exact syllable matches

can rob me -
if the heart
be blind
Gibraltarians will not
rich man cannot
be bribed
it will all
be like
infamy would not
May it all
be mine
do would not
be nice
soul is cannot
be night
Both cannot
can we all
Clearly, both cannot
originally proposed,could not
This could not
be right
who should not
be riled
I should not
be shy
they should not
be signed
it need not
be size
experiment should not
be tried
That would not
without fear cannot
be wise
bean pie
bean pies
beat time
bee bite
bee bites
bee flies
bee fly
bee lice
bee wine
bleed dry
bleed white
bleeds dry
bleeds white
cheese flies
cheese fly
cheese knife
cheese knives
cheese mite
cheese mites
cream line
cream lines
cream pie
cream pies
cream slice
De Stijl
de teint
Dee Why
deep fried
deep fry
dream life
below and on
equal distance on
Fingers, one on
is left on
One on
points, surrounded on
rugged precipices on
some clay on
ten tassels on
we suffer on
each side
east side
east sides
East wind
feed drive
feed drives
feel like
feels like
when it all
feels right
fiel ein
field guide
field guides
field ice
field line
field lines
field mice
field tile
field tiles
Freak Strike
free ride
free rides
birds to the smog-
free sky
free time
gene drive
gene drives
Greek fries
Greek life
Green Isle
green light
green lights
green line
green lines
Man, was
he fine
where he was,
he lied
What was
he like
heel strike
heel strikes
heize ein
here lies
are still unresolved
here, guys
I'm the boss
here, I
It was
know he's not
here, right
Thank God
he's right
Aw, God,
he's ripe
keep time
key light
key lights
Key lime
Key limes
klieg light
klieg lights
knee high
knee highs
leaf lice
leaf sight
leaf sights
lease line
lease lines
Lee Child
Lee Wrights
leech line
leech lines
lege ein
leite ein
Li Bai
lief ein
and then rob
You'd rob
me blind
Just watch
you're gonna watch
me die
me fein
ropes and watch
me fly
doing it all
look back on
me life
real weight off
me mind
You can watch
me shine
me time
your back on
me twice
mean time
meat pie
meat pies
neap tide
neap tides
neat line
neat lines
needs knights
peace pipe
peace pipes
peace sign
peace signs
pee shy
peep sight
peep sights
what they are
pleased by
It gets ya
real high
It's not
Television is NOT
real life
real line
real lines
Atticus, he was
real nice
real right
frame, was not
real time
rede ein
reed knife
reed knives
reed pipe
reed pipes
reef line
reef lines
reis ein
reise ein
on Fake Draw
Screen Right
screen time
sea blite
sea blites
sea ice
sea krait
sea lice
sea light
sea lights
sea mice
sea mile
sea miles
sea pie
sea pies
sea pike
sea pikes
sea pye
sea snipe
sea snipes
sea twine
seat time
seife ein
Answer wrong,
she dies
see how far
she flies
masters' loving art,
She lies
What was
she like
sheath knife
commonly were small
sheath knives
sheep lice
First of all,
she's right
Sieg Heil
sleep tight
speech fright
Speech rights
speed skier
St Giles
St Ives
steel wine
steel wines
stieg ein
stream ice
street child
street crime
those three Wall
Street guys
street light
street lights
street sign
street signs
sweep line
sweet lime
tea fight
tea fights
tea light
tea lights
tee line
tee lines
let me call
Thee mine
glance carrying all
these eyes
and kick all
Die Hard on
fight, but not
fucking stupid are
of knowledge on
of research on
so are all
Who are
Who are all
these guys
these lights
educated along all
of Liberalism, on
of Mathematics on
these lines
The people on
these sites
Who are
these swine
enterance porticos on
of Watford on
three sides
each body part
three times
ti vi
tree isle
tree isles
tree line
tree lines
V line
V lines
V sign
V signs
ve chai
we aye
have the cars
we drive
some assistant DA
we like
of how hard
we tried
matter how hard
we try
weak AI
weihe ein
weise ein
most isolated spot
we'll find
wheat flies
wheat fly
wheel drive
wheel drives
wiese ein
yield line
yield sign
yield signs
Yves Klein
Z time

with 1 extra syllable

a digital Swiss
with this Swiss
army knife
with a Swiss
Army knife
Army knives
army time
call myself an
love being an
Army wife
Army Wives
example of this
army's might
soothed by a
balmy wind
barley wine
barley wines
Barney style
a moist and
bawdy ride
run in with
Bobby Knight
voice form, get
bodied by
is not where
bodies live
genitalize your whole
body by
body lice
coursing through his
body like
body line
body lines
yeah, rock your
body right
of an ectomorphic
of an ultra-slim
body type
have two different
body types
has no physical
painted above the
start with a
body, right
Descend into your selfless
of manner in the
it with the
body's eyes
will gladly let
Bonnie die
live without me
bonnie wife
Bonnie Wright
little on the
bossy side
one of those
carny rides
that ever since
was over when
Charlie died
Charlie Sykes
and I got
Charlie's mike
coffee time
my sister, and
our late illustrious
colleague, Dr
doggie style
just doing him,
doggy style
Kama Sutra or Thai
never seen a
donkey fly
floppy drive
floppy drives
lane on a
foggy night
out on chilly,
foggy nights
here, and what's
Fonzie like
the keen and
frosty night
stars in the
frosty sky
to since Mahatma
Gandhi died
to you when
Hallie died
But I
hardly mind
me, Golde, he
hardly tried
where I can
hardly write
piled banquet shrieking
harpies fly
comes on with
haughty stride
customers, or a
hobby tribe
Holly Knight
her a beer,
Holly smiles
the same night
Joffrey died
go for a
jolly ride
it was a
jolly time
person eating a
lolly ice
longleaf pine
longleaf pines
mali rice
for a theater
marquee, right
Ladies and Gentleman,
Marty Klein
Elizabeth Berkley and
Marty Wright
you like a
naughty child
diary to record
Nazi crimes
which has been
nobly tried
party bike
party bikes
known as Granddads
Party Eye
Dave is the
party guy
apparatchik giving the
freezing into lifeless
on my phantom
party line
confronting us cross
fornicate across
it crosses political
mean that across
state, not across
party lines
every night's a
party night
party pie
party pies
and changes of
party strife
capstone to adolescent
fine 'cause it's
party time
to keep the
party wild
balloons for the
high school graduation
None of them
party, right
make it look more
top of the
potty, right
proxy mine
proxy mines
quasi mai
Rabi I
sometimes it makes
Robbie cry
Rocky 5
shell-suit and a
smarmy smile
in my whole
remainder of his
sorry life
sorry, guys
sorry, Mike
think I have
sparkly eyes
millions of little
squashy guys
starry eyes
last beneath the
starry skies
brilliantly than the
could contain this
gazing at the
starry sky
Tommy die
last thing on
Tommy's mind
I understood when
Zombie died
zombie knife
zombie knives
good under these
zombie lights

with 2 extra syllables

Written by
Anthony Hinds
red striped paisley
Armani tie
a grain of
basmati rice
of defense around
Centauri Prime
loblolly pine
loblolly pines
I've lived with
Masai tribe
McAuley, Dr
No doubt in
Miyagi mind
of it, and
the kingdom where
nobody dies
all the stuff
see a guy
The guy
you're the person
nobody likes
nobody's home so
nobody minds
nobody right
which have entered
nobody's mind
don't dip on
nobody's side
salami slice
salami sliced
somebody blind
somebody die
day here and
heads up before
I need, or
somebody dies
today i met
somebody nice
somebody right
blackmail or torture
somebody, right
a piece of
hero for saving
worst mistake in
somebody's life

with 3 extra syllables

an eye leaves
everybody blind
He makes
l made
everybody cry
a fire, then
everybody died
a Russian tragedy,
Everybody knows that
mom crashes, and
Newsflash -
than being dead,
the plane crashes,
this comet hits,
everybody dies
It's Tyler,
everybody hide
the belief that
everybody lies
and Victor shot
everybody twice
is good for
that's just
everybody, right
my face into
everybody's eyes
Oh, and
everybody's high
down what's on
everybody's mind
Everybody's right
a waste of
everybody's time
is making the
Shinigami lie