exact syllable matches
Aleutic Islands
exists, exists to
beautify her
Mini behind a
blue Reliant
everything in a
bluish light
the highest
boon in life
Bruce Wilshire
chewing lice
you, you can
choose Gryffindor
I didn't
choose this life
going straight and
choosing life
A five-man
crew this time
cube will light up
cubic nitre
resort they
do give title
I can
do is cry
you can
do is try
he can
do is whine
do it like Doug
we're gonna
do it nice
I'm gonna
time and
we'd better
we're gonna
you gotta
do it right
you're gonna
do it RIGHT
we all
we're gonna
you can't
do it, right
Let us
do this right
We can
do this, guys
You can
do this, Piper
do with my son
nothing to
do with Rider
nothing to
we cannot
do with science
had to
do with wildness
economy is not
I am
I was
Or I am
Pan Park are
say he was
doing fine
out there,
doing my work
started getting into
doing pilots
the risks of
doing right
different way of
new way of
useful for people
we should be
doing science
doing time
are you
doing, my son
What are you
doing, Sire
fury that is
DOOM defiant
tentacles of
doom spit fire
series of sad,
drooping eyes
dudek tri
Few things, Mike
in a
few years time
like Chinese
food in China
the vision of
foolish Dr
with the kung-
fu grip, right
masturbating with a
ghoulish smile
feast on the
goo inside
tangled the jungle
grew inside
skipped a
groove in time
Jewish Bible
were you getting
Jewish fire
special display of
Jewish fireworks
cake, in the
Jewish side
acquainted with the
Jewish style
Weyl, had a
Jewish wife
Jude, it's fine
his older sister,
Judith Myers
lose his mind
I'm gonna
lose this fight
if you
lose this trial
I understand whoever
loses dies
loses sight of
loses time
putting up a
losing fight
am not
losing my nerve
play without
losing my shirt
painful as
scared of
losing my son
fight on the
look like the
losing side
losing sight of
losing time
Floyd and
Louis Steinberg
got to meet Julia
Romanized as
Lu in China
exceptionally beautiful and
lucid mind
miracle our
mood is high
as the
mood is right
the autumn
when the
moon is bright
falling on a
moonlit night
No, seriously,
move it higher
move it, heifer
some memorable and
moving lines
the invention of
moving type
the day the
music died
, The
Music Grinder
the kinda
music I love
and even traditional
of electronic dance
music styles
was given a
new design
desires yield to
new hope and
new desires
scientists built a
new device
a lot of
new insights
definitions fit its
new requirements
bases of your
new revival
pooped its diaper
of the
poor in mind
did not
prove his right
the outcome
proved him right
pubic lice
Puget Island
room divider
The whole
room is silent
room with files
because they're
rude, it's science
playing by the
rules, Midnite
spend your time
ruling China
screw it I'll run
who got
screwed is right
A portion of
shoestring fries
a gun and
shooting Dr
shooting iron
shooting irons
shooting rights
gun and
shoots him twice
smoothing irons
false promises and
spewing lies
we're not the
suing type
on my
suit in private
She's accepting it
through denial
to obtain happiness
We breathe
through desire
becomes purified
through divine love
the world
through his eyes
made it
through his finals
ever flickered
through his mind
the way
through this crisis
just walk
through this life
you passed
through this night
didn't come
through this time
We've been
through this, Ivan
By contrast
to Big Science
just have
to blink, right
Bill Clinton ought
British Cabinet have
future is ours
got five hours
have 5 seconds
have never stopped
have sixty seconds
how I ought
is for others
is rather difficult
It's a problem
now I have
to his discretion
we who have
when I have
You have
You just have
You've got
to decide
Most difficult
to decipher
I'm gonna have
tendency for prices
to decline
are tremendously difficult
is very difficult
It's hard
such a puzzle
we have sought
to define
doesn't have
to define us
of nature, than
to delight
is too powerful
learn which statements
to our intelligence
to deny
Would Not Bother
To Deny
- They're hard
almost too horrible
altogether quite impossible
else, something harder
for the model
has been invented
it is impossible
it-it's so hard
It's hard
only one word
they found impossible
water is impossible
to describe
Desire gave
dream, from desire
Reality bends
to desire
in human nature
to despise
is very difficult
to disguise
whom he happened
to dislike
crisis, they tended
Its intent was
we are able
to divide
he tries
He wants
probably wanted
that continue
to divide us
to drink my blood
to be free
to enquire
feeling perilously near
he touches turns
to lead them
to excitement
here devoted
to film titles
the bulb
to give light
I have
to give mine
10 points
ten points
to Gryffindor
Give it
to him, Friar
to him, thy son
a father
to his child
me, not
to his clients
not hearken
to his cries
what happened
to his eye
hands up
tears sprang
to his eyes
do justice
to his kindness
and listen
to his lies
but consecrated
disregarding dangers
some purpose
the changes
to his life
and pleasant
fully intelligible
that occurs
to his mind
applied only
to his rivals
give character
to his science
boyfriend, listen
his servants
young Captain
to his side
man up
to his time
him back
phone call
real doormat
what happened
to his wife
in your profession
to imbibe
soon came
to imply the
unwed birthrates began
to incline
enough evidence
to indict her
we have learned
to inquire
To galvanize, not
to inspire
You have
to inspire one
country seem
to invite us
must come
to its height
lives up
to its hype
and sufficient
to its times
prefer not
to kill Dr
to have
to kill Kyle
to kiss MY girl
to lift my cup
approximately 4 seconds
at 9 seconds
it's five minutes
just one second
to midnight
or just happens
to misfire
Earth belonged
to Pink Diamond
bones are required
to recline
have no cause
to repine
get a chance
no idea what
to reply
he would have
moral courage enough
the state, offer
was not asked
Watergate and had
why he had
you'll probably threaten
to resign
gonna be able
guess I have
I have
moist and tender
that I have
think of was
time has come
to retire
people he had
to revive
in order
is unable
to revive her
separation, tends
to revive love
reason enough
to risk mine
to refer
to sheer tights
to sing like one
as not
to sit idle
to have
to swing twice
signaled her
to switch flies
to think like one
don't want
to think why
not what
to think, right
in response
your response
to this crisis
our response
to this fight
fire comparable
to this fire
brings us
Let's talk
what happened
to this guy
race came
to this island
setting fire
the others
to this life
have come
to this plight
to this side
them all
to this sky
get up
had up
race, up
really had
westerners up
you off
to this time
public or
to this writer
comes down
to this, Michael
to tinnitus
to Wiltshire
A little
too delightful
too excited
too particular, not
too precise
most powerful
tool in life
one discovers the
true design
ever decrease your
true desires
Was he a
true disciple
keeps ever
truth in sight
them the
truth in time
just held the
truth inside
and of
truth still wider
telling the
truth this time
now, the
truth will die
bones the
truth will triumph
Truth will triumph
The discharge
tubes ignite
two in, five months
two is twice one
one and
two, it's time
Unix time
its first
use in China
you can't
use this, right
use, things I love
of guns
used in crimes
disorganized as such
views imply
are the ones
who decide
nor heard, but
to go on,
who decides
to those
who defy her
who is Christ
a God
who is silent
who killed my son
who thinks like one
live and
who will die
Who will die first
of others
who will rise
The one
who's sick, right
whose lives I touch
image of the
wounded child
had he not
wounded mine
Where have
you been, Clive
didn't come
you big liar
No matter what
You watch,
you decide
how can
you deride us
of the nature
you describe
creature such as
larger problem than
you described
and Italy if
create whatever future
Gain the knowledge
have anything that
I know what
Isn't that what
offer you what
or fat, as
revenge not all
Smith or whoever
that is what
this world as
What do
What else could
what is it
you desire
Or the power
really the world
this was what
you desired
of everything that
you despise
mourn for someone
you despised
you did live
make what
you did right
Why aren't
you excited
he's got
you in mind
talk to
you in private
I saw
you in white
and it was
you inside
you invite her
managed to get
you invited
find on
you is mine
you killed my son
You killed my son
I got
you killed twice
miss love,
you miss life
you picked Tyler
Why didn't
you reply
I thought
wreckage or have
you retired
once were,
you still die
you still like her
Hahn and
you think Dr
You think I jumped
You think I'm dirt
You think I'm dumb
you think like us
vote as
you think right
You think, right
book at
didn't ask
gonna interrupt
he had
they'll stop
you this time
you this time, Chuck
you this time, son
me ask
you this, right
your back,
you whip mine
you will cry
All of
any longer,
further, Doctor,
Hesitate, and
on vacation,
that hand,
wane, and
you will die
esteem That
Pan, and
section 1,
you will find
you will fly
can adjust
this, and
you will live
I have missed
you, Eliza
I summon
you, Ixion
die first,
you'll bring mine
not what our
youth desires
You've been fired
the lights, pods
zooming by
with 1 extra syllable
Not an
abusive guy
arrows of his
accusing mind
misery of the
acutest kind
argues with Mike
long claw of flesh-
arguing crime
from the
bathroom this time
classroom is quiet
the Purge,
Cocoon will die
does not kill
computing science
revised method of
computing time
concluding lines
to be
confused with typhus
It's a super
confusing time
a plain
consumed with fire
birthday which
consumes his life
is like a
that deathly inner
consuming fire
updated on the
costume design
worked as a
costume designer
market was
deluged with diamonds
of the attacks,
including Iceland
you ask me,
including Michael
traffic in everything,
including migrants
trap the mind
into desires
slice him
into thin slices
dumpster, to the
raccoons delight
we should be
renewing Trident
and discovered emptiness,
vacuum inside
as he
values his life
most important
values in life
priorities or
values in mind
of social
values is right
practice those
values with pride
Yama and
Vayu revive her
with 2 extra syllables
Absolute denial
maybe a little
afternoon delight
afternoon delights
just didn't
execute it right
money and acknowledge
gratitude besides
hermeneutic cycle
Interview with Dr
of one
magnitude in brightness
argument about religion
persecuting science
thoughtful Soul to
Solitude retires
W is silent