllables
accommodation bill
accommodation bills
language which closely
approximated it
it had a
preoccupation with