exact syllable matches
The Jungle
Book 2
don't come to
the lowest price-to-
book group
going in the
book too
cooperate, or I
that they can
that they would
book you
We only
booked two
in the rare
books room
was a good
cook, too
Simple, freshly
cooked food
world needs fry
cooks, too
more than he
could chew
low and he
could croon
A challenge I
a known lady
anything else I
anything that we
as everything I
assure us he
best that anybody
best that I
devotion to duty
just about anybody
kindest thing I
knows what he
much work they
natural thing it
nothin' else we
nothing else he
of average people
only thing I
ritual and ceremony
said only you
something my wife
still something I
that a monkey
that any woman
that Don Quixote
that that House
that's what you
the best he
the best I
the best we
the least I
the least You
the Super Nintendo
there anything you
There's nothing I
thing that everyone
this one robot
very least we
volumes of theology
was all I
was nothing anybody
was nothing he
was nothing I
was nothing they
was nothing we
was nothing you
was, what we
wasn't anything I
wasn't much we
were something we
what nobody else
what these weapons
woman like you
could do
Least I
Could Do
a game, you
Because she
could lose
nothing that you
could prove
to rule and
could rule
character before she
could shoot
know that we
could sue
away things we
be something I
Money they
of dimes we
with dis they
could use
a back rub,
and not yours,
Angel, man, how
attracted to me,
Bond film, so
But how
couldn't handle it
couldn't handle it,
couldn't have that,
couldn't help yourself
couldn't resist her,
couldn't resist it,
Ford, there's uh,
it voluntarily --
Jennifer, how
on what basis
own men, how
Reality, how
study for me,
than they ever
that one either,
the war, so
was me, Luke,
where you belong,
without those things,
could you
Or you
could, too
but we can't
cure you
not get her
the young woman's
foot loose
You'll be my
foot stool
culture is in
you, it's in
full bloom
and tonight's another
George on a
of the
or of the
till the next
We await
when there's a
full moon
had advocated without
full proof
not telling the
full truth
developed faculties to
full use
hung down in
full view
you haven't made
good Bruce
I believe in
Plus, I love
good food
may bring forth
tree bring forth
tyranny ever bear
good fruit
It's a
good group
Back in a
can ruin my
I'm in a
was in a
good mood
It was a
That's a
good move
- Christopher's biopsy
a giver of
And that's
and that's the
are suckers for
better have some
bursting with some
but I have
But the
doesn't have very
down to impart
give her the
her with the
his arrival was
honest, this is
How is that
How's that for
I come bearing
I heard the
it is rarely
I've got
leaving with the
lethal, Now the
of hearing the
So what's the
Spread like
That is
that's not necessarily
That's the
The only
There is no
There's some
they never have
This is all
unlikely to precede
What's the
Which is the
with the is
good news
fulfilment of the
Good News
is it a
good rule
been to a
Experience is a
good school
his children to
good schools
a lot of
good shoes
the South looked
good to
and it looks
lives are pretty
not cutting was
other people pretty
this could be
you caught him
good too
out a bloody
good tune
be put to
could put to
put it to
skills to very
this hand to
this thing to
turn it to
good use
they appreciate a
good view
That's real
good, Bruce
It was so
good, dude
but this is
good, you look
his magic is
his spelling is
It was
might feel pretty
she looks pretty
Vole is quite
we can be
you something real
good, too
You're not
good, you
drag you into adult-
hood too
heeling you to
hook you
help make you
made walking out
symbols of Christianity
look cool
that make me
look cute
them, take a
look through
the future to
the one I
look to
look, Bruce
next time you
look, too
caring if you
looked cute
which his soul
looked through
looked, too
mean, it just
looks cool
guy but it
stands there and
looks cute
This rock
looks loose
old so it
looks new
this power, AND
looks too
en he can't
seems about to
pull loose
he going to
He's gonna
the Gods did
think he's gonna
pull through
it starts to
pull you
and we have
me when you
pulled through
The tickling
pulls you
to have your
push broom
The child must
push through
and I won't
by then I'll
your best friend
push you
bald one a new
but to be
Our companies
You've come and
pushed through
be able to
put two
where does that
put you
where the mind
puts you
a real teacher
and what we
any religious leader
else thought you
God as we
I think China
I thought he
imitate white Americans,
is that we
is what we
know what they
know what you
last thing I
last thing you
like any woman
me what I
obvious what I
of what we
one thing you
pondered what I
something all humans
sure what he
that's what we
that's what you
thing a man
things which ye
you think I
you think we
you what you
should do
determining how one
some reason, I
understand where we
should move
No weaklings
should rule
Homer's estate
should sue
doesn't mean you
I think you
should too
all - why
And neither
And, why
for it, why
job, and so
them, and neither
should you
Maybe you
should, too
I know I
sure do
or crimes without
sure proof
I just wasn't
sure who
Wood Krutch
off into the
woods too
you want my
woods, too
last nation I
would choose
a good man
a little drop
a real leader
a sane man
any of us
any sane person
as nothing else
biting something rotten
countrymen, but it
difficult economic situation
do what Jeremy
Do what Rocky
do, nobody else
doing what you
exactly what everyone
Hitler thought that
I said I
I thought you
investigate what they
is what I
It's what Superman
knew what I
know what I
know what you
least any man
less than greatness
Little good it
lots of resources
most of us
not what men
see what they
shown us they
that only I
that only you
That's what I
that's what we
that's what you
the damage it
the things we
us what they
were promising they
what any mother
you said you
you what I
would do
no way I
thought that I
to choose, pink
was worried she
would lose
Hitler MUST and
WOULD lose
Rule as I
The country you
would rule
Lord, what He
would shew
care, and I
would too
gun that I
the weapons you
would use
a dad, now
a jelly, now
a little initiative,
about personal hygiene,
about those questions,
all over yourself,
any kind here,
anything about that,
anything to anybody,
anywhere to go,
away with them,
be slightly paranoid,
Connor, what
down a second,
from me sometime,
Gerald a loony,
Grow up,
Grow up, Kenny,
hat on you,
have loved you,
have the key,
having a toothache,
Hot Rod here,
hurt a gnome,
hurt your mother
I mean, why
in a box,
in here please,
it works, now,
kind of cripple,
knife on me,
know about that,
Look into him,
man through detention,
marry a panther,
me back up,
me have it
me to speed,
me, but why
my own house,
No, you wouldn't,
of the way,
of work now,
on for me,
our spacecraft now,
out there NAKED,
shave me there,
situation with you,
somebody's compost heap,
something about him,
telling the truth,
the horse, now
the universe, now
they're sending over,
this miracle glue,
to disappoint me,
to get wet,
to go off,
Why on Earth
with our post,
with the sheep,
with your life,
wouldn't believe me,
wouldn't do that,
wouldn't fucking go,
wouldn't like that,
wouldn't understand that,
you don't, why
you wouldn't listen,
You wouldn't,
would you
of Christmas now
would you,
of power, you
so my folks
would, too
speaking up if
you're blue
I think
She really thinks
She thinks
you're cute
into your mouth,
this game in,
you're doomed
murder, I figure
you're due
You're new
have principles when
own fault if
you're poor
you're rude
If you do,
tell, either way,
your own or
you're screwed
it, you're done,
over to Technicolor,
win or lose,
you're through
alcoholic but because
of that and
you're you
pounds, are those
seen his grave,
yours too
flag was once
one can be
Personally, I hate
you're gonna lose
yours, too
with 1 extra syllable
for you, to
ambush you
by choice, I
California, I can
cheese, I can
civilized now, I
drink milkshakes, I
good wishes, I
I can
mental note, I
my lies, I
quite convincing, I
quite inexorably, I
so many critics
the matter, I
think about, I
to us, I'll
assure you
Heywood Broun
whole America will
kaput soon
incompatibility with this
milieu grew
it gets really
obscure too
he leave to
procure food
which it will
procure you
persuade him, and
secure you
if the history
textbooks do
with 2 extra syllables
that will destroy
neighborhood schools
this you will
overlook truth
understood you
with 3 extra syllables
Gobbledygook, too
re-growing into a
miniature Groot