exact syllable matches

We are all
born mad
find ass with
middle fingers of
of me with
both hands
young man at
close hand
is not a
close match
violet, and finally
coal black
turned on the
cold tap
lions and, of
course, man
don't dance
cops in Amsterdam
don't have
is when we
don't laugh
meet some serious
folk, man
other civil liberties
for blacks
now, I'll settle
for cash
We need justice
for Chad
a roundabout name
for chance
and they headed
for class
took this also
for dance
sole concern was
for France
country are up
not just up
for grabs
Immortality is out
for grahams
I work
for Grant
wife is proceeding
for Hajj
it for them
for half
degree of responsibility
made by Nature
not the life
the supreme being
to show contempt
was science made
woman was made
world is true
for man
went in much
for plans
was not built
for rats
you now, begging
for scraps
always admired her
amount of flack
and outside reality
Are you ready
betrayed us, and
blame Donald Trump
can make up
Church doesn't settle
didn't blame myself
doing some time
Don't have time
go to prison
go to school
go too slow
going to apologize
going to pay
gonna bill me
got expelled
have a name
have no prayer
have no time
have tremendous respect
I apologize
I just thirsted
I won't stand
I would fall
in the world
in town square
is necessary, I'm
It's not time
lot of gratitude
lot of people
market works, I'm
me deep enough
never forgive you
no less sinister
of the reasons
okay, I'm happy
pay the penalty
Philadelphia are known
race will stand
reject the idea
should be prepared
so to speak,
take their word
Thank you
they'd dock me
too much sense
took immense crap
was always available
was too vital
Who is responsible
for that
you take Oxford
for, lad
western puns and
forced gags
into a huge
Ford plant
recognizing the depicted
form as
in passing, has
four acts
actually need to
Could we
give up nor
No, wait,
we've got to
go back
a tendency to
go flat
and let her
go hang
dream, destroy, despair,
fool, I shall
sings and people
the trouble to
would very soon
go mad
and the scene
goes black
to see that
gold back
expect he will
grow fat
I was a full-
grown man
make sure nothing
grows back
I could not
so, I won't
hold back
havin' to go
home and
wishes to see
Jones back
believe you really
know jack
American conscience, we
And I
Children ought to
Come on, you
cynical times, I
Did anyone
Did you
Did you not
Do you
Don't you
how did you
How do you
I did not
I didn't
I don't
I don't wanna
I trust you
Keith Richards, I
kinda creepy, you
know if you
loves you, you
Orval Faubus don't
smart, wealthy people
swear I didn't
the deals, you
the dialecticians don't
The people
want everybody to
want you to
wanted you to
way they didn't
We all
you and I
know that
Defense and was
known as
efforts based on
than to deny
known facts
being would have
He must have
known that
Even he
job and she
on this jury
knows that
to a fairly
low tax
the high-caste treat the
junkie begging for
more smack
that there is
no cat
in this lifetime,
no chance
like I've got
no class
means there is
no fact
and nobody gets
no land
is good for
no man
Road movies with
no maps
past, there was
There is
Where man has
no past
obligations, no duties,
no tasks
not to fate
nor chance
I have the
note back
great whale, retain,
Thy mind,
would you have,
O man
Oh, fuck,
serving that ham,
oh yeah
are withered dried-up
old hags
derivative and terribly
nothing like an
while relevance becomes
old hat
a warped, frustrated,
he's a moody
He's an ignorant
I loved the
just some rich
man is an
me and my
much like your
never found the
of income tax,
Today you're an
up, women, an
was physiologically an
old man
with their uncle
or aunt
and is good
certain way, good
for anything secret
is either good
it was good
your cause good
or bad
red, white, yellow
or black
name African American
or Black
a whole community
or class
some loved voice
or hand
cow, or pig,
or lamb
when you cry
or laugh
charge of God
or Man
can't wear shorts
or pants
in his jeep
or tank
It is this,
promises us this
railing at this
titles or this
or that
you save your
own ass
don't own my
own cab
God have His
own cat
annotated in his
death by his
man with my
work of his
own hand
destiny into our
is in our
is in your
law into his
matters into their
power in their
remain in your
remains in our
own hands
expulsion from their
own land
law in their
own lands
He is his
I was my
own man
even trust his
own pants
connection with my
don't understand your
people of my
to erase your
own past
development along our
following on ones
to chart their
We choose our
own path
according to their
own plans
somebody from your
own ranks
dream and our
own task
later that the
phone rang
was known as a
11 What's your
road, man
your eyes will
roll back
finally broke and
rolled back
You know the
score, pal
or premarital behaviour
shows that
at her age,
smoked grass
Snow Crash
his philosophy was
It looks
sword wouldn't be
that we are
This place ain't
Well that's not
so bad
can only go
go rocketing by
got so rich
have to go
It's growing up
Lee kick it's
life going by
will not die
so fast
Why are you
so glad
And honestly, it's
so human and
so sad
stones, man
and reasoning dictating
will not change
those facts
them as a
toast rack
She stole the
whole bank
are in the
whole class
concerned about the
we are the
whole man
and that I
won't have
the least of
your acts
coming out of
cram it up
it, that meant
It's business,
pill right up
somebody who kisses
still might lose
was half-way up
We're gonna kick
your ass
our hell on
the bullseye on
the clothes on
your back
life roll off
your backs
that right on
your badge
you got in
your bag
so much for
your band
he blew up
your cab
I'll give you
up and take
You'll all get
your chance
want to receive
your claps
I'm sorry 'bout
your dad
it slips from
your grasp
- look at
a look at
blackboard and raising
feel right in
had it in
hold it in
instead of shake
is written by
key is in
of power in
own horse, raise
seat, please raise
The hand is
you've got in
your hand
and hold off
cheaper seats clap
have me on
have play in
her life in
Let me see
me to untie
my life in
received justice at
Show me
take 'em off
will be on
your arms, down
your hands, clap
your hands
where you wear
your hat
Disneyland is
to pass through
you might donate
your land
something sat in
that fell into
your lap
day like it's
It could be
though it were
your last
call, you've misjudged
I stand, I'm
your man
may yet meet
your match
I was in
scampering loose in
wiped out by
your pants
becomes identical to
come home from
your past
let fear block
Stray from
your path
able to follow
your plan
and fuck up
Your Plan
fit in with
your plans

with 1 extra syllable

good points and
also bad
hour of meditation
before class
more the world
before man
a Hebrew proverb
and for years
been in Afghanistan
correct, what happened
to say something
before that
feelings for his
killing of your
place on our
fellow man
frail, depraved, and sinful
follows man
don't need this working-class-
hero crap
him, but they
ignored Matt
Translated by
with translations by
Leo Black
The ultimate
Macho Man
grazing on the
meadow grass
I call him
Ozone Man
classroom where their
photos hang
her at a
was like a
polo match
you down the
primrose path
the first time
proposed that
airwaves and the
record racks
Island or the
just across the
Rio Grande
I happen to
support that
you think and
therefore act
It is certain,
therefore, that
distant journey to
unknown lands
proud of this
unknown man
out of the
unknown past
should be two
Velcro straps
a lump of gray-
yellow fat
longer longer shorter
yellow grass
deal with the
yellow man
scratch against the
yellow pad

with 2 extra syllables

Anatole France
Jolla to Leo
Carrillo and
Roswell, New
Mexico, yeah
already used their
radio and
I bought at
Radio Shack
Doctor-Dude, to the
radio, STAT
thanks to the Molotov-
Ribbentrop Pact
from my ship,
Tomato Can