exact syllable matches
abortion has already
he had never
King had never
never to have
been born
his recall has
been forced
it could have
been more
may well have
been so
land had now
been sown
life isn't one
big joke
society after those
big storms
approval from Senate
Bill No
means a little
bit more
his thoughts in
clear form
be I that
sick if he
Undoubtedly some people
did so
is what people
fear most
what I am
fit for
given a great
gift, George
when I need
him most
the group around
him spoke
safe, he keeps
him warm
the linings of
his clothes
or slippers for
his corpse
upon himself or
his Court
vice and let
his grow
obligated to carry
his load
ravine and worships
his Lord
and perking up
the sides of
his nose
a child of
a warning of
and come into
and steadfastly uphold
care to trace
guerrilla is on
he is on
in comparison with
into fire like
keeping watch above
made it uniquely
made the town
makes something of
no mind of
other abode than
right came into
some records of
the attraction of
The phrase is
to work on
will and not
his own
up and view
his shows
a piece of
him, God rest
his body and
his body is
learn something about
of possession of
Surely not with
the health of
his soul
stepped forward, brandishing
was confessed with
Who can wield
his sword
own freedom by
his vote
its peoples from
his yoke
material is small
waits for form
yet we delight
in both
well the bourgeois
in coats
worth its weight
in gold
in nature, and
is a dealer
somewhat low even
in hope
medium for writing
my subjects write
in prose
Nietzsche, plaintive self-irony
in Rohde
in Egypt and
with a boy
in Rome
be pretty good
in sports
it was carved
in stone
a rebel, mighty
can claim victory
can ever happen
prisoners they took
proves it abominable
in war
therefore, before he
is born
is closed
well, your suit
is cold
as a sword
is forged
moment when friendship
is formed
If there
is hope
connection to Franklin
devil, where he
source for this
then the end
is known
by gentle deeds
is knowne
And that
is more
and the answer
is no
of such control
is shown
progress of science
is slow
demonstrate that this
imagine that this
is so
fear the pass
is sold
indeed, our story
is told
For them, peace
is war
none of you
is whole
to the court,
it glows
and I let
So where does
willing to let
it go
as far as
it goes
while to make
it short
God has made
latest will understand
men--brave men--will make
The founders intended
universe has made
We must keep
it so
is coming to
its close
simply applied in
its course
flood had spent
its force
moving forward, toward
its goal
its solace and
its hope
a few of
a life of
a magic of
a message of
brutal tyranny of
every quarrel but
knew not was
no conscience of
no newspapers but
of comes on
set limits to
two sections on
its own
aims is beyond
not fully recognise
its scope
brevity, and wit
its soul
be ended at
flow back to
its source
and live on
its sword
And he ate
He gave him
Jim Crow
the way he
lives, though
a small tombstone
near home
consider me in
print, though
ownership of the
Ring so
skull with her own
Pack your
shit, folks
by making my
sin known
continuous change in
skin tone
she cast the
skin, lo
Just one more
thing, though
I don't
my father didn't
think so
any resistance to
this force
share greatly in
this growth
seem to contain
the authenticity of
this quote
order to get
this robe
Fox's bidding on
this show
run on like
this so
was something of
this sort
had happened within
this soul
whirlwind and directs
this storm
why I won
this war
open, and to
which closed
dictating where he
far as it
of the body
off the machine
will go
Someday they
will, though
names are Delusion,
Will, Woe
endorsement could you
wish for
was amply provided
with both
to meet disagreement
with force
never been paved
with gold
he does dramas
with jokes
the cherry hung
with snow
a house is
at or pelted
with stones
has grown stronger
which concerned itself
with war
he is a
year old
I impersonated as a seven-
a fair-child, seven
He was 9
he was thirty
I was 12
I was 8
I was seven
I was three
no longer 19
twelve or thirteen
years old
during the Hundred
Years' War
back when we were 15-
with 1 extra syllable
enslavement of productively
active Folks
a burden supposes
active force
value, is the
active soul
in the Middle
Ages, though
Letters to Rajkumari
Amrit Kaur
get ideas from
over again without
being bored
the expulsion of
being born
They're never
coming home
you opportunity to
commit more
appears to be
doing both
efficient way of
goaded them into
had been found
must prevent their
or terrorized into
will refrain from
doing so
it as a
driving force
was the one
Elvis chose
thing to love
Elvis for
goes with an
Elvis show
or violating the
ethics code
else you don't
even know
anything, you risk
did, and Che
people I lie
even more
they could not
even vote
They won't
even whore
what we were
fighting for
by a brave
fighting force
we will be
fighting wars
its kind are
flying home
We are
flying low
and catch my
flying soul
me everything I
fucking know
it, the first
fucking show
be miserable not
having known
future of the
Jewish Folk
concocting conspiracies and
kindling wars
mysterious vibrations of
kindred tones
or bend a
knotted Oak
nothing left worth
living for
existed as a
further as a
living force
What are you
what I am
what they've been
looking for
its principles soon
loses both
power, by some
magic force
suggestion for his epoch-
making joke
the Boston Town
Meeting, Nov
examples, as a
moving force
We ended up
needing four
but are certainly
can give you
I understand
nothing less but
will ask for
nothing more
voice of the
pealing horn
what he was
praying for
sly hypocrite, or
public whore
unknown, like a
rolling stone
particular plans for
saving souls
what you are
searching for
Mis-shapen chaos of well-
seeming forms
once there were
singing groves
could possibly do
something for
what is worth
striving for
Gregory, remember thy
swashing blow
as true as
tested gold
undefined good is
thirsted for
truth about this
tragic war
broken on the
virgin snow
Nazi aggression with over-
whelming force
all we are
working for
with 2 extra syllables
so difficult to
abolish war
Abrasive Co
justify resort to
aggressive war
try to be
will never want
anything more
judge or an
appellate court
is felt like
athletic form
which supplies the
cohesive force
cannot bring about
constructive goals
a long and
exhausting war
On the light
fantastic toe
on such a
heartbreaking note
the other five
Jacksonville shows
You that comedienne,
Margaret Cho
produced by the
narcotic smoke
Down swept the
ravaging foe
self-sufficing, and therefore self-
relying soul
only goal worth
struggling for
in a highly
tentative form
are they that
thundering go
with 3 extra syllables
citizens from many
devastating blows
for what he
emigrated for
Federalist No
what is evidentially
unaccounted for
series of extraordinarily
unamusing jokes
with 4 extra syllables
force, have unwisely
precipitated war