exact syllable matches
Steven, Steven, Steven --
I must
be a creature
I not
be a diva
my girl,
be a dreamer
I must
she must
be a genius
There must
There's gotta
be a reason
There must
be a secret
She's gonna
be a teacher
His destiny must
process can never
The ritual must
be completed
may just
be one reason
There must
be some reason
there must
be such people
someone else
be the dier
don't wanna
be the leader
What can
be the reason
be what we were
beaker people
we can
beat the Reapers
do than
beat up people
She looks like
Beaver Cleaver
beaver eater
beaver eaters
beaver fever
You got
Bieber fever
Brecon Beacons
Brief und Siegel
cedar beetle
cedar beetles
am a
cheap drug dealer
me a
cheap one either
by the
cheap, young people
am the
chief of creatures
Cinclus cinclus
Cleveland Steamer
Cleveland steamers
Don't be such a
creature feature
New York, and
Creature Feature
creature features
has given that
creature freedom
crema agria
cal y otra
de arena
de dum de dum
no sense of
decency, sir
away from normal
'Cause chickens are
gentleman,Who came of
good, honorable clients,
life out of
neighbor's yard like
decent people
when the situation
deems convenient
an ancient evil
demon creature
to consider all
demons evil
di farina
di Puglia
the American
dream of Eden
it a
dream of freedom
given up
dreams of freedom
to break the
e-a sequence
You are an
eager beaver
eager beavers
There's an
eagle season
of Nod,
east of Eden
East of Eden
is not Far
Eastern either
Northern Conservative Baptist
Eastern Region
eat a cream puff
Eat her, eat her
there and
eat the pieces
the bar,
eat the pizza
our Daedalus
either, we're just
USSR as an
equal people
many are denied
nothing more than
equal treatment
Olson was
equally blunt
harsh world of
They are vicious,
evil creatures
to defeat the
evil demon
science to justify
unmolested by the
evil demons
I am the
stupid or an
were such an
evil genius
immortal, like an
evil Jesus
immediately thinks of
people, folk-lore about
will not help
evil people
Man or the
Evil Weasel
Feeble Feeble
Dracula wanna
feed 'em peanuts
feed the meter
feel, but he does
fetus beat us
on the
field of reason
Fields of reefer
pastures, of
fields, of chieftains
and that of
free agreement
and less
free the people
Serbia and
freed the people
to achieve her
freedom reaches
Freedom, freedom
gila gila
shone with a
Greek patina
the pedantry of
Greek wordiness
an oversized
green rugby shirt
he a teacher
German, that
he burned people
he succeeded
hear the real words
He was
who wasn't
here earlier
come down
here one Easter
sensed I was
here, Nerissa
care that
he's a demon
he's a Dreamer
but, fuck,
he's a genius
He's a real jerk
funny and
he's a Senior
He's just decent
He's the real one
jeepers creepers
bum, Black Power,
Jesus people
Jesus pieces
I can
I cannot
one can
that can
keep a secret
Who shall
keep the Keepers
hold the
keys of Peter
leader sequence
the Evil
League of Evil
violation in the
lease agreement
have at
least the features
understanding at
least the pieces
leave the seat up
legal beagle
legal beagles
legal eagle
legal eagles
late with my
legal research
Office of
Legal Research
Jose Stevens and
Lena Stevens
Catherine Tate, and
Liam Neeson
be known as
warning to find
Lisa Lisa
to offer
me a peanut
and brought
me a pizza
ahead, call
me a teacher
rude abandonment of
that you asked
me earlier
humanitarian like
me loves people
me the reason
me what he's won
me what we've learned
Success does not
mean achievement
mean what we heard
mean, the real one
means of real love
knowledge and
means of research
Meet the Feebles
You must
meet the people
meter fita
mia mia
need a Kleenex
need a reason
need of these terms
need some freedom
the hall
needs a clean-up
the nation
needs a leader
for example,
needs drug treatment
meeting the
needs of people
neener, neener
according to the
commitment to the
peace agreement
actually very nice
prove ourselves a
peaceful people
flying purple
people eater
flying purple
them as the
people eaters
of the
people he loved
of the
people he loves
people people
people pleaser
people pleasers
protect the
people she loved
for the
people she loves
the innocent
people we hurt
and the
are the
losing the
love, the
people we love
all saw
people we loved
see the
people we serve
cost of other
interfere with other
not keen on
people's freedom
Peta peta peta
peta peta
sure about that
Peter either
Peter Wieden
Peter Zenger
have the
Piece of Eden
with a
piece of pizza
Pita Pita
merged with Pizza
Pizza Pizza
the belly of the
themselves the
priests of Jesus
like the
of the
Queen of Sheba
Welcome back
Queen Serena
Queens of Sheba
about the
beyond the
reach of reason
have not
reached the evil
reason pieces
Rita Skeeter
cart, a
sea of people
is the
seat of reason
Secret, secret,
secret, secret
He didn't
see Perseus
was a
seed of evil
She's the
seed of EVIL
among you has
seen Maria
You have
seen such people
She dumps people
She just needs love
as Yanni and
Sheena Easton
She's a genious
This one,
she's a keeper
after all
she's the teacher
sleep of reason
anything, not the
speaker either
of the goddess
Sri Lalita
come off like
Steven Segal
how'd we have
tea earlier
are all
these young people
loud noises, foreigners,
treason, peaches
and me twist
up,Secret creatures
vive ut vivas
We love freedom
we love leave us
we must be just
love and
we receive love
We struck demon
we succeeded
low, but
we the people
premise of
We the People
we were here first
you're the
weak one, Reaper
enslaved and oppressed
weaker peoples
We're just people
we're the people
We're unrehearsed
wheeler dealer
Johnson was a
with 1 extra syllable
is necessary to
achieve agreement
we aren't
any country club
anybody come
and didn't have
anyone either
anyone hear us
anyone see her
conclusion of the
appeal procedure
own private
the entire
army of demons
Aryan peoples
axiom schema
axiom schemas
Cutters is a
bloody cathedral
took the
body of Jesus
of conscience, coldly,
calmly completed
carries the team up
carrion beetle
carrion beetles
typically despised as
carrion eaters
softly and
carry a beagle
allowed to
carry concealed guns
live who
carry the secret
carry what we must
also not the
Champion either
Charlie's a genius
fantasies in its
look at its
than in its
concrete achievements
at some more
convenient season
her home
country of Sweden
in this
country were meagre
party, the
country, the people
into the
County of Cleveland
know his
daddy, the preacher
I really
fancy some peaches
Frankie hurts people
Friday's the real one
guys are the
funniest people
Funny, funny word
Deeside district in
the abolition of
Grampian Region
from London with
Granny Erina
country and a
happier people
not exactly the
happiest people
children, and no
happiness either
find peace and
happiness, either
Highly convenient
Humpty Dumpty word
Humpty Dumpty words
has an
idea speaks up
That's a good
idea, Beavis
the model home
idea, either
man owed an
ideal allegiance
get these
ideas, these umm
associated churches, and
largely succeeded
lariat ether
lariat ethers
about gay and
lesbian people
lovely, lovely gloves
luckiest weasel
Maxime Bernier
and about his
mighty achievements
Moppy, hurry up
is not
Nadine, but Rita
Carolina's declaration, for
hate list, for
her Olga, for
is accepted for
me out for
the Asians, for
to go, for
was anti-black for
with Phoebe, for
obvious reasons
Is happy, but
obviously drugged
path there was
obviously none
obviously nuts
partita IVA
are the
party of freedom
Act about proper
police procedure
and together
receive the aeon
enough to
receive the Gita
he had
received from Shiva
is just
shoddy police work
sorry, Sabrina
them about
Stanley the eagle
drowned men
sullied the beaches
not exactly Mother
Teresa either
Thaddeus Stevens
Tiny hurts people
ancient migrations of
Tupian peoples
I come home,
unfeasibly drunk
astounding number of
various creatures
character of the
various peoples
The patch was
very convenient
Very convenient
temporal mission and
worldly achievements
personal, social or
worldly convenience
freedom, and
worthy of freedom
with 2 extra syllables
Public Health
Agency of Sweden
already a geezer
him a task
already completed
shrubs has
already fatigued her
Anthony of Egypt
to an
assembly of people
part of the
Bulgarian people
have taken place
lived a few
to be dated
centuries earlier
climax of
centuries of evil
preserved his
clarity of reason
Company of Jesus
was a
devotee of Shiva
at my declared
enemies' convenience
defeat the
enemies of freedom
and an
enemy of evil
an all-round
enemy of freedom
is the
enemy of reason
fluid gives him
energy, completion
and is sometimes
equally convenient
Especially drug dealers
European beaver
European beavers
applied only to non-
European peoples
somehow to Eastern
European regions
to erase your
every achievement
every girl dreams of
by a
family of lemurs
from a
family of weavers
I am your
family, Amelia
a reason the
Jean-Baptiste Perrin
finally succeeded
the best
guarantee of freedom
the reality is
inconceivably worse
high content of
industrial cleaners
sleeping in an
industrial freezer
blessings to the
rights of the
starting with the
vast majority of
with the democracy-seeking
Iranian people
used for the
Iranian peoples
Like a
Japanese Ophelia
my ancestor's
legacy of evil
malarial fever
margherita pizza
margherita pizzas
all his
mastery of meter
Nefarious Creature
of lawful and
orderly procedures
A connect-the-dots puzzle,
partially completed
Probably from ia
optimal self-sufficiency,
probably the leader
itself, is
probably the reason
liberty and
property of people
It's the
to find that
proverbial needle
be the
Purity of Evil
had a
quarantine some people
done to
remedy the evil
a model of
Salisbury Cathedral
to the
scrutiny of reason
Socrates were teachers
It's just
unbelievably dumb
the complete
victory of either
little wibbly
wobbly touchy touch
with 3 extra syllables
food, of security-
just freedom
actually the real world
by the
ascendency of reason
authorities must be firm
created by Ross
Bagdasarian, Sr
in England at
Canterbury Cathedral
outstrip the
capacities of reason
as a
community of people
when it is
definitely completed
in the
efficacy of reason
switch-over to the
emergency procedures
far from being
entirely completed
essentially what we've done
in the
fraternity of dreamers
futility of teamwork
Giovanni Battista
Identity concealment
I recall, yet
infinitely scruffier
educational facilities are
Nature, however, is
inherently unequal
an overwhelming
degrading the
for the
of the
to the
majority of people
considered to involve
their policy of
minority appeasement
a small
minority of people
are the
moderately dirty ones
morality must be heard
town, and,
naturally, of Rita
nobility must be earned
as a
philosophy of reason
human is
potentially a genius
the desire for
prosperity, worldliness
for the
security of people
security procedure
security procedures
form a
totality of genius
we enjoy
varieties of people
a wide
variety of people
for a
variety of reasons
or at least
violently uneven
with 4 extra syllables
intelligence and
creativity of people
again until he
eventually succeeded
particular, has proved
exceptionally congenial
Potato isn't an
extraterrestrial creature
or the
us the
genealogy of Jesus
to Rwanda for
humanitarian reasons
sacrifice, we have
magnificently succeeded
parliamentary procedure
parliamentary procedures
believes it is
politically convenient
be the
possibility of evil
Haven was not
satisfactorily completed
with 5 extra syllables
brilliantly, are
extraordinarily dull people
gastroesophageal reflux
in the
universality of freedom
with 6 extra syllables
violates his own
confidentiality agreement