exact syllable matches
to ripen and
be edible
I can
be emperor
be fair brother
I will however,
be generous
it must
be mentioned first
correspondance would not
be regular
No system can
be secular
colored persons must
be senators
for God's sake,
Therefore A must
be sensible
be skeptical
their embodiment must
be temporal
It might
the sufferings may
be terrible
So let it
be veronal
who can
beat Eggman first
beat Predator
creme caramel
creme caramels
Used by Catherine
De Medicis
unsaid and
deeds left undone
intermixed with other
dream elements
one atom of
each element
even watch
each member of
pet which
eats excrement
deeply, I can
feel sensual
but it will
fruit, please, I
I - I
We just
years and I
You must
feel terrible
there isn't
greed, there's hunger
hearts only the
Greek sentiment
Look where
sure where
he ended up
he ever done
grins when
he gets nervous
He helped us once
he left the club
well, that
he measures up
he met a girl
he met the one
just said
he never comes
hello, but
he never does
discipline which
he never learnt
He said couples
us, how
he threatened us
him and
he went berserk
Hegel, but
he went further
that fur, well,
he's credible
to everyone
he's ever loved
it's because
he's scared shirtless
Keith Chesterton
used as a
leaf vegetable
leaf vegetables
it is at
least excellent
some moments at
least, terrible
Bill Melendez and
Lee Mendelson
And you call
me arrogant
brings me off
me excellence
I've learned
me lesson, sir
You can call
me Marilyn
me question stuff
me set stuff up
me, General
out on
me, never runs
Please, tell
me, Pegasus
mise en service
need evidence
need help from us
p-n junction
p-n junctions
of the
precept of love
centralized control has gained
mathematics and chemistry stand
prepared mustard
prepared mustards
present as a
real element
about them, a
he was a
real gentleman
and get some
since I've practiced
we'll use the
real medicine
it was
real, selfless love
life had a
to hit the
try hitting the
reset button
reset buttons
down in my
revenge journal
I was a
revenger once
sea elephant
sea elephants
sea vegetable
sea vegetables
the plump and succulent
See precellence
It just doesn't
seem feminine
summer to summer
seems measureless
mouth, if
she ever does
she never won
What if
she's terrible
Sierra plum
Sierra plums
He died on
St Helena
steal their thunder
stream editor
Sweet Festival
Sweet Medicine
That's a
team, gentleman
doesn't fight against
novel combination of
slightest use of
the implementation of
these elements
validity of all
these estimates
be back after
Valmiki gave all
these messages
the receipt of
these messages,
away from vacating
that gun off
these premises
the vainglory of
these spectacles
revolve Between the
will contain all
three elements
elephant, two elephant,
three elephant
but neither are
we elephants
standards when
we enter the
every sermon
we ever heard
we ever were
We get stuff done
We get the guns
we never learn
as if
mean uh,
we never were
weak reference
Christ one
work one
weekend a month
We're meddlesome
Z left but uh
with 1 extra syllable
series -
Sketch the First
Series -
Sketch the Third
Altes Testament
Annie Henderson
her name is
Annie Zernike
It is by definition
respectable and straightfaced and
not caused by
any arrogance
another geometrician of
any eminence
any duty, for
any endurance
I don't have
lie unsupported by
necessary to produce
the President destroyed
Treaty, without providing
we don't have
any evidence
Karen, you have
any preference
complete lack of
any reference
just don't see
any relevance
minute in
any weather, sir
Your brother's an
army deserter
tribal taboos of
army etiquette
of a prominent
Army general
Army General
never rode a
baby elephant
handwriting is, uh,
barely legible
barely said a word
Beneath bedcovers
Are these
berries edible
the delicate balance
between predator
suffer, you
blerry well suffer
stage a simple
bloody spectacle
to keep your
body flexible
diverse topics in mind-
the epitome of mind-
body medicine
to control their
body temperature
body temperatures
abuse shall not
you helped him
bury evidence
try to
carry their burden
Chelsea pensioner
Chelsea pensioners
From the
Chinese legend of
in traditional
to all of
use in traditional
used in traditional
Chinese medicine
phrase by mainland
Chinese netizens
Like a
classy gentleman
dance sculptures are
clearly evident
of spices, a
complete blessedness
to get the
complete evidence
can speak in
like, talk in
still speak in
complete sentences
a shred of
also substantiated by
have requested more
concrete evidence
copy edited
copy editor
country gentleman
a big, fat,
curly-headed fuck
a feeling of
deadly helplessness
the question of
discreteness vs
DeVall, an
Jackson Titus, an
Joseph Kershaw, an
Named after an
Sterling, an
William Phelps, an
early settler
of the four
earthly elements
what an
earthly parent does
an exercise in
empty cleverness
did not
exceed ten dirhams
modern times
fairly well preserved
two hundred and
fifty elephants
these things with
godly excellence
due to their
guilty general
Honesty is
hardly ever heard
in pencil and
hardly legible
Harry Turtledove
heavy weather of
Henry Pemberton
act which
increased their number
Jesse Ventura
Lafayette hubbard
ephemeral and very
largely sensuous
Larry Fessenden
Lobby stems from the
She was a
lousy senator
but you're a
lousy wrestler
would need too
many elements
would get so
many messages
a retired, three-star
Marine general
maybe get a fern
maybe their trust funds
Fresh as
monkey's breath, brother
Monte Everest
a complex and
multitextured one
the previous
nannies never, er
man with a
nasty temperament
oblique stem of the
lesson in proper
party etiquette
perceived temperature
perceived temperatures
I can get
pretty arrogant
whole dying thing
pretty bearable
Pretty clever, huh
ready reckoner
ready reckoners
Really excellent
That hand is
really flexible
really get much worse
or slow isn't
really relevant
That was
really terrible
is not to
receive messages
Whoever gives reverence
receives reverence
Revealed preference
you were
Rusty Venture once
Sandy, help, someone
without ownership, is
scarcely credible
You're a
scary skeleton
popular web
series, Red vs
There are also
sexy elements
fangs, or long
slimy tentacles
gotta get
sloppy seconds, huh
it is a
sorry spectacle
sorry, General
Stary Testament
such cloth as
strangely excellent
restrained within limits
strictly regular
to Boston to
study medicine
Magnificent, glorious,
supreme, eminent
teniente general
Terry's head jerked up
One hundred and
twenty-seven tons
them under those
ugly spectacles
my head not
ugly, General
is your
very best color
very best of us
Not a
very clever one
And very unstable,
that stuff is
very delicate
something that is
very elegant
know it's not
That was
very eloquent
is a
very fair person
as pseudohaiku, are
He's also
very flexible
kind that way,
ours and was
them, they were
your dissertation, that's
very generous
not a
very helpful one
to be one
very perilous
not a
very pleasant one
Doctor's identity is
very relevant
Very practical and
very sensible
fingerless gloves,
very sensual
holiday a
very special one
Very special ones
our lives very
very tenuous
fewer things are
I bet you're
very well-preserved
with 2 extra syllables
pick up my
allergy medicine
wonders it has
already encompassed
already met someone
Conner Penske, multiple
amputee veteran
Bob Ferguson, the
I'm with the
meet with the
report to the
spoke with the
to fire the
to induce the
attorney general
Attorney general
even include the
investigation to the
made him his
of Justice and
the order as
Attorney General
attorney generals
don't want to be
rose next to be
Smith became
attorneys general
binary decimal
binary decimals
these creeds, is
carefully exorcised
We can
certainly spell trouble
it is most
commonly flesh-colored
individual incomes are
distinctly relevant
vicinity of the
enemy element
Enemy, friend, lover
frequency intervals into
energy measurements
energy medicine
You're both
equally terrible
equerry, escutcheon
every depth of love
to live in
every element
within devoid of
every excellence
into violence
every second month
healthcare needs of
every veteran
than their
families, their lovers
family celebrant
family celebrants
dishonour on the
family escutcheon
family medicine
trust, marriage and
family settlements
shown me the
family skeletons
is only a
fantasy element
also incorporates several
fantasy elements
before he
finally deserts her
finally went under
She was
graciously feminine
and Elvis'
granddaddy where brothers
Grigory Perelman
She seemed
immensely beddable
incomplete sentences
Intensely sensual
compound of Old
Japanese elements
Righteous Daughters of
Jihadi Excellence
home delivery service
Liberty Medical
lineny smell of her
a demanding fashion
magazine editor
economics with Z
Magazine editor
life--something the
monarchy never does
any consolation,
thank me,
nobody ever does
Nobody ever does
nobody said a WORD
nobody says a word
any but things
which is not
perfectly evident
nothing absolute, nothing
perfectly regular
discoveries of the
Portuguese mariners
he had
possibly never earned
preterite-present verb
preterite-present verbs
happiness is the
primary element
probably caramel
who will
probably never come
this made me
profoundly skeptical
it to remain
socially relevant
THAT for
somebody else, brother
only now became
totally evident
this fact is
tragically evident
I live
underneath Deborah
perish with your
untimely sepulcher
Varsity wrestler
with 3 extra syllables
That's all
anybody ever does
Biblically terrible
one of the
cemetery entrances
commissaries general
commissary general
commissary generals
complementary medicine
complementary medicines
Definitely oestrogen
emergency medicine
faith-based organization, not
entirely secular
five triangles are
essentially feminine
yet she remains
eternally feminine
Everybody, Benjamin
had such an
exemplary vegetable
declaration as something
frivolously feminine
seed, which is
generally edible
way that is
gloriously sensual
a little
hyperbole never hurts
absence of the
identity element
identity elements
effective demand and
liquidity preference
literary heritage
Colima, or a
It's a
plus for that
literary reference
military web servers
to be just
negatively relevant
may be as
objectively evident
planetary nebula
planetary nebulas
Positively Exquisite
as Measured by
Pupillary Measurements
Secretaries General
Secretary General
corresponding position include CEO,
a second term as
by Hassan Nasrallah, its
be the most
sexually flexible
and condemnation do
sufficiently evidence
seem to be
sufficiently evident
fights are not
sufficiently general
temporary gentleman
Politics, history,
theology, medicine
people have been
uncommonly generous
veterinary medicine
wonderfully decadent
with 4 extra syllables
as the great
anniversary festival
scientists demonstrates its
contemporary relevance
a matter of
documentary evidence
eventually gets the girl
Terrence and
imaginary friend Duchess
imaginary friends come from
where it
originally meant stomach
of capitalism is
particularly relevant
preplanetary nebula
preplanetary nebulas
grip of these
reactionary elements
show pundit, and
university lecturer
translator and a
University lecturer
to be
unusually generous
with 5 extra syllables
what the
evolutionary pressures were
explanations that require
extraordinary claims require
not supported by
extraordinary evidence
protoplanetary nebula
protoplanetary nebulas
is an enormous
responsibility, General
active generator of
revolutionary sentiment
with 6 extra syllables
particular person, and
stereotypically feminine
Alex was being
uncharacteristically generous