exact syllable matches

mention cystic f-
my pocket is--
this evidence
And a
beard is feminine
every decision has
positioning tonight have
been impeccable
stars, it's just
been incredible
writing has always
been intentional
have at least
been respectable
big, big belt buckles
incidental to the
brick experiment
British end up, sir
grade in his
British regiment
end up by
building several
Ching Ming Festival
Chingming Festival
Ching-ming Festival
need a
civics lecture from
time, gave the
critic precedence
while the
dripping entrails burn
noun formed with
English elements
up a proper
was a typical
English gentleman
cubic feet in
English measurement
Cognate with
English sepulture
It's simply a
fierce intelligence
I like
finished sentences
declare any mutual
gift expenditures
Who equals
him in eloquence
dangerous trends in
his growth and
who seeks therein
his development
in part by
his executors
least honorable by
his expenditure
me quartered with
the doctor continuing
his experiments
the proof of
his inheritance
active faculties of
But how great
the use of
his intelligence
if it's Marilyn
in defense of her
and commonsense steps
powerful forms are
she has effected
the X factor
in development
under her sheets
in embarrassment
had been observed
in experiments
in his second term
of the differences
in intelligence
is simply
in its element
State, completely
in its genesis
emails than
in linked messages
in respect of her
in respect of worth
from wallowing
in this deficit
in this present world
finest company
in this regiment
suffix than an
independent term
may be an
used as an
independent word
and constituted an
independent world
public celebration of
infidel customs
The rest
is chimerical
the entire family
is degenerate
rooted, the ink
is dependable
it exists it
is detestable
see that there
is development
immortal, everything else
ugliness, thank God,
is ephemeral
and his balance
in this film
in this place
is exceptional
humbug set aside,
my life
that he himself
is expendable
is his friend a girl
than what
is his temperament
but my timing
the Western Gull
Vaughn, your timing
Your timing
is impeccable
is that it
is impermanent
de baas
is in Nederland
because the feeling
bucktooth fucking chick
His mind
Holy shit, this
lost anything, which
sing the song
standpoint of education
usual, your timing
What we've done
is incredible
inexpensive, therefore it
is indecorous
is why it
is ineffable
of our worlds
is inflexible
elsewhere, or he
is insensible
fire, and fire
that in itself
the world happy
is intelligence
actually prove something
is, if he
is intelligent
coldness of men
is intentional
my mind, this
of this noun
The accent shift
The reading
The tone correspondence
The vowel change
the vowel correspondence
to Middle Chinese
z to s
is irregular
all, her age
and social minded
argued that it
caddish because it
conversation if it
could not appreciate
drive or not
Either way it
In science consensus
on this matter
perfect or not
Social convention
something else entirely,
symbol is wrought
the highest quality
The materiality
is irrelevant
love that
is its heritage
younger workers, that
is regrettable
it, and
is still generous
whose structure
is still nebulous
methodological behaviorism
is still prevalent
is this present sun
very least,
it impressed others
it incredible
and deftly render
something to make
we cannot think
it irrelevant
with which
it is encompassed
it is evident
it is less corrupt
Alaska, where
it is prevalent
It repels the dirt
business, to keep
it respectable
it will never come
connections see
its descendant the
Named after
its developer
its developer,
appreciation or in
firm involved with
he played in
making progress in
of interest in
questions that prompted
Scholes, involved in
Stoddard, involved in
the peak of
upon these depend
was involved in
its development
fuck is that,
I think
it's incredible
It's incredible
It's irrelevant
civilisation and
its rich heritage
killing their mothers
didn't mind
kissing their mothers
days with a
living skeleton
victims with spiny
living tentacles
fill in the
missing elements
to understand the
mystic messages
Phillip Benjamin
Phyllis Chesler
say she uttereth
piercing eloquence
Qing Ming Festival
Qingming Festival
and conserve the
rich inheritance
siblings, friends, lovers
a grave
sin in medicine
Sing-Sing, Leavenworth
the past
six years, Senator
growth, and professional
skills development
spring ephemeral
and admire the
spring ephemerals
it's disastrous, it's
still incredible
that of
up about
things in general
do ordinary
things with tenderness
Uh, I
think it's Mexican
active part in
be negated by
late figure in
motive force of
not absent from
this development
a result of
came up with
the subject of
this experiment
feeble idea of
this intelligence
a way,
this is cerebral
of all,
this is Evelyn
This is evidence
This is excellent
this is terrible
This is terrible
tinted spectacles
tipping element
all sorts of
weird experiments
quite big,
which is excellent
which is terrible
I have a
winning temperament
wishing never works
embraced it
with clear evidence
estate that expands
with development
She was squirming
with embarrassment
and in agreement
desire to agree
in good agreement
it agrees fully
it fully agrees
possible the comparison
such a confrontation
with experiment
also is it
these predictions agree
with experiments
Independence flames
with his eloquence
to communicate
with his generals
came straight
with his messages
with his present one
sympathy, with strength,
We kill people
You're cursed
with intelligence
Knowledge, but Sympathy
with Intelligence
in place
with intense suction
with it, speck of dust
some caution
with this evidence
with this hair colour
Don't fuck
with this senator
and agreed
with this sentiment
very low status
within medicine
faces of those mud-
witted senators
involved in a five-
year experiment
at this
year's Film Festival

with 1 extra syllable

and the
acting is excellent
the desire to
appear respectable
is called the
old fool his
thing about the
artistic temperament
artistic temperaments
ballistic gelatin
ballistic pendulum
ballistic pendulums
talk about us
being degenerates
under detention and
being expendable
and crew, for
being impeccable
that Machi is
being inflexible
being intelligent
that not
being is arrogant
is in not
being respectable
be, human
beings in general
minority of the
British electorate
these are the
British inheritance
its cupboards
bursting with skeletons
buses in their service
calling degenerate
them was
calling himself Gerstmann
but there is
conflicting evidence
clear and
convincing evidence
had been at
cutting expenditure
dancing in their worship
dative executor
dative executors
He's a
distinguished veteran
and trees,
dying in general
concerning its
ending is general
a utilitarian
ethic in general
or contradiction, or
even embarrassment
and not
did not
even remember her
one will
even remember us
of slip
fielding in general
doing something totally
fucking irrelevant
as they may
furnish experiments
How about a
hearing impediment
be no authentic
lasting development
gained for future
leading experiments
subject, and
logic in general
at the
Madrid Film Festival
to set about
making Experiments
code-breaking and theory-
making is excellent
funny, because
marriage is terrible
Compare for
Compare for the
meaning development
explained through a
native development
Native development
rank was acute
native intelligence
I do
nothing except observe
Goblin is
nothing, if flexible
number of its
pertinent elements
is a
pertinent reference
generation of high-energy
physics experiments
It was cherry-
picking intelligence
it is
pleasing, inflection of
her dedication to
Should I be
practicing medicine
to lull the
punishing elements
you'll be
seeing pink elephants
primarily the bitterest anti-
Semitic elements
about problem
solving in general
Even problem-
solving intelligence
correspondents have uncovered
something incredible
me to say
You finally said
something intelligent
paint frescoes to
specific measurements
staying with Sarah, huh
But I'm
talking in general
reason for
teaching in parables
some sort of
typing impediment
visiting lecturer
visiting lecturers
waited 11 months
that is
wanted in general

with 2 extra syllables

organism's learning and
adaptive intelligence
the greatest
advances in medicine
and not an
aesthetic development
task of
answering with evidence
they were doing
anything irregular
his intellectual and
artistic development
average to above
population was below
average intelligence
becoming irrelevant
doesn't affect her
on children's
cognitive development
scope and
compelling in relevance
confirming this message first
the education of
constructive development
plane, the so-called
Constructivist elements
for his
countrymen in general
one percent requires
creative intelligence
do something
creative with vegetables
and of their
domestic embarrassments
empathic embarrassment
empathic embarrassments
he is Britain's
engineering heritage
the exclusion of
everything irrelevant
theory has undergone
extensive development
Interfered with their
genetic development
to mean
heretic in general
inductive embarrassment
insulted his dead mother
interfere with their function
Are you
inviting intelligence
relationships and in
leadership development
Leadership development
intelligent with my
linguistic experiments
to embrace atonal
motivic development
highest forms of
organic development
parasitic element
parasitic elements
evidence of an all-
pervading intelligence
with the regular
phonetic development
and left-wing
and to
equated with
essence of
like American
politics in general
that's a very
positive development
valid for the
positive developments
possessive determiner
estopped from
presenting this evidence
Science as a
progressive development
midst of fruitful,
promising development
of information
regarding its temperature
me in a
revealing experiment
perform or interpret
work on nuclear
scattering experiments
based solely on
is consistent with
or proved by
scientific evidence
rich literary and
scientific heritage
Compare for the
for a similar
for the same
Hence the further
with the same
semantic development
be a
semantic extension of
domestic and European
strategic developments
paranoia into wonderful
strategic intelligence

with 3 extra syllables

to choose among
alternative experiments
alternative investment fund
of critical
analysis in general
all foreign and
antagonistic elements
incompatible with their
capitalist integument
Internet Age of
Competitive Intelligence,
of government and
democratic development
demonstrative determiner
dualistic development
and never explain
and there was
best path to
does not understand
essential key to
familiar furniture of
generally important in
historically unprecedented, sustained
the game of
the genotypes in
the right to
were necessary for
economic development
The State and
Economic Development
is inimical to
educative development
purpose of collecting
electronic intelligence
Executive intelligence
four months of
indeterminate temperature
interested in their uncle
figuratively, reveals an
interesting development
the existence of
organizing intelligence
its speculative and
philosophic development
hundred and nineteen
rule led to
quantitative experiments
serve their
relationship with Marilyn
shifting of
relationships in general
relationships with their mothers
total pattern of
scientific development
It's a big
of a cruel
scientific experiment
be reliable in
by women in
you all for
scientific experiments
World poverty and
stimulating development
terminating experiment

with 4 extra syllables

inclination, and so
facilitated development
illuminating experiment
liberals and
interventionists in general
years of the
phylogenetic development

with 5 extra syllables

such as through
unanticipated expenditure
led to another
unpremeditated experiment

with 6 extra syllables

justice and real
socioeconomic development