exact syllable matches
blood money -
it's a
the end of
30 minutes
turnover and
a cream finger
out as
a deep thinker
man, and
a feeling one
uncommon intelligence,
you'd call
a free spirit
denounced him as
a freethinker
a mean river
I am
a Peace Pilgrim
I saw
a prediction
one was
a real Christian
you have
a real killer
I want
a real kitten
of trouble,
a real pickle
pictured as
a real villain
She has
a real wisdom
a seat, Mr
Lenz was
a spree killer
I am
a sweet chicken
but that doesn't
achieve results
of Elliot and
Bernice Pritchard
It's not a
bloody river
officer, not a
bloody vicar
bloody William
bloodying up
buddy system
buddy systems
be like her
busty figure
but we kicked butt
But we miss her
There's Ben Franklin's
chubby little
collegiate church
I can't
compete with fun
complete chicken
anything like a
you've got the
complete picture
They have a
complete system
he too has
conceded much
concrete mixer
concrete mixers
this concerns all
concrete systems
save our
country is us
country killer
was just a
country singer
Anything But A
Country Singer
did not
cut deep enough
dirty business
dirty kitchen
dirty kitchens
Does she kick butt
Hager Wilde and
Dudley Nichols
dummy scissors
dummying up
dusty miller
dusty millers
communism of the
early Christians
vote for an
voting for an
early Christmas
returning form an
early mission
first prediction
prevent girls
from being girls
very different
from these children
funny business
funny is her
a nightgown and
fuzzy slippers
girl he kisses
gussying up
to get back
uses swan as
her vehicle
herpes simple
honey dipper
honey dippers
honey drizzler
honey drizzlers
Humphrey Gilbert
world, all the
hungry children
you are not
hungry enough
hurry sickness
hurrying up
that memorable
journey with us
Some dumbass
junkie did what
I was
just being dumb
just eating mush
Just keep it up
Just reading, uh
she doesn't
love me enough
can't have a
cooking up a
lovely dinner
he's got a
lovely spirit
moment by a
lovely vision
We are
lucky, Mr
it's last sour
lumpy dribbles
machine pistol
machine pistols
to run a
machine system
the circuit of
machines Mr
Marie biscuit
of tea and
Marie biscuits
my name was
Marie Gilbert
Marie Windsor
marine stinger
marine stingers
James Abbott
McNeill Whistler
mercy killer
mercy killers
And there was
money enough
money scrivener
money scriveners
a lot of
money, because
strength of the
moneyed interests
don't buy that
monkeys for other
Skulduggery and
monkey business
Monkey Slippers
monkey theorem
us - the
mummy returns
Mummy Returns
sin that
must be expunged
dangerous perception
must be reversed
nutty Irishmen
oblique bridges
you're tired
of being dumped
and tired
of being judged
of being merged
all multiples
of each inverse
the Lawfulness
of eating Blood
the fountains
of feeling run
is capable
of healing us
of me still does
you're frightened
of me, Mr
awesome power
of Peking Duck
behaviour for purposes
no less, exactness
of prediction
a class
of real systems
know the gods
rites and doctrines
of religions
the services
of Shri Krishna
look all
of these children
of these is love
the banks
of these rivers
of these things first
of these things, huh
once he tripped up
not the
one being hurt
one sheet is a
one, steal this one
pearly princes
Percy Whipple
He's out on
police business
police village
that, the
police will come
Punch me in the
work was not
punchy enough
punt de vista
punts de vista
from pictures that
received Mr
as chapters of
received wisdom
that the
regime is just
Virgins versus the
Sabine women
Shirley Chisholm
and inclusive than
some religions
unfortunately, there are
some restrictions
his eyes and
studied Shira
I would not
succeed Nixon
last throughout the
succeeding months
suppletive verb
plain Footsteps of
supreme Wisdom
sun and
the bleaching dust
the dreams returned
off all
the even ones
hushed and
the evening comes
power, ALL
I am
the Green Ninja
These are
the heedless ones
methods and
the least results
know not
not understand
the meaning of
broadly as
the peace symbol
rituals of
the plebe system
made of
whistle, and
the real Mr
emerge as
the real winner
of all of
without dialogue among
without peace among
the religions
The Screaming Skull
they watched
the sleeping Earth
keep under
the speed limit
outside on
the street, Mr
one of
the three digits
inhabitants of
the three kingdoms
Romance of
the Three Kingdoms
and bulkiness of
attendants who wash
getting out of
leaning out of
previous owner of
the type of
took possession of
the vehicle
the wheel with us
the eighth of
thirteen children
touched me in months
Trust me, it works
about that dumb
What about that
turkey dinner
big and
big enough and
You are
ugly enough
a tragic and
ugly figure
I'm and
ugly villain
actually become the
Ugly Winners
dream, being an
unreal vision
rest of
us, we linger
Were we in love
finally got
got just
He got
only got
probably got
what he deserved
what he is worth
Look at
what he's become
proud of
what she's become
meaningful as
what she's written
That wasn't
We have
what we discussed
work here is done
cultural achievements and
world religions
The Art of
Worldly Wisdom
one of the
world's religions
were not
worth speaking of
say, a
young Reed Richards
with 1 extra syllable
be a dumb
action vehicle
it out
after eating her
hump immediately
after meeting her
after we split up
From saints' name
Ambrosius, from
anarchy symbol
anarchy symbols
Sachiko Murata,
Annemarie Schimmel
apple leaf midges
democracy in an
armored vehicle
their shopping in
armoured vehicles
control over the emotional-
astral vehicle
Augustine Birrell
would behave themselves
awkwardly enough
or her
brothers, even her
Burgundy mixture
perform, the easier
captaincy becomes
ivory-tower hoodlum-a
common street killer
name Personality is
commonly given
Companies will come
history of the
company, Mr
detrimental to the
company's interests
we human scientists
comparably blinkered
Couples who
constantly bickered
to the
current reading of
my wife
doesn't eat liver
her, and
doesn't hear Mr
Doesn't she, Mirror
double precision
, under the
factory system
horrors of our
Factory System
designer of the
factory, Mr
burden for the
deal obliterated the
Finally join the
go into the
This is
family business
Family Business
this fun, old-fashioned
family Christmas
A Muppet
Family Christmas
having a little
up to a
family dinner
source of the
the level of
family income
family is nuts
Family is one
in the Filipino
family system
one or more
family systems
part of Irish
family wisdom
I have health,
family, children
through the Fox
family's kitchen
Every man's harmless
fantasy mistress
That's no
flattery, Mr
That's nobility,
gallantry, wisdom
wasn't gonna have
gallery pictures
over who's
gonna be Mr
gonna be sisters
book, we're
December, you're
them are
gonna be winners
what I'm
gonna be, Christian
what's it
gonna be, Mr
gonna clean it up
gonna keep this up
gonna sleep with one
gonna steal Christmas
Where's your
Halloween spirit
getting in the
Halloween Spirit
you would have
happily given
even of a
hardened tea-drinker
of Calmness, Joy,
Harmony, Rhythm
times before,
haven't we, Mr
Hercules Returns
boy the
honor he deserved
Japanese ginger
Japanese slipper
Japanese slippers
Japanese spindle
Japanese spindles
mistaken for elderly
Japanese women
Javanese dinner
knowledge, each in turn
latter being from
About my
to buy that
two million dollar
lottery ticket
a dozen unscratched
guys not buying
He's probably buying
life savings on
lottery tickets
I'm not a
lottery winner
a bunch of
lottery winners
year, after the
lottery, Mr
into the large-capacity
magazine business
Martha Beall Mitchell
this whole
matter seems simple
would make
matters even worse
Mercury Crystal
mercury switches
to the
modern Swedish word
with wonderfully unremarkable, non-
murdery visions
nothing but a
muscley midget
mustn't be disturbed
Vietnam has
observed these limits
from the
other meaning of
and gods of
as all the
between Hinduism and
between Judaism and
between science and
convert persons from
from persecution by
good doctrines of
Hinduism and
Islam and
know less of
members of all
on hatred of
people of all
the beliefs of
the exclusion of
the followers of
to abolish all
to destroy all
wants to annihilate
other religions
Religious Person Tolerate
Other Religions
anthropomorphized cars and
Monetary Fund and
other vehicles
pardon me, Mr
the only
passage leading up
the first
person he kisses
policy mixes
as one can
possibly become
affection written
possibly in blood
He was
chick, I'd
probably kiss her
promised me women
illness, she is
properly little
captured in the
property system
you off my
property, Mr
Property's pillars
admiring that
quality in her
system or a
quality system
rather be in love
rather be with her
rubbery figures
Legend, your
salary is the
southern green stink bug
southern green stink bugs
earned the
stature he deserves
had the
status he deserved
submarine river
submarine rivers
the resurrection
suddenly spring up
Surface reading of
and the
surgery killed her
on and
that'll be enough
Transfer Vehicle
Transfer Vehicles
Teachings for an
Unbelieving World
dispute and always
under revision
life that are
utterly simple
It wasn't just
Valerie Wilson
an agony of
verbal precision
wanna be in one
wanna keep this bus
wasn't even her
wasn't even hurt
impressed on the
watery mirror
something more liquid,
watery, thinner
court, if they're
wrongfully injured
with 2 extra syllables
finite time, an
absurdity results
academy figure
academy figures
last time I
accompanied Mr
due to
analogy with crumb
that was
another 3 million
Now he's in
another vehicle
Semi-acronym of
antigen restriction
humbly accept my
apology, Mr
this historical
argument even once
over the Mopla
atrocities Mr
remains, and human
capacities differ
understood this, and
consequently Mr
always keep them
culturally brilliant
stage of New
Democracy emerged
Democracy is served
the second
element being from
readily or so
eloquently given
rapidly approaching
equality with us
It is
excellently written
the quaint and
forgotten religions
the moment,
forgotten these figures
blame the whole
fraternity system
Satellite image of
Godavari river
standard on all
government vehicles
get the
government we deserve
hydrogen vehicle
hydrogen vehicles
Impossibly brilliant
in a single
isosceles prism
people know
management means business
produced yet more
mortality figures
natural need with her
children, life is
naturally simple
luxury, slackness, carelessness,
negligence, remissness
grew up in
Northamptonshire, England
ingredients that I've
personally listed
for all
Philosophy is one
readers unacquainted with
philosophy, Mr
of this kind, for
of the really
popular religions
a second, then
reality returns
mind can see
reality, Winston
to show a
refractory spirit
prophets of new
secular religions
of the
sentences be given
have sat
separately in first
containing the Psalms
separately printed
with Observations on
Subsequent Religions
The meaning
subsequently shifted
franca of science,
technology, business
all biography is
ultimately fiction
you are
unhappily in love
No matter how
violently Mr
with 3 extra syllables
Jordan Catalano, in
actuality, because
restaurant for our
anniversary dinner
autonomous vehicle
autonomous vehicles
of the other
available religions
he was not
exceptionally brilliant
of nations and
ideologies, Mr
he seeks an
impossible precision
intelligence, She is love
largely benign and
occasionally brilliant
good but
occasionally slip up
make the
unbearable even worse
the Massachusetts Abolition
University, Mr
with 4 extra syllables
that make real,
falsifiable predictions
with 5 extra syllables
is considered as
infinitesimally minute