exact syllable matches

I felt -
at peace
shit there -
that's real
air taxi
air taxis
is in the
air, Danny
, now
Bear Valley
Bears have feet
Ever heard Dave
Beckham speak
in a
bed, has he
the balsam
bells and leaves
Ben Bradley
Written by
Ben Ramsey
is the
best man here
finish this
best man speech
place that
bet, shall we
my last
breath at thee
Brent, Brantley
from both
Bret and me
care, Barry
Ninety-five per
cent, at least
threw a
chair at me
charge to impress
get along with
in front of
out to fucking
Throw it down,
way he disrespects
you're cooking for
Chef Ramsay
Chen Liang-gee
to please her
dead daddy
dead, Kathie
to California through
Death Valley
to Aunt
Deb last week
delle Ande
desk caddies
desk caddy
Dex and me
the same
dress as me
talk loud and
dress fancy
dress, pansy
Sunday Night with
Ed Bradley
a few
eggs and leave
to throw
eggs at me
with someone
else and leave
no one
else can see
no one
else can steal
or make anyone
to make someone
else happy
that nobody
else has seen
you know something
else, Daddy
em and weep
en cas de
en famille
en mal de
en pratique
art in general,
enchants me
everything else will
him it would
It has to
it's going to
that will all
tramp mistress would
was bound to
you this would
end badly
Why do movies
end happy
see, there's no
end, Gambi
ideas about
question of
ends and means
Ends and means
blame if it
It always
most relationships, it
Real life often
relationship I have
ends badly
of an
ET man, me
en ligne ouvert
et massif
ex ante
world more
fair and sweet
care of yer
fair sally
is more
fair than thee
so the
Fed can't ease
world had
felt at peace
on it, but
shifted and I
when I finally
felt happy
on fire, and
fled madly
was just
flesh and teeth
is with
Fred and me
French navvies
French navvy
see my best
friend Cassie
just make your
friend happy
was a
friend, and he
friend, Andy
For being my
friend, Annie
You're my
friend, Sally
the Crystal
Gems, and me
- God might
And then I
causing him to
cute when you
didn't warn, didn't
find excuses to
for you to
hard, I can
He would rarely
hope they never
I still don't
if enough people
if I will
It's good to
mustn't let her
My father would
please, before I
that I can't
the grief, you
Then I can
think I also
to see people
you need to
get angry
to let him
get ashey
After that,
and can't
you to
get at me
Come on,
commander, you
have to
Hey bitch,
How'd I
need to
sell to
take to
when we
you better
You'd better
get back here
go door-to-door and
get candies
I'm hungry, I
get cranky
You can help
get Danny
You're gonna
get flabby
get ready, and
get happy
get mad, I
gonna have to
I have to
on, before I
to have to
get nasty
you can
get past me
just wanna
get past, please
get Sammy
get mad, I
get stabby
we don't
get that here
And when he
difficult when she
it when God
or the cow
songs and she
gets angry
when eleven tons
gets cranky
guess that means
same blue
hair as me
to keep my
hair happy
has better
more facial
hair than me
in the
head last week
all in our
heads, Nancy
abundance and
health and peace
heh, Frankly
his son and
heir, Ramsay
near to
hell last week
Whatever the
hell that means
What the
hell, Francine
hell, that's me
What the
hell's that mean
They need
help back here
Help back, please
Thanks for your
help, Jackie
Sparks and
Jeff Van Wie
fire and
turning to
lead and steel
left last week
of his
Legs and Feet
trunk, arms,
legs, hands, feet
block and
lend an ear
lends an ear
same wave
length as me
lent an ear
being more or
colonists were even
less happy
one cares
less than me
less than three
less than threes
Tongues of
Men and Speech
such strong
men as St
for all
men at sea
children nor
men can see
power to make
simple things make
men happy
which scientific
men have reached
mescal bean
mescal beans
When Harry
Met Sally
neck and heels
got a
neck, has he
next, dad jeans
you a
pair at least
Penn Valley
poms, at like
pep rallies
case at the
early before the
pep rally
words and
prayers and deeds
distinguishing between
hues of
tastes like
red and green
Break out the
red panties
red-black tree
red-black trees
Rembrandt here
rest at ease
said, Alfie
what he
said, at least
says that St
it also
says, dats we
I'm never
scared, Cathy
smaller chapels,
sects, and creeds
We don't
sell that here
might as well
send Barry
messages to 'em,
send candy
mouth was
set as steel
there is
sex and sleep
share taxi
share taxis
A 50
share, at least
to play a little
name would
word would
smell as sweet
Morris, Woodman,
Spare That Tree
Can you
spell that, please
and no
stair can reach
stare at me
know she
sumbitch just
there and
stared at me
stares at me
stem and leaf
stems and leaves
Step back please
with superhuman
strength and speed
on individual
strengths and needs
away his
tears, at least
don't have to
tell Daddy
just hope nobody
tells Sammy
tempt that, please
Test Valley
devotees descending on
their canteen
curious to express
their fancies
do, whatever strikes
next one strikes
slightest tickling of
their fancy
flypaper stuck on
to get off
their fannies
can keep
their hands clean
the Jews and
their lackeys
a job as
their nanny
to get
their pants cleaned
and went down
their valleys
to call
theirs, and keep
of finding
them and leave
raise to
them and thee
them and weep
off, anything makes
them angry
They're using
to use
them as shields
one of
them at least
to nourish
them at sea
won't have
them back here
fiery flames scorch
them badly
work, I offered
them candy
parts and make
them catchy
to let
them hang me
could really make
lies in making
place that makes
she could making
sure I make
takes to make
things will make
want to make
them happy
one of
them has seen
none of
them have me
thinking better
them than me
zealous in
them than we
I'd left
them, and we
Twenty of
them, at least
to die,
then at least
California and
then stand here
Then that means
get going,
the pub
then, shall we
to sit
will go
there and eat
just sat
there and screamed
Chappy, is
there Chappy
Watch yer step
there laddy
head out
there last week
should have been
there, Francine
way to go
there, frankly
all waiting out
there, Jackie
it going over
there, Panty
someone else out
there, Stanley
They'll hang me
don't mean when
they're workers, and
they're angry
but only if
they're classy
go to bed,
over it and
their families, and
to get to,
they're happy
had so infamously
trepanned me
this kind of
wealth, frankly
goddamn women don't
Porter probably did
wear panties
to English
web and weave
work as
well as he
world as
well as here
just as
piano as
well as me
returns as
well as we
Well that's sweet
already do this
well, Abby
well, frankly
Ye did
well, lassie
Well, that's me
Iris and
Wells and me
colossi of
West and East
visibly expanded
when at sea
we know
where that leads
where's Alvey
Where's Stanley
at somebody,
looking to
want to
way you
when you
would just
you can
yell at me
and he
And she
Mom never
She coulda
yelled at me
when she
yells at me
Yes, that's me
I never
yet have seen
what she
yet shall be
found him
yet, have we
bought it
yet, have ye

with 1 extra syllable

to marry
again and breed
favorite part
Let's try
again, shall we
everyone and fought
against Sammy
ahead and eat
to go
ahead and feel
You go
ahead and leave
ahead and scream
ahead, Annie
ahead, Ashley
ahead, scan me
me, go
ahead, stab me
child's first
attempts at speech
Compare and see
Compare antique
confessed at St
Socrates both
them and
declare that St
and to
defend that creed
this good
effect at least
is an expert,
except Sally
of dreams,
excess, and greed
of marrying his
girlfriend, Maggie
she conducted
herself that week
gun, dusts
himself and leaves
question of
himself and me
to enter
himself at St
cross that he
himself carried
Homestead Valley
Moshe Safdie
to be
myself and free
look inside
myself and see
I'm gonna make
myself happy
Noel Langley
nomen acti
to this
nonsense, shall we
or other
object at sea
he'll be
perfect as Steve
find himself the
perfect daddy
of mutual
respect and peace
with Ts
respelled as tease
of my
success and ease
survey of the
Sutlej Valley
to lose
thyself and me
member of the
undead carries
to get
upset at me
Vincent Massey
Total perspective
vortex, that's me
the rest,Between
yourself and me
and will
yourself back here
ways to keep
yourself happy
Come warm
yourself, laddie

with 2 extra syllables

rather be
anywhere than here
Mohamed Nasheed
I cannot consider
ourselves athletes
has become
permanent and deep