exact syllable matches

The element lau-
is from
---- ---- Let's
bounce, Tigger
bousing kens
bowsing kens
other rewards for middle-
brow fiction
brow ridges
brow wrinkled
A Charlie
la A Charlie
Brown Christmas
brownest of the
brown liquors
clown is drunk
count chickens
counted up
counting up
counts chickens
cow bitten
cow killer
cow killers
more agitated the
crowd becomes
crown princes
crowned pigeon
crowned pigeons
doubt six months
the moment when
doubts emerged
and there's a drop-
it was a sit-
down dinner
down fridges
down ginger
he sits
down in dust
brings him
hand it
down in turn
and someone gulping
down liquid
maid and a broken-
down minstrel
little lost lamb
you haven't tracked
down Mr
Down with Love
bringing them
down with us
you tired, run
down, listless
Go ahead, sit
down, Mister
there's no shutting
down, Richard
see they
drown in blood
fill with water,
drowning her
Spots with a
foul Finger
I often
foul it up
fouling up
money and
found his girl
are not
is not
found in the
kids had
they had
found it first
The small hours
you hear they
found Mr
a shilling and
found sixpence
Mrs Thatcher
found this one
said I was
gouging her
ground clearance
the genuine abolition
ground, Mr
That's not how
grounding works
house lizard
house lizards
Senator, I'm a
house nigga
house niggas
house nigger
was called the
House Nigger
house niggers
to carry a
house sigil
house sitter
house sitters
house slipper
house slippers
met at the
house, Christmas
must leave this
house, Mr
That is
how fear works
how it hunts
faces expressing
how it hurts
his grandfather
how it worked
And here's
Design is
find out
Finds out
fully understand
hope that's
Is that
just not
me explain
real world,
That's just
That's not
This is
Well, here's
how it works
And that's
and watch
bad girl
figure out
However, that's
Show 'em
show them
tell us
That's not
this is
how it's done
Fichte followed him,
I thought about
I wonder
the remotest conception
how Mr
that was
how things were
to understand
how things work
Is that
not get
or less
how this works
So, hey, uh,
how's business
if they shout
may not be
still not speaking
loud enough
lounge lizard
lounge lizards
Lounge Lizards
Some kind of
lounge singer
enormous Brighton inhabited by
who can
louse it up
More at
lout, little
mound builder
mound builders
on top of
Mount Bristol
seal my
mouth with dirt
The verbal
noun is from
form of the
the usually third-declension
noun linter
with uncountable
nouns is much
as it has
now become
work had
now been done
this continuation has
now begun
now it just
a bullshit assignment,
now Mr
the exception, were
now reversed
back here right
retired in Florida,
your room right
now, mister
- Farewell
But right
for some time
going on right
it doesn't matter
What you are
your life sucks
now, Mr
little bitch right
now, nigga
now, this us
on you right
now, Trinkle
of Law Begins
Now, Wm
reduced to a burned-
out cinder
I don't get
out enough
they let
out his blood
and sticking
he lolls
I cut
just cut
out his tongue
Superman punched
out Hitler
to fall
out in chunks
to fall
out in clumps
knock him
out in one
The way
out is worse
it wist,
out it must
cause of the left-
out millions
time to bring
out Mr
quick and get
out quicker
game and gave
out refunds
you will come
out sickened
can take
out this girl
out this wuss
fire and come
out twisted
start going
out with girls
smooth it
starts hanging
straighten this
to got
was going
you make
out with her
and sing
out with love
could take
'em hang
to hang
would hang
out with us
Knock him
out with what
coming, expecting their share-
out, Gisborne
damn thing
out, it hurts
As it turns
bring them right
out, Mr
outfit girl
my parents will
outlive us
watch videos and
pound Mr
pounded dirt
pounding dirt
powerful than the
pounding surf
I was just
pouting up
the Merritt Parkway
'round Milford
Are they
rounding up
have been
roused in us
inside, energy was
rousing up
while building a
sound business
Does this
sound dismal
A slashing
when the
sound is heard
sound mirror
sound mirrors
Sound shift from
safety precautions, and
sound signals
sound system
of those big
sound systems
Because it
sounded fun
is behind these high-
nonsense Italian- and Spanish-
sounding words
sounds bigger
sounds cheerful
sounds kinda
South Britain
South Briton
South Britons
than the
South feared the
South Gippsland
South Hylton
South Ribble
South River
sow thistles
Tao chicken
Why, then, art
thou disturbed
Do what
thou wilt, sir
your little
town is done
to fix the
town limits
defense attorney in
town, Mr
leaves is the
town's symbol
Trout River
carry on Deng
Xiaoping's work

with 1 extra syllable

you gonna do
about Brixton
and we talk
but not worried
I care
to learn more
your family and
about business
I'm not talking
need a lesson
You did talk
about chicken
got a thing
about chickens
couples in deciding
He doesn't care
I know anything
Modern ideas
Who said anything
about children
and more worried
especially when talking
I like best
the big thing
about Christmas
do I care
does anyone care
about Dickens
is to think
about Dignan
but I'm sorry
about dinner
shots are just
about enough
that kiyi
about his son
just thinking
never spoke
no doubt
about his work
man's ideas
about his world
also be scathing
and a book
mean the one
about Hitler
Now everything is
This is
about image
highly interesting facts
about incomes
he thinks
about is girls
to you
about is, uh
to me
we talk
without thinking
about it first
don't think
about it much
them off
about it Sir
really thought
about it, but
about it, Huck
know anything
to do
about it, huh
don't care much
about kittens
talk to you
about Krishna
me, this is
about Lincoln
me is not
about Linda
a far-fetched tale
But what
containing your thoughts
don't know anything
gave a crap
I mean,
investigate and write
it really true
minutes of thinking
Montagu's opinion
observation, prate learnedly
rife with jokes
tell you enough
This is true
Turtle isn't crazy
watch television news
what was it
what you said
what you say
whatever we like
about Mr
know you cared
about Nibbler
can't be objective
about Nixon
I both forget
about Pinkman
you can forget
about Pritchard
ask my mom
about Richard
I know all
about signals
to know something
about silver
been there
had in
I think,
it takes
mail-room for
about six months
vocabulary of
about six words
world doesn't care
about spirit
ways of thinking
about systems
any doubts
I feel
about this club
with me
about this first
to consider
about this flood
having fantasies
knew everything
something familiar
about this girl
big deal
told you
about this gun
a feeling
big deal
gonna talk
Oh, how
particular point
possibly different
soap box
they say
Uh, what
very different
we're talking
what's funny
you're right
about this one
cracking jokes
I talk
know all
to dream
about this stuff
different theories
about this word
cares enough
about this work
learn everything
of worry
right, then,
about this world
even thinking
about this, but
You're wondering
about this, huh
about visions
loves messing
about with trucks
all carry
about with us
advice from women
be more articles
did not care
have to know
our biographies are
supposed to know
tell you something
this really isn't
We're talking
what pornography says
about women
joint bank
account with hers
have an
account with us
world to be
accounted of
chilly impression and
announce winter
only kept me
around because
economic Berlin wall
around Britain
could be bad
around children
And usually one
around Christmas
appeared in shops
Has since spread
around England
sweater tied
around his shirt
for rooting
around in mud
the rural region
around Lisbon
chasing me
around this world
or hung
around with girls
to fool
around with her
gonna fool
various biases
around with us
background become
more the partner's
backgrounds differ
of our express
checkout system
compound interests
of the
suggests the
compound is from
compound symbol
compound symbols
Likely from a
compounding of
denounced Mr
Elvis was a
I am a
Moran became a
devout Christian
to a tainted,
discounted one
a largemouth in
downtown Pittsburgh
saying these are
fairground pictures
end up washing
jailhouse dishes
lockdown lifted
of King Richard
Milhous Nixon
do you
pronounce this word
somehow it just
those who have
somehow returned
that truth is
somehow splintered
somehow, it worked
a prisoner in
as governor of
Spandau Prison
of a pure
strikeout pitcher
security state is
surrounding her
about the reality
surrounding us
and in the
out from the
surrounding world
our new family's
unbounded love
of a self
without blinkers
was a faculty-meeting
without business
go to bed
without dinner
to the Beatles
without earmuffs
as he wishes
attain its goal
seas and oceans
without hindrance
big shot,
without his gun
been a Pakistan
without Jinnah
an upward movement,
believed to be
could be reelected
Limitless means
My power is
said to diminish
said to increase
seeking, of hoping
them should be
you may draw
without limit
As in dining
function is almost
light is not
without limits
nothing goes out
without Mr
know, the ones
without pictures
I say that
without reserve
get their attention
it rests, but
to have been
without result
was not altogether
without results
on a voyage
through one wire
without return
It came
without ribbons
without scissors
there is nothing
without spirit
into an area
without vision
without wisdom
Without witness
I couldn't live
without women

with 2 extra syllables

Compare also
flittermouse, flinder
culminates in Peter
overpowering her
and distributed by
and released by
be distributed by
by DreamWorks and
by Hanna-Barbra for
DreamWorks Animation and
is distributed by
Paramount Pictures