exact syllable matches

B flat
B flats
they can't all
be bad
his winnings cannot
promises which cannot
be cashed
be damned
if clean cannot
be had
Because life cannot
be planned
are, you cannot
be slammed
I shall not
This, please, cannot
be that
beach hat
beach hats
bean bag
bean bags
bean clam
bean rag
bean rags
beech mast
beech masts
beech snap
beef flaps
bete an
breeze past
c flat
C flats
cheat grass
clean hands
d flat
D flats
D valve
D valves
de araque
de araques
de chasse
de chat
de chats
de fat
de franc
de gras
de Grasse
De Kalb
de Lange
de Man
De Panne
de Planck
de rang
de sang
deep draft
deep drafts
deep stack
deep stacked
deep stacks
dienst an
dream trance
E flat
E flats
five fingers on
each hand
ear tag
ear tags
ear wax
East Ham
East Van
eat ass
eats ass
eist ab
feed back
feed bag
feed bags
and not
feel bad
fiel ab
fiel an
field glass
field hand
field hands
field map
field maps
field rat
field rats
flea bag
flea bags
freak flag
freak flags
free hand
free jazz
free pass
freeze valve
freeze valves
g flat
G flats
gene bank
gene banks
Gene Kranz
gene trap
green ash
green bag
green bags
green ban
green band
green bans
green crab
green crabs
green flash
green gram
green grams
war on soft
green grass
green hand
green hands
green man
green sand
green sands
green tax
green wax
a tremendous arm
wits were all
he had
heat lamp
heat lamps
heat map
heat maps
heat rash
hebe ab
hebe an
heize an
the biggest star
here, man
hield vast
keep at
keep back
keep track
knee cap
knee caps
knee pad
knee pads
of a palm
leaf fan
leaf fat
leaf gap
leaf gaps
leaf valve
leaf valves
lee an
Lee Camp
lees an
leet an
lege ab
lege an
lege lahm
lege man
leite ab
leite an
lese ab
lief ab
lief an
liege man
Lien Chan
of tranquilizer on
me and
And call
brave and want
devoted coven brought
Just call
your father calls
me back
didn't just call
me fat
You can call
me Jack
Don't ever call
great man taught
My gram-gram taught
people can call
the champs taught
to dawn on
would never call
you can call
you ever call
me that
You can call
me Zach
God got
me, man
saw that stopped
me, Max
Means grass
meat ant
meat ants
meat axe
meat flaps
meat rack
meat racks
Mein Kampf
world does not
need that
P trap
P traps
pea crab
pea crabs
pea patch
Pete Schramm
piece bag
piece bags
preis an
priest an
Queen Anne
qui tam
qui tams
reach past
reached past
the reception was
real bad
rede an
reef crab
reef crabs
reef rash
reis ab
reis an
Reis Mags
reise ab
reise an
riebe ab
rief ab
rief an
schmieg an
sea bass
sea bat
sea bats
sea brant
sea calf
sea calfs
sea calves
sea can
sea cans
sea cap
sea caps
sea clam
sea clams
sea fan
sea fans
sea glass
sea mat
sea mats
sea pass
Sea Ranch
sea rat
sea rats
sea stack
sea stacks
President and not
We can all
see that
seed bank
seed banks
seed plant
seed plants
sheet pan
sheet pans
sieh ab
sieh an
Skene glands
ski mask
ski masks
ski track
ski tracks
ski wax
sleep black
sleep mask
sleep masks
sleeves and
sneak past
speak back
speech act
speech acts
speech path
speech paths
speech tag
speech tags
speed bag
speed bags
speed stack
speed stacked
speed stacks
speed trap
speed traps
spiel ab
spiel an
St Asaph
St Catz
steam bath
steam baths
steam jack
steam jacks
steel band
steel bands
steel pan
steel pans
Steve Blank
stieg ab
stieg an
strebe an
street dance
street gang
street gangs
street lamp
street lamps
street map
street maps
sweet as
sweet flags
tea bag
tea bagged
tea bags
tea clam
tea clams
tea dance
tea pad
tea pads
tea plant
tea plants
team track
team tracks
teil ab
Look at all
these pans
thief ant
thief ants
tree calf
tree rat
tree rats
tree sap
tree stand
tree stands
That's all
we had
end, that's all
people, that's all
That's all
we offer all
we have
wee dram
weed man
weise ab
weise an
wheel clamp
wheel clamps
wheel tax
wiese ab
wiese an
Yi Hwang

with 1 extra syllable

ani man
army ant
army ants
army brat
guess I'm an
Army brat
army brats
location of an
this is an
army camp
isn't an
army rank
From the
army slang
shooting at other
army tanks
Artie Lange
Barclays Bank
Barclays Banks
bari sax
Barney Frank
Bobby Sands
Get your original
we get our
bodies back
and bring the
body back
be on a
body bag
body bags
life in a
body cast
body catch
excessive amount of
body fat
ability this fat
body has
body man
body plan
body scan
body scans
body slam
body slams
overpowering my vanilla-ginger
body splash
body van
body vans
body wrap
body wraps
man on the
through like a
Bondi tram
bossy pants
Callie Cat
when we brought
Charlie back
Charlie Chan
coffee glass
is not a
klatch, a chit-chat
coffee klatch
coffee klatsch
much, and the
coffee's bad
Congreve match
copy cat
copy cats
doggie bag
doggie bags
doggy bag
doggy bags
my skin-tight leather
foxy pants
The Smurfs, Ghostbusters,
Garfield, Alf
Godfrey Saxe
Gottfried Schatz
groene pad
Hari Dass
jumped on the
Harley man
harpy bat
harpy bats
hockey bag
hockey bags
forest with a
hockey mask
I just want
Holly back
a futuristic helicopter
jobbie and
jockey strap and
jockey strap
jockey straps
johnny bag
johnny bags
Hank Williams of
Johnny Cash
Johnny Chiang
Knotty Ash
kwame langs
of a virginal
laundry lass
laundry mat
Maltese cat
Maltese cats
mardi gras
mommy track
mommy tracks
flags and a
Nazi flag
certain death at
Nazi hands
me one hundred
Nazi scalps
Noddy cap
Noddy caps
Olly Mann
party bag
party bags
party hat
party hats
party plan
party plans
of our little
party, and
to suffocate on
phosphine gas
Ponzi scam
ponzi scams
Especially ice-cream and
salty snacks
smarty pants
toddy cat
toddy cats
Tommy Franks
Tommy's ass
trolley dash
trolley jack
trolley jacks
zombie bank
zombie banks

with 2 extra syllables

and the
Akali Dal
Anthony Rapp
she's on an
autopsy slab
in breaking the
Ekadashi fast
Monarchy Man
safari ant
safari ants
in the east by
to have killed
somebody as
Somebody laughed
You made
somebody mad
got medieval on
somebody's ass
somebody's aunt
Tarnowski, trans

with 3 extra syllables

into the deep
Kalahari sand
It's a
melancholy fact
a strange and
melancholy gal
absolutely battered that
Pavarotti fan