exact syllable matches

think she's
blown a gasket
Border ballad
Border ballads
hold you, my
born companion
would be
broken and burned
the leaves and
broken branches
walls of our
broken palace
should not handle
broken tablets
chose the latter
world in the best-
chosen language
image of a
chosen pattern
when they
close the casket
Colbert, and, uh
club or the
corner tavern
an appropriate
in a
on a
professional dubious
reconsider his
the same
course of action
Course of action
of civilization, Maria
Domus Alba
Donor Pageant
like this
mean they
No, things
don't just happen
Doris Haddock
Dorr, Unanswered
our daily
dose of Daniel
is an extremely
focused actor
crumb than
for a banquet
pathetic excuse
for a castle
is Sauce
for a Gander
I'm searching
for a Man-Cub
mistake him
for a rabbit
Requesting permission
for a transfer
jeopardize my chances
for advancement
for alaska
of achieving results
for Alaska
and serving suggestions
for bananas
for bugs and such
a great respect
for cadavers
be any place
for compassion
to head
for her dragon
for love and lust
for Lunch, and the
is responsible
of answering
the motivations
for one's actions
for one's master
know it was
for Samantha
came here
walls, looking
for some action
to call
for some backup
their skin
for sun damage
countries responsible
for the actions
an opportunity
for the actors
for the angle
again searching
and wait
at me
dark looking
your heart
for the answer
a craving
inside themselves
for the answers
decisive battle
for the Arabs
a model
for the atom
for the bad ones
Street and
for the Bankers
get ready
for the banquet
you account
for the barrels
human world
thank God
for the battle
too big
for the cannon
was playing
for the Crabbers
to pay
for the damage
come back
for the dragons
is good
for the gander
I'm here
for the hamster
I apologize
for the language
for the last month
for the last one
choice, opts
former than
I go
much use
no pity
secure happiness
the Alps
yearn, nonetheless,
for the latter
burning brightly
in entertainment
its attraction
the masses,
for the masses
a butterfly
for the master
fruitful symphony
for the palate
for the planet
in it
for the Raptors
not man
to prepare
for the Sabbath
two stars
for the salad
luckless day
for the Saxons
begging you
for the scallops
the piano
for The Stranglers
look out
Watch out
for the tractor
Defeat is
for the valiant
for us and stuff
blame you
feel guilty
forgive myself
other me
our guys
you responsible
for what happened
take responsibility
you're responsible
for what happens
for what that's worth
on the life-
force of planets
books into a
That's not a
foreign language
nod of a
foreign master
form a passage
per batter
form a stanza
in the
form of gadgets
in any
only safe
form of language
as a
to this
form of madness
Find some
itself a
form of passion
formulated in a
inferences within some
formal language
dead observe his
former actions
run by a
former dancer
again betray a
It is my
you as your
former master
rebellious against his
former masters
the distinct
forms of matter
even Muslim
forms of Tantra
killed the corrupt
fort commander
a simple and straight-
forward manner
frozen salmon
Georges Danton
that demands coordinated
global action
look like yours
go unanswered
you must first
go unbalanced
Goes Bananas
goes the planet
CBS, see The
hotel named the
Golden Palace
that of a
golden scarab
Gordon Strachan
want to
hold the handle
over and
hold the ladder
holds the answer
holds the hammer
loneliness for
Homer and Earl
homework, and stuff
flight from their
homeworld, Rannoch
genuine professional like
Honus Wagner
what they
hope done happened
courageous, selfless,
hopeful and just
for my
JONAS fan club
member of my
JONAS fanclub
Joseph Campbell
Joseph Massad
alive will
but many
course, we
guess you
I already
I don't
now I
questions, we
think they
wanted to
We all
you will
know the answer
want to
we already
know the answers
know the bad ones
And you
But you
didn't even
died, I
Do you
doesn't even
I don't
I wanna
want to
We all
We don't
you to
know what happened
do you
I don't
still wanna
then you
would you
You wanna
know what happens
know what Saxman
know what, Adam
Well, you
know what, Daniel
But you
know what, handsome
and I
I don't
know what's happened
would have
known the answer
knows the answer
knows the language
knows what happened
but I
knows what matters
Dinah and
Laurel and us
Laurence Lampert
This is
Lawrence, Kansas
load of bad stuff
walls equipped with
loaded cannon
real by the
without knowing the
local language
You're the
Lord Commander
intellectuals and the
minds of the
reach of the
the upper and
lower classes
They demoralize the
lower Classes
exclusive to a
lower strata
lower than dirt
get much
lower than her
bullshit of the
lowest standard
remain on the
structure to the
lowest strata
its distinctive
way, lovely
mode of travel
and for every
moment after
last the
moment had come
but then the
moment passes
from contemplation to trans-
moral action
of their own
moral actions
a very grave
moral damage
But also
moral manners
religion and all
moral sanctions
to an exceptional
moral standard
a set of
forgiveness and high
magnetism and high
moral standards
Moral standards
theory of
morals that does
on the whole
more attracted
given me much
more compassion
more of that junk
talking about something
that are scarcely
more substantial
they were evil
Morris dancers
the gage of
mortal battle
mingle with
mortals as much
Moses has words
his desires and
motor habits
Draco, you are
no assassin
the wise there's
no attachment
One that has
no attachments
whom Romeo had
no attraction
no suppressions, and
no commandments
This Oak has
no companion
Have you
there can be
There's no pity,
no compassion
happiness is
no love handles
class when
no one answered
knocking, but
out, but
no one answers
no one can love
no one can work
No word matters
character and his
noble habits
I'm a
noble rabbit
it loses the
noble status
play is
nobler than work
go there,
nor the trackers
Norma kastl
twist to the
normal madness
a break from
normal stand-up
The hills
north of Antwerp
Ridge, under that
noted savage
Oh, what happen
Old Blood and Guts
in a much
older handle
and play
older than work
Clevinger was
open and shut
a shirt and
open jacket
they were
opened and shut
or a bad one
a priest
or a bandit
the monsters,
or a famine
a benefit
or a hazard
a rope
or a ladder
a baller
or a rapper
affection or friendship
or attachment
can bully
or attack us
know his rank
or battalion
or come at once
all, without pity
beyond emotional response
kind of mercy
known for revenge
or compassion
of her
or her actions
such reports
or such actions
the director,
or the actor
or the blanket
the child
or the savage
you have your
orders, Captain
love is like
organ damage
She's the ultimate make-
over challenge
of bridges built
over chasms
so does power
over language
a little mind
over mallard
of the spirit
of their empire
question of mind
role became mind
Simple mind
over matter
to chaos, rationality
over passion
to swab her
over salad
the Big Game
over Stanford
didn't go
still steaming
over that one
owe her that much
son and her
own compassion
which all other
poets handle
hedge about A
poet's pasture
along the secondary
road macadam
down this
road of madness
either that or the
balls than a
roman candle
ancestors yielded to
Roman valour
moved to
Rome, learned Latin
longer working-hours or
shorter rations
You wanna
show compassion
showed up and uh
so much as blood
so much at one
sold like
so much chattel
You've caused
so much damage
so much madder
guy had
so much talent
So what happened
So what happens
So, what happened
a serious and
than in a
sober manner
person involved in
research leading to
social acceptance and
social action
be exerted through
social channels
condition of certain
enclosed and privileged
historical relationship of
religions, countries, and
social classes
of human and
social damage
in with the
social maggots
a non-confrontational, or
social manner
matter, not a
social matter
enigma of most
social matters
selfish and the
social passions
of the inherited
social pattern
imprisoned in common
social patterns
imaginings of the
social planners
habitual liar faces
social sanctions
be unbefitting her
social stature
an indicator of
complexion, religion, or
high but indeterminate
sexual orientation, and
social status
from eight different
social strata
evacuate those
soldiers at once
be some
sort of balance
It's a
sort of madness
with a
sort of rapture
frees the
soul from passions
of steel,
souls of Platinum
the ultimate
source of matter
a fanatic about
in written and
this stupid limiting
spoken language
musicians or
sportsman have done
and usefulness of
those Commandments
Those untaxed drugs
brilliant glow
though the branches
do not
throw the rattle
in the
throws of passion
god or a
total bastard
and to be
total bastards
mean, he's the
total package
You're a
total shambles
Voltage wagon
alone they
won't attack us
won't hurt at first
be a badly
woven basket
crave a non-fat
yogurt after
of gold upon
your apparel
up for
your attack run
your battalions
a message from
am no longer
your commander
be your friend,
reveal nothing to
Where is
your companion
slaughter your sons,
the bodies of
your companions
but I question
your dedication and
your compassion
you've fought
your first action
your fun baskets
your Le Baron
your punk ass up

with 1 extra syllable

What about my
abnormal knackers
degrees initiate,
almost a Master
Armenians in this
atrocious manner
with Duke
before the battle
the peasants
before the famine
Below the ankle
with a
boatload of madmen
you could
borrow the ladder
is merely
composed of actors
to be
composed of atoms
alive, to
control the masses
God, must
control the passions,
fictional town of
Elmo, Alaska
like two
emotions at once
have been an
enormous battle
enormous cost and
enormous damage
has lost an
enormous talent
knights, mythical faeries,
ferocious dragons
a cold and
ferocious manner
Fiona Apple
follow a bad one
Follow the masters
life too
follows a pattern
demotion, and a
heroin habit
ignored her at first
analysis of the
immortal bastard
energy for more
important battles
leave out an
important cabbage
is a very
things the most
important factor
something much more
important happens
a very serious,
act is an
is a very
this one most
important matter
convince them in
important matters
that's more
important than work
book and the
informant packet
Bratz Movie Star
Makeover Sasha
Motto of Pamphlet
himself and his
opponent, cancer
challenged his
opponents and won
or six
opponents at once
legal norms and
of work, no
performance standards
in his
pride,Before the damsel
reload the damn gun
reported last words
decides to
return to
restore the balance
you have
restored the balance
bite somehow
restores the balance
We shall
reward the thankful
Sappho loved and sung
shadow from that one
don't blame
Sharona, Captain
gnat, and
swallow a camel
man who
swallowed a camel
of Lebanon looking
toward Damascus
I lean
toward the latter
accelerating it
toward the planet
him, glancing
towards the Master
crude, a
truckload of talent

with 2 extra syllables

Minnesota, that's what
was just an
unimportant actor
is a not
unimportant factor