exact syllable matches

I'm gonna
ace this thing
before a new
age begins
he will
aid in it
and you
ain't in it
baited him
has yielded to
share their most
base instinct
have those pure,
of low and
base instincts
best of the Web-
based critics
vibrations a predominant
basic pitch
and finds his
brain missing
ounces of
brains in it
will not
break it kills
both on the
break-in thing
days, cheerfulness kept
on two men
breaking in
plows into it,
breaking it
open with special ice-
breaking ships
of the
cake is fixed
piece of
cake, is it
cat just
came with it
without your skull
caving in
the work of
change begin
Can I
want to
change his will
for you
have to
we must
change with it
Something has
changed in him
It never
changed with him
first step toward
I'm not
system without actually
the future without
the right of
changing it
to meeting a
changing pitch
chase begins
fun sort of
chasing it
I've been
chasing this
the Giants from
claiming him
Richard's original raving
craving thing
better than the
danish prince
on that
date this year
also, for approximate
date, Mrs
I even
dated Rick
are no
dates in this
David Brin
David Lynch
soulless robots like
David Simms
David Smith
bright new sunshining
day begins
what the
day will bring
one more
day with him
four hours a
day, cricket
sunshine every
day, is it
around in
eight years, kid
see my
face in it
get my
face kicked in
the opening was
facing him
It never
failed, did it
Roosevelt's body was
failing him
as I was
failing it
for my
put our
faith in him
starts losing
faith in things
has broken
faith with him
That's how
fake it is
I was just
that I'm not
faking it
fate is fixed
new way of
framing it
And the
Let the
May the
game begin
One day, your
the real
game begins
the ultimate Shadow
Game begins
too many stressful late-
game innings
kind of
game it is
probe of the show's
movie, and she
graces it
get better
grades this year
to the
grave with him
was really
great in it
Great timing,
great instinct
runner and had
great instincts
her how
is how
great it is
Yours in
haste, Mrs
of control dangerous man-
hating bitch
Angel wanted you
thanked him by
hating him
It ain't
hay, is it
with a
K in it
Kate Winslet
is on the
lake fishing
Maybe the
late innings
estate of the
late Mrs
and he
lay in it
lay within
corruption had
made him sick
made it clear
he had
made it his
spirit we
made it in
because you
made it rich
I on the
mailing list
but cannot
make him drink
idea can
make him ill
proposal to
make him king
tears could
make him rich
one cannot
make him think
she's gonna
make it big
ought to
make it clear
you, I'll
make it quick
they won't
make it stick
make it weird
Let me
make this clear
make this quick
said wool
makes him itch
institution which
makes him rich
- what
Wonder what
makes him tick
The Bible
makes it clear
tear that
makes kitsch kitsch
really use that
makeshift spear
Katherine Jackson quit
makin' kids
have to stop
making films
the drinking were
making him
a helluva time
am I now
hear he was
my best at
not sure I'm
the middle of
warn you against
your soul into
making it
wasting your lives
making shit
told what The
Matrix is
a new slavery
may begin
so that they
may desist
great many intelligences
may exist
may kill him
absurd people
may think it
name in print
name is Chin
The cat's
name is Nick
name is Rick
name is Stitch
Spirit, by whatever
name, exists
Was a
page missing
find much
pain in it
deal of
pains with him
We all
paint in him
he didnae
pay his bill
and never
pay his bills
a new
and my
has any
you've no
place in it
take his
place in spring
but this
place is sick
of a
place is this
place is weird
kind of
place this is
plain English
ran off to
play cricket
off, and
play with him
not to
play with it
do not
play with pigs
groove and I
trench, and I
played Mrs
me for not
was moved by
playing him
a shot at
appreciate baseball without
when we were
playing it
two ways of
playing this
he has been
much fire you're
real people I'm
playing with
of concern about
race mixing
the possibility of
raising it
son, was the
reigning king
be in the
walls of the
same building
We share the
same instincts
wanted to
save his skin
should exist
save his will
save this film
there's no
saving it
always been about
the challenge is
was meant for
saving lives
not how we
say cricket
have a
have much
say in this
that people
say is shit
I will
say is this
language to
say it in
what they
whatever psychiatrists
say it is
what you
say it is,
Russians themselves
say it stinks
bound to
say weird things
What's that you
say, Mrs
when I'm done
sayin' it
Now you ain't
sayin' shit
Basically what I'm
saying is
a way of
and certainly without
But thanks for
country would be
fact that he's
have trouble even
it and not
my lips, I'm
not who is
while you were
saying it
to rooms and
saying things
commend Johnson for
example of him
imagine Al Gore
just end by
record of Gandhi
won't remember me
saying this
find no
is no
shame in this
gonna have one
skate, chilling
job at the
skating rink
until the
slate is clear
is no
space in it
to survive in
space, innit
unexpectedly, the third
stage begins
the same
stage with him
got no
stake in this
of the Empire
off the Empire
State Building
a very different
state exists
punishment that the
State inflicts
aura of a
France for a
state visit
one who first
stated it
I refrain from
stating it
it will
man, you
stay with him
And just
stay with it
that ended up
staying in
athlete who
stays with him
loaded on twelve
straight pitches
strange it is
odd today, any
strange spirits
Isn't that the
It was the
strangest thing
do a little
tail fishing
but to
me to
not just
take him in
And you'll
You must
take it in
and really
take this in
a way of
taking him
a family member
taking ill
year than we're
taking in
feel bad about
money and I'm
on someone and
The hell with
taking it
sciences, without occasionally
taking risk
On the
tape, Mrs
but never really
tasting it
is exactly how
they begin
even when
they bring gifts
world because
they built ships
done, but
dunno how
good chance
know how
know why
Of course
party before
you why
they did it
was how
they did think
miserable dirt
my eyes,
they dig in
don't know why
Earth who knows
empirical evidence that
in it whether
life-situations in which
registration boards, wherever
the fact that
to doubt if
venture is that
with the reason
You have denied
they exist
Not like
they fear him
as if
they fit in
fact do
they give him
ball and
they hit it
them, and
they in him
face the sorrow
to the injustice
they inflict
So, naturally,
they kill it
they killed him
They killed him
kill them if
they resist
they spinning, nigga,
they spinning
What are
What were
they thinking
So what are
THEY thinking
They will build
at you,
they will jeer
the trigger,
they'd still miss
collected it and
traded it
instant the
train killed him
train slid in
house, we
train with him
can on the
training pitch
war only by
waging it
We're on a
waiting list
don't intend on
wasting it
teach this
way in Trig
and the
way is in
happen the
way it did
cool the
is the
it the
just the
knows the
not the
that the
That's the
there's the
violence the
world the
you the
way it is
is the
way with him
and by the
way, Mrs
only one
way, with this
in many
ways it is
Guess My
Weight in Pigs

with 1 extra syllable

has ever become
acquainted with
afraid it did
always been sick
I could
always fix it
And I
always killed him
I will
always miss it
what you are
always thinking
We are
always with him
they're seeing some
amazing shit
Muriel did an
amazing thing
a lot of
could do things,
did all those
lots of amazing,
on some really
amazing things
one go about
arranging this
are directed towards
specific methods for
attaining it
place that has
awaited it
How far
away is it
the further
away it is
can run
down and
that runs
away with him
always get
and get
can get
can't get
could get
gonna get
he get
He got
him get
I get
I got
killer get
let you
Man, get
part, got
Roberto got
them get
then getting
third runs
to get
was getting
will walk
won't get
you get
You got
away with it
gonna get
him get
not get
not getting
they get
you get
away with this
It soon
became extinct
following year, Karen
became Mrs
read the material
contained herein
a shot at
containing this
you can't
create this thing
than his gods
creating him
deny it by
the love of
creating it
chance to continue
creating things
that when they
cremated him
awards for his
reputation for forensic
debating skill
Sam for that
debating tip
that an irreparable
decay begins
kind of
detail in it
with the moon
you should be
embracing it
but to
engage in it
to be
engaged in it
are fully
engaged with him
discourse UNESCO is
engaging in
end often by
enslaving it
There is no
escaping it
the purpose of
evading fear
all without fully
explaining it
uh, s-stop
explaining things
me a
headache this big
them with your
inane dribblings
ingrained in him
before fights, or
brute routines of
maintaining it
a radical
mistake in it
one step toward
we use in
obtaining it
just be
ok with this
okay with it
you're actually
okay with this
left against the
prevailing winds
sought to
proclaim him king
kind of fuzzy,
pulsating thing
able to
state and
remain in it
see out his
remaining years
we gonna
replace him with
going to
replace it with
some persons completely
replaces it
and still actively
sustaining it
sound of a
vibrating string

with 2 extra syllables

Jefferson specifically
advocated it
your partner take
alternating shifts
animation in this
looks at the
animated films
wave a flag
celebrating it
be understood as
deprecating it
who freed and
educated him
be capable of
entertaining it
entertaining thing
their home in
everyday living
Everyday living
at the
hurricanes this year
or unconsciously, everyone
imitated him
marinated it
the figure without
mutilating it
You can't
penetrate this thing
Ideology circumscribes without
penetrating it
of offspring to
perpetrate killing
Jacobi had only
reinstated it
even know what
riboflavin is
right, instead of
subjugating it
conventional than the
unashamed misfit
with his
username in it
one party deliberately
one, and he's
violated it

with 3 extra syllables

He has
annihilated it
the power of
annihilating it
I really
appreciated it
We can't
communicate with it
effective vessel for
that little and
communicating it
a government program
eliminating it
emasculated him
a majority report
exonerating him
humiliated him
back and
individuals who
to fully
participate in it

with 4 extra syllables

To the
uninitiated it