exact syllable matches

forty-three-year-old clergyman with
beard stubble
has always
been heard of
it must have
been Saddam
must have
been the earth
bold to go
beyond her
and a little
bit harder
resistance or simply
Christian love
death with a
clear conscience
Always eat your
dessert first
more than he
did others
in her
did the work
ignore it, it
disturbs us
finds God in
his conscience
is according to
his daughter
the horror of
his harvest
distort and discolor
his judgements
of himself and
his judgment
and implacable towards
his murders
the weakness of
his numbers
the value of
his product
Marx, delivered on
his promise
a little about
his structure
British regiments stationed
in Boston
round and round
in circles
could they paint
old pictures are
in color
of secular fact
in commerce
by properties held
have several things
held certain lands
in common
those who live
in darkness
parents were born
in Holland
does not count
in honour
in law and
in justice
cause of dullness
in others
the Bodleian Library
in Oxford
and display stamina
in purpose
have on foot
in Russia
America and Americans
in Scotland
perhaps considerable also
in sculpture
be a busboy
in Stuttgart
law is false
in substance
a benefactor
in the earth
kick him
in the nuts
never walk
in the sun
and dies
in the third
a part
Agrarian State
and freedom
and opportunity
any nation
commonplace things
democratic army
durable power
force exists
forever met
fucking job
funniest joke
great nation
great part
had emerged
he had
him count
horrible thing
least-known men
like this
moral progress
more reason
much falsehood
no objection
of Christians
of terror
ones anywhere
poor figure
productive nation
rarest thing
the difference
the evil
the inequity
their way
weakest executive
worst thing
in the world
means he's getting
in trouble
is barter
This, plainly enough,
is buncombe
living, although death
is certain
far as Germany
is concerned
service if he
is conscious
I go there
is drama
key of India
is London
tell lies
is much worse
the death penalty
is murder
but where
is substance
and Juliet
is the sun
Japanese man
is the worst
and then it
is trodden
power until it
is tunneled
but the charge
degrades human personality
is unjust
He got
it from us
to fix
it on Earth
Maybe this time
it'll work
give the void
its colors
can live with
its conscience
problem of using
its products
we must claim
its promise
to pose as
its prophets
second coming of
King Arthur
sun, may His
kingdom come
They are
little worms
forsakes all the
near water
he joined the
Pittsburgh club
occurred on the
return run
century had
rid the world
That makes monsters
shrivel up
not understood a
single word
shall have developed
still further
things we've got
symbols of
treasure and other
things submerged
in vain for
this concern
we feel at
this knowledge
cannot expect
this of us
belongs here, in
I have left
this office
you must solve
this problem
know that money
trickled up
Will Rogers
Japanese surrender
will stop us
going to be
with Allah
was unarmed, except
with bludgeons
the Punic War
with Carthage
it is acquitted
man can abide
with honor
but in company
to replace them
with others
fill the bawdyhouses
with virgins
to have been
written ca
means are the
written words

with 1 extra syllable

never stopped
being a clerk
as not
being a jerk
are incapable of
being conquered
any human
being on earth
could establish a
coherent front
and their chieftains
delivered up
be discovered by
diligent search
get justice by
doing justice
wave of long-haired
English rockers
and fortify themselves
even further
may be a
familiar one
reasons is a
familiar world
Hewlett Johnson
a qualification for
holding office
Fleming and starring
Ingrid Bergman
and comforted my
Jewish brothers
things settle the
Jewish problem
aren't pro-life, they're
killing doctors
longer be
living on Earth
the enmity without
looking further
paid three
louis a month
illusion, though a
persistent one
big thing about
personal love
mind from the
physical world
had an intensely
practical touch
correct themselves in
practical work
representation in any
public office
It was a
never profited from
public service
where the strong
resistance comes
for the West
Riding referred
insist on
ruling the world
give his life
serving others
us they're
stealing from us
forward into broad,
sunlit uplands
found it on
taking office
bourgeoisie of old
tsarist Russia

with 2 extra syllables

than an inevitable,
absorbing function
the interests of
America first
the cradle of
artificial births
self-assertive, or the self-
assertive humble
prevail over tyranny,
babysitter girl
as well as
comedic novels
for informed and
competent persons
these flats of
discoursing causes
wrong in the
domestic circle
I learned
everything from her
I have never
obstructed justice
privilege of
polluting the world
used to describe data-
processing problems
had a mild
with a gigantic
programming problem

with 3 extra syllables

with a far-reaching
democratic purpose
are the
dictatorship, not us
progress translates into
economic profit
madmen pressing an
electronic button
statements was
interesting, but tough
much less to
legislative judgment
early days the all-
overriding concern
unprecedented, unmerciful, and
unrelenting harshness

with 4 extra syllables

longer as a
capitalistic problem
tasks on our
ideological front