exact syllable matches

the results of
accurate measurement
take the most
accurate measurements
in the
act of benevolence
nature to
acts of benevolence
is based upon
units, not an
actual measurement
Actual Netherdom
sure there were
actual sentences
hill on an
actual skeleton
were accepted without
adequate evidence
adjutant general
adjutant generals
adjutants general
advocate general
city called
after the elephant
herself in
after the festival
after the French surgeon
after the rest of us
am a professional
put on
an absurd pedestal
is not
an adult specimen
their merit
and current relevance
and her against the world
of stupidity
and of contentiousness
one asparagus,
and one asparagus
them cabbage
and other vegetables
be dictatorial
and somewhat arrogant
Union army
and the Confederates
and the girlfriend's mother
and the subject of love
to be unmanly
and unprofessional
and won a second term
part of our
animal heritage
as a perfect murder
her out
him out
as a professional
as does the present one
we punish it
as unprofessional
at a correct judgment
at such a spectacle
at the suggestion of
the ninth
chapter of Genesis
first eleven
chapters of Genesis
Dan come together first
him and
gather some evidence
hadn't purged them from us
wouldn't find a
half-dozen Deborahs
handle the pressure, Punk
happens, whatever comes
have heard the evidence
drawers, the knick-
knacks, the collectibles
lack of a better word
assassinate this
lad further, Senator
plexus of the
lateral ventricle
man of the spectacle
apparently have a
masculine temperament
mass of the tentacles
as a
matter of preference
largely a
matter of temperament
less than the
national deficit
National Health Service
best in our
guardians of the
race, creed or
national heritage
Department of
National Heritage
fret over our
national settlement
peculiar type of
national temperament
could bend their
natural element
of the country's
natural elements
backgrounds against their
birds with no
fear of our
natural predators
Pass the asparagus
patent of precedence
patents of precedence
Sandals the Treacherous
a certain
standard of excellence
and all
standards of excellence
nothing more
than a protectorate
competition with
that of perfectionment
that of the jealous one
That's a collectible
but he's still
valuable evidence
and our own
valuable heritage

with 1 extra syllable

behalf of the emperor
a solitary
commander, a general
diagonal element
diagonal elements
judgement on totally
inadequate evidence
rich tangible and
intangible elements
as a
reaction against sculptors
are quite the
spectacular specimen
the ACME
Triangle of Excellence
unnatural deference

with 3 extra syllables

the literature of
cardiovascular medicine