exact syllable matches

aspects cannot be
added up
And now he's
after us
Lutheran Christianity as
an adult
live up to
the spirit, merely
an image
is in itself
an impulse
sold it for
an income
be left for
who lasts only
an instant
as next to
Hitler is
an insult
of time
and a judge
elevated and perverse
and absurd
incredibly slow, inaccurate
it becomes high
unbelievably slow, inaccurate,
and brilliant
love creates
and builds up
innocent men, women
massacred his women
of their wives
and children
most trivial conveniences
and comfort
beauty and power
to our civilization
and culture
them are young
and cultured
creators, but names
and customs
police officers earn
that we demand
and deserve
George Elliot, Thackeray,
and Dickens
be one bent
and doubled
writings of Marx
and Engles
other and laugh
and giggle
turn around
and give us
universe is regulated
and governed
his development,
and his work
for dividing ownership
and income
different preoccupations, activities
and interests
hath one,
and is one
impairs their eyesight
and judgement
own good taste
and judgment
era of truth
explosion of truth
ideal of truth
peace and fellowship
poor seeking, bread
struggle for freedom
thirst for truth
way to peace
and justice
even alongside Washington
of Jefferson, Jackson,
and Lincoln
they produce worsted
and linens
his beautiful head
and listened
of even soldiers
and merchants
of his father
and mother
like Canon Sheppard
make good speeches,
Sir Robert Peel
and Mr
Let her maunder
and mumble
brain and heart
and muscle
for a minute
and observe
comparisons between myself
govern both themselves
Otto von Bismarck,
Wells, Woodrow Wilson
and others
start seeing images
and pictures
for military glory
and plunder
to our actions
and purpose
profits rise quicker
and quicker
including our Guard
and Reserve
all your stripes
and ribbons
from Voltaire, Bentham,
and Russell
Beethoven and Goethe
and Schiller
epigrams, elegies, songs,
and sermons
is both base
and servile
an American pure
had talent, plain
has been direct
and simple
are born brother
and sister
hands as brothers
to his brother
and sisters
both in physiognomy
and spirit
knew only darkness
and stillness
accomplished by sweat
do they hope
and struggle
questions of poverty
and surplus
the fundamental principles
and symbols
inclination, interest, habit,
and system
American people
its region
the Nation
United States
and the world
What pipes
and timbrels
all this toil
for change, danger,
referees for time
waste of time
and trouble
cousins of bananas
and turnips
idea of just
and unjust
being so smooth
and untouched
couple of grand
and upwards
in unexampled strength
and vigour
modern dialectical thinking
and vision
chiefly through dreams
himself of feelings
and visions
is necessarily unjust
they are efficient
and wicked
Inclemencies of Sun
and Winters
of their learning
and wisdom
and kindest men
love of men
of free men
others, including foreigners
and women
do kindle their
anger much
as dumb
as a stump
of living together
to live together
as brothers
are as ungrateful
as children
biological phenomenon
as first love
take it
as it comes
it sing
as it were
by cloaking cruelty
as justice
he understands almost
as little
as a Christian
House of Commons,
the bordereau just
as Mr
dance and sing
As Mr
as soul-life, disintegration
as purpose
such total deficiency
as Schiller
as good
as miraculous
as the first
as dear
as the much
as the world
asked Mr
what is
asked of one
he was
at a club
a woman
at his church
take him
at his word
in reverse
at its worst
mean, just look
at scripture
American soldiers
at the front
of light
at the sun
Spaniards on the
back burner
To a
bad culture
good thing to
bad results
There was the cold-
bath button
part of NATO
battle front
that of a
black person
men other-centered
can build up
information you
can give her
me, what none
can hinder
that women
can think of
felt in the
knowledge of the
class struggle
the history of
class struggles
much uneasiness among middle-
class thinkers
villain, villain, smiling,
damned villain
out and
drank his blood
purse and stuff
gathered up
never have
had a son
understand what he
had become
knew that I
the Great War
had begun
word that he
had concurred
After that, we
had systems
see what he
had written
second line before
hanging up
if justice
has been done
that the sun
has risen
it could
that would
have been worse
love you could
have given
He should
have justice
transaction should not
have occurred
as they would
have preferred
I know I'll
I'll always
have troubles
It will
have wisdom
that other people
they ought to
have written
not await the
last Judgement
wait for the
Last Judgment
It was the
last trigger
water like a
laughing girl
message of a
magic touch
am Invisible
Man the First
God one of
man's blunders
God made in
man's image
infinitely superior to
the dignity of
man's spirit
with weapons of
mass murder
expression of the
mass struggle
of the old
masters' crumbs
that do not
matter much
last word, no
matter what
found worthy to
pass muster
blotted out the
that shared this
planet Earth
in a
plastic cup
my arms were
standing up
You've got
talent, son
and more valuable
than bridges
ways we're better
than chickens
criticize themselves more
than enough
means more
than it does
perhaps more envied,
to be better
than Mr
are less inimical
are more fortunate
do like more
get out of
logic and argument
us came earlier
who saw further
than others
fundamental to investing
than returns
is worth more
than ribbons
emphasizing matter rather
than spirit
less holy
than the first
are far worse
than women
we've got Isn't
that enough
attained Zen in
that instant
personalizes all
that it loves
so shocking
that it worked
are tied to
that limit
the prosecution of
that mission
an established fact
do not deny
for this process
is, every question
that Mr
only the unreadable
that occurs
one sixth
that of Earth
being friendly to
opportunity to defeat
that person
and simply for
that purpose
momentary well-being
that rum does
you can be
that servant
it isn't quite
It's really
that simple
How to regulate
shining moment in
that struggle
stir up all
that trouble
That's business
fairies and old
Vassar Girls
in so
vast a work

with 1 extra syllable

is an analog
banana plug
center of any
command structure
about a strong,
demanding love
in the constitutionally
established terms
to describe the
fantastic worlds
With a sweet
inland murmur
Calvinist clergyman Abraham
Johannes Muste
of aesthetic or
romantic love

with 2 extra syllables

Beecher Stowe and
the days of
the life of
Abraham Lincoln
will have to
manufacture one