exact syllable matches

bottom of
a beer glass
That's not
a big bang
I've bought
a big bat
He's just
Turned into
a big fan
voice and
a big mask
to me
a bit camp
are both
a bit mad
just getting
a chick back
concedes nothing without
a demand
Fluke is
a fish, Matt
She hired
a hit man
wooden leg with
a kickstand
a mismatch
question in
a mixed class
the hull with
a pickaxe
just having
a quick bath
led him into
a quicksand
answer was
a rich man
name in
a Swiss bank
more than
a thin man
individual can be
the rudder called
a trimtab
fucked one, I'll
admit that
strategy does not
appear fast
it would
appear that
your crosses are
burning fast
html Greetings from
I went to
Burning Man
and stuffed with
burning rags
not only similar
but exact
unfortunate choice of
career path
us about you
career plans
York's hottest
club is Trash
they all
come in and
it did
come in black
service that
comes in and
hate what
comes with that
Thanks for
There ain't no
comin' back
and he wasn't
and they're not
bags end up
before you start
both going and
cause I'm not
He is never
I heard him
It just keeps
it's kinda all
Joe isn't
just gonna keep
Life is
never liked him
she ain't never
the monsters are
the word stopped
there is no
they just keep
They're all
think twice about
Was she
when she was
your powers aren't
coming back
I have a
cunning plan
to promote radical tax-
cutting plans
what is
done in France
could have
done with that
How fucking
dumb is that
that the
Earth is flat
pair of these
Earthling, And
caused the
first Big Bang
up at the
first demand
my circumstances all
forbid that
being lifted
from big vans
preaches sermon
from fish tank
free me
from his grasp
had dropped
is shrinking
from his hand
washing blood
from his hands
the reefs
from his maps
himself habitually
from his staff
be deduced
from its past
the Popular
Front in France
What the
fuck is that
That's where we're
fucking at
get your own
fucking cab
talking about A
living in the
fucking past
fucking plant
fucking sad
and all this
fucking sand
is some pure
fucking smack
Great, I've
fucking snapped
not an Abrams
fucking tank
with buck-fucking-teeth and a hunch-
shit that ma-
fucks bring back
when all the
fun began
hell kinda
fun is that
for chewing
gum in class
laughed with
her lips flat
me you'll
hurt him bad
a puppet, a
jumping jack
minute, you're doing
jumping jacks
Maybe you
just think that
obliged to rank
learning, last
need is a
loving hand
so overfed by
loving hands
perfectly just and
loving man
Um, good
luck with that
glorious Ninth, by
Ludwig van
Glorious Ninth by
hear lovely, lovely
Ludwig Van
luscious tan
who has that
much impact
changed this
much, this fast
these struggles
must wish that
bust me for
little pussy for
nothin' man
river, but put
nothing back
by a deficiency
print and out
of demand
stillness is full
of demands
isn't fucking Keith
of Finland
the name
of his cat
the ethic
the freedom
the future
with strangers
of his class
or any
of his gang
money out
the flat
the manner
the palm
of his hand
coming out
of his hands
a tour
of his lab
the face
of his land
the seat
of his pants
the glory
the places
of his past
you heard
of his plan
comes out
of his trance
ill-applied examples
the valley
of his wrath
should think
to think
of it as
years, all
of it bad
active mythology
of its past
still matters
of mere fact
which resembled that
of Renan
You're full
of shit, man
every inch
of this camp
the importance
well aware
of this fact
moral commitments
Shahryar, king
The face
the opportunities
the people
of this land
overwhelming power
of this man
the back
of this van
against the spirit
There was talk
to the reality
of witchcraft
doubt that
one is planned
one thing, Ann
is the
one which asks
replaced by
ones which can
permits that
no longer a
public man
talking to your
was Bill Clinton's
punching bag
they don't
run in packs
the Island come
rushing back
of protecting and
serving and
infection on her
serving hand
is worthy by
serving man
expect to get
gotta give them
potential to give
try to put
way to give
something back
you might do
something bad
God gave you
something man
You know
something, man
feel threatened by
such demands
there's no
such thing as
they fear the
sunless lands
way he
swung his bat
pants and
the big ass
we're still
the big bang
that was
Universe and
the Big Bang
founder of
the Crips gang
film, according to
in excess of
the demand
some amelioration in
the demands
Kick 'em in
the dishpan
to rank amongst
the exact
to learn for
the exam
dick outta
the fish tank
absorbed most of
the impact
the king, man
Thanks for
the lift, Dad
David Bowie or
the milkman
I am not
true nature of
the Milkman
not being
the pin man
beacon in
the pitch black
mistake about
the rich man
just take
the ring back
not like
the six-pack
found on
the strip, man
idea from
the think tank
is sometimes called
necessary to
touch his hand
no longer any
them, there's no
there is no
turning back
endure without being
tutted at
hemp had come
unpicked, and
legislative agenda
red pepper
this watch
up his ass
yellow streak
up his back
to clean
up its act
here, setting
up this camp
easily summed
up with math
mean, what's
to put
you come
up with that
us this last
of us
were HIS band
me and
what is chaff
Without it,
what is man
what is that
or- AH,
life, that's
to accomplish
what it has
What's with that
No strip clubs in
can have the
whirlwind back
kind of
word is that
first and
work it back
abolished by the
and enslaving the
army of the
capitalism of the
emancipated by the
employed by the
ended by the
enjoyed by the
grades of the
himself in the
ignorance of the
it helps the
leadership of the
men of the
music of the
of a thrifty,
of duping the
of the Spanish
out of the
party and the
reconstructed by the
society by the
This guy is
who form the
yield to the
working class
It's not
Norman was a
Remember the
to extort a
working man
education of the
Working Man
faith is in the
reading that these
works demand
why Batman
works in black
shining when the
world began
World Is Flat

with 1 extra syllable

to look
after this ant
got our
asses kicked, pal
to be, an
average man
Awesome things, natch
been a hard
one great big
part of nature's
balancing act
has no
basis in fact
target of his
we had a
battering ram
and their epic
battle began
this and will
become relaxed
becoming an
cut off from
becoming man
who'd be
bothered with that
suddenly hears a
cackling laugh
of ball
cancer in half
please be
careful with that
Careful with that
channel it back
of an hundred
circling camps
are completely
cluttered with ads
basic space
colour, is black
be some
comfort in that
philosophers are
concerned with Kant
example of the
destructive path
history who
didn't think that
A Yankee
Doodle windbag
encourage that
forward that our
epoch demands
and different
eras in jazz
fortress of
evil in man
after the
evil is past
do you
figure it, Jack
Time for the
final exam
flavor is that
notorious for his
fractured syntax
burst in their
fumbling hands
Are you a
gambling man
genius is back
that, the
goggles did that
I was
gonna fix that
one am
gonna kick back
am I
gonna win that
and enervated the
forced by the
governing class
and much
harder, in fact
There is
honor in that
tears the
hybrid in half
perfect work from
imperfect man
many business
interests in France
the investor's
judgment is asked
me the
justice in that
keep our ozone
layer intact
on a subsequent
leadership task
What's the
lesson in that
contention in a
lingering act
and sharing and
listening and
crazy, a
little bit bad
and a
little bit sad
I had a
little mishap
represents State and
local demands
She was
Lola in slacks
I'm no
lunatic man
of the
matter in hand
Mencken, in Damn
owe a
million, it has
There was a
minor mishap
than a
Muslim rib shack
up and
neither is Blanche
never been bad
never did that
and can
never give back
man should
never think that
He's got that
nickel-slick badge
let this
nigger bill pass
think Richard
Nixon did that
Mine chose the
opposite track
and the
other is bad
sacrifice everything on
their life on
our behalf
science, that is
our demand
blood spouted
over his hands
a field
over in France
pour water
over it, and
evening, all
sing, all
sisters, All
over this land
jargon takes
over this task
have brought
over with that
and left the
paper intact
can't inspire
people with facts
ragged with crazy old-
person demands
of those
pillars will stand
why the
pitcher did that
a great
poet in fact
Suicide is a
positive act
I have a
positive fact
going to have
positive gangs
structure, will be
preserved intact
human societies and
primitive man
tissues of its
primitive plants
problem is that
a fucking
got a
got no
there a
You gotta
problem with that
up and
raises his hands
liberation with
rifle in hand
decide to
ruin his plans
that's a
sacred thing, man
with display and
scanners intact
and enthusiasm for
science intact
the duck hunting
season began
and he's so
sensitive and
kind of
sentence is that
pass their Series
Seven exam
move, I'll
shatter his flank
The sound of
shattering glass
all around the
socialist camp
The Italian
Stallion is back
Sudden Impact
be looking at
super dingbat
kind of
of a
system is that
of semantic
system it had
responsibility for the
terrorist act
deliberate and deadly
terrorist acts
It's a fucking
terrorist man
thousand years, pal
holding out a
skirt with a
trembling hand
Uncle Nick-Nack
I must
volunteer that
is every
voter in France
Oh, you
wanna kick ass
Saw a
woman in half
your system of
yoga demands

with 2 extra syllables

the flow of
aggregate demand
Angelus is back
How could
anyone think that
time for
argument is past
continued to
bewilder his staff
are tiny
cameras in ham
I include
Canada in that
characterized as agrarian pre-
capitalist and
and everywhere the
dictatorship of the
capitalist class
and proscribed
chemicals is back
things in
connection with that
putting his
corridor in sand
sincerity that literary
creation demands
economist can
sea through your
entire expanse
, why
everyone think that
as by the
belong to the
executive branch
of reactionary
expression is that
always be considered a whole-sort-of-
there that his
homelessness began
knowledge is
inherent in man
throughout my being's
limitless expanse
fact -
loneliness will pass
there on the
motherfucking cab
made such a
murderous impact
I keep this
museum intact
is the
natural in man
part of a
physical exam
full of
pickpockets, pimps, and
Obviously, beating
prisoners is bad
to deal out post-
relationship tact
ending to a
relationship that
So stop
to grow up
remembering that
off to normal
replacement demand
rejects a God
resembling man
is a Cisalpine
secessionist plan
support their white
supremacist class
us with one
unaltering path
decide how the
universe began
and suppressing the
various witchcrafts
filmed for splashy
visual impact

with 3 extra syllables

your toes where
America began
not really
comfortable with that
after our Birmingham
demonstrations began
is devoid of
emotional impact
had any
experience with that
profound, and our
experiments exact
going to need
immediate evac
inclination is bad
of a
manufacture is that
no faculty or
motivation intact
constantly fails the Astro-
navigation exam
calculated for maximum
political impact
The entire
population, in fact
years after the
revolution began
ridiculous demands
to the
situation in France
Unstoppable hitman

with 4 extra syllables

more than current
environmental demands
up with her
inescapable demands
argument about
patriotism with Kraft