exact syllable matches

I want
a a soda
a club for girls
I know I'm
a composer
we've got for
a Comptroller
You pick
a control word
a dull moment
a grudge, no sir
it is
a love poem
a nut for girls
It was
a performance
market wanted in
a performer
I don't want
They've given me
a promotion
of ratio formed
a proportion
drop him
a rung lower
enough for
have gotten
It was
a search warrant
wish I had
a thesaurus
held in contempt
among mortals
That sofa
among sofas
actively oppose partial
and nauseating as partial-
birth abortion
brother's own words
his beloved ill
brother's shoulders
Trumpet swans, Big
Brothers, soda
but a short one
but the oath worked
butter no one
rather have
butter or guns
fish pond at
certain moment
certain drops at
to be at
certain moments
energy conversion
circuits warmed up
comes the closest
that science
constructs for us
is a dangerous,
corrupt notion
south of Turkey's
current borders
tried to
cut her open
cuts the known world
double cappuccinos, not
double strollers
dunked her donut
Earl of Norfolk
I had my
first abortion
What worlds away
from Jehovah
protects me
from the former
I'm getting
from the nobles
you're stealing
from the owner
How long
from the scrotum
know he'd
fuck us over
run over the
fucken border
well move any
further forward
an imbecile until
in charge until
is closed until
is suspended until
out front until
your rooms until
further notice
they approached the
German border
contrary, an important
German poet
was revived by
Hermann Cohen
and left many
hundreds homeless
Hundreds showed up
ought to
judge a soldier
stir a
judge of horses
alley in
excuse me
me for
just a moment
war, it's
just a slogan
impregnable, and I'm
just ferocious
love her so much
our own
love of order
loved ones won't work
retrieve Charlie in
much commotion
None of those words
this devastation will
occur, mortal
the ears
of a mortal
last part
of a poem
bounding wonder
the soul
of a poet
and tails
of a quarter
attention span
of a rodent
but somewhat
of a showman
a bit
every qualification
Not much
the genius
the training
of a soldier
of a whole world
makes no mention
or parental notification
preventing the necessity
the heinous act
the moral dimensions
they're rabid supporters
of abortion
limit the number
of abortions
in the doctrine
is a form
of atonement
over botched messages
of condolence
of fun for once
or most
of her donors
woman out
of her fortune
not one
of her soldiers
usurp the prerogative
of Jehovah
this artificial standard
want this kind
of performance
gets blow out
is a sense
it all out
lost his sense
maintain some semblance
taste, no sense
of proportion
the mathematical language
of proportions
wrong side
of the border
the animals
the floors
the hunger
the nerds
the songsters
of the forest
the beasts
of the forests
and economical,
than any
the end
the number
of the former
the hunger
of the goalmouth
the night
of the holdup
an emotion
be part
fashionable bunk
immediate problems
moral tide
or opinions
sophistic theories
the butterfly
the fad
the humanity
the inspiration
the joy
the pleasure
The pressure
the pressures
the spur
work out
of the moment
the society
of the moments
a meeting
of the nobles
just part
the bottom
the shores
of the ocean
the Heart
of the Ocean
of the old one
of the old ones
of the old world
of the Old World
early days
of the order
the atmosphere
of the poet
came out
of the portal
the evening
of the quarrel
be afraid
him alone
the last
of the Romans
above consideration
of the scornful
in one
of the slowest
very much
of the social
great destruction
the hands
of the soldiers
literal sense
of the Torah
on characteristics
of the voters
of the whole world
of trust, or trust
The Two Gentlemen
Two Gentlemen
of Verona
one of those words
gotta get that
one unloaded
One world or none
one, the old one
to pull each
other forward
die to every
other moment
in plenty of
other moments
replaced by some
other organ
not aware of
other portions
all like the
other soldiers
been contradicted by
other sources
chained to each
other, Cora
pony to the
rubber forest
way he
rubs her shoulders
is, in truth, a
petulant self-righteousness among
some supporters
few to work
someone over
is make it
somewhat normal
fencing along our
southern border
an empty
stomach so much
can be
such a moment
should be
such a poet
the moon,Than
such a Roman
Have you ever
suffered torture
summer's over
be part of
the abortion
because they enjoy
the aroma
trinity and of
the atonement
the plan of
the Atonement
What's all
the commotion
connection whatsoever between
the components
which is
the earth's motion
the first four words
The hunt's over
be influenced by
need not destroy
the opponent
conducive to enhance
fall off during
so amazed by
the print is
the scandal of
the performance
that reacts to
the persona
gathering Army of
the Potomac
much gratified by
the promotion
some strangeness in
the proportion
That's certainly
the proposal
for the film
The Sundowners
It was
the turn-overs
the world blow up
the world more just
believing, all
face familiar
is man
is recognized
majority all
of men
water all
the world over
by Fox,
the worst pollster
the worst shows up
These are the
Trump supporters
turn of no worth
turned a corner
moment America
turned the corner
in huge groups
under orders
of these
under your skirt
the paper
under your thumb
das war eben
unser Goebbels
just opened
up some yogurt
up the dough, huh
some appearance of
stab with an
upward motion
the basis of
verbal orders
of time
were turned over
what a show, huh
guess as to
what proportion
won some Golden
were found and
wondered over
painter and spoken
painter, and spoken
word performer
picture of the spectral
One of the
worst recorded

with 1 extra syllable

be discovered -
more words
ours -
were sold 'em
after one short term
Never chase
after opponents
can find you
another donor
one door shuts
another opens
responds are of
another order
children, only found
another orphan
another shoulder
it must have
another spokesman
made them
averse from order
by former Congresswoman
Barbara Jordan
Bauer slumps over
because of Lola
note suddenly
becomes a chorus
of a
better word, normal
would be their
biggest supporter
are ten
bottles of cola
killed by a
brutal abortion
well as some
camera owners
they were getting
Catherine Coulter
a real
chamber of horrors
Christopher Nolan
in regular, repetitive
moved with a
circular motion
conquer the whole world
was also a
consummate showman
couple of rope burns
for his
cycle of poems
is less
is very
dangerous for us
of the most
dangerous moments
deduction, Donut
have been
different for her
new and
different for us
from a very
different quarter
and in widely
different sources
is very
much more
difficult for us
and dark and
difficult moments
down upon
distant, unknown worlds
either spurned or crushed
And nobody understood
Emperor Norton
enough of your bluffs
as we
enter the portal
him, thereby deserving
eternal tortures
ever done for us
is ever open,
ever unbroken
Gothic tea-room and
Everett ordered
beautiful prose and
excellent poems
Excellent soldier
call a classic
father-son moment
this viewpoint has
fewer proponents
them in
fictional form, worked
that can
fire from orbit
flavour of roast duck
And how
fortunate for her
is now reaching
global proportions
Armenians by the
Government's orders
in a still
greater proportion
Hated the whole world
to his most
hateful supporters
of a
hatred of Poland
of the
hatred towards us
is the
Hearer, the Knower
changing attitudes toward
human abortion
cannot imagine our
infinite chorus
is the one
infinite horror
before the
Infinites showed up
labia are not
Went for the
internal organs
Strauss - an
intimate portrait
in something like
inverse proportion
and slows down
iron absorption
the story by
Jonathan Nolan
Will you
kindle the nova
effect a safe
legal abortion
than preserving the
liberal order
little but for us
losers, trust no one
in a
matter of moments
both mechanical and
mental performance
gave her a thirty-
minute performance
is the
mother of order
motor performance
clad evidence of
multiple sources
no circulation beyond
national borders
of the gravest
national moment
exception to the
guardians of the
which preserves the
natural order
of the
nature of motion
needed a moment
Norton, the warden
to be
older, much older
we can
open the portal
Jesus Pietro
opened the folder
other word for um
others, the old ones
This was
our first moment
our guts or what
win out over
our opponents
that horses' asses
outnumber horses
draped it
over her shoulder
mine creeping
over the corners
more especially
over the oceans
over the whole earth
over the whole Earth
over the whole world
password just for us
They were all
pencil composers
of the
people of Georgia
at the last
possible moment
exclusion of other
possible sources
power work for us
that was a
powerful notion
we'd both
prefer the torture
a graduation
present from Lois
her to
preserve the moment
air-date, not necessarily
production order
feel of the
proper proportions
by the
purest of mortals
all intents and
purposes, over
or to
reaffirm old ones
regiments or none
crazy, or
regular, or what
are highly
relevant for us
back for a
second abortion
and a
settled world order
girl who's had
seven abortions
by any other
single performer
you're a
soldier of fortune
nigga, I got
soldier supporters
survive as
soldiers of fortune
is therefore
suitable for us
you ever
taken a shortcut
of Hector,
tamer of horses
Temperament Sorter
is not
tenable for us
A superstitious
terrible omen
mountains, through a
treacherous forest
trigger of your gun
appearance of a
typical yeoman
this is a
valuable bonus
threats of
violence won't work
sedition and to
violent courses
crazy or
violent or young
from prior
visions of Gordon
by carriers in
visual motion
and to
William of Orange
condensed into one
wonderful moment
wouldn't hurt so much

with 2 extra syllables

closes and
another one opens
another woman,
beautiful, young, gorgeous
a disaster of
biblical proportions
to the
condition of morals
of the
Creator of motion
romantic about a
definite proposal
as the
destruction of NORAD
who is a
devoted churchgoer
had a
difference, a quarrel
and ultimately as multi-
dimensional order
to register all
eligible voters
Elizabeth Bowen
Holy Roman
Empire were Romans
be considered
examples of motion
Ferguson, Sir George Clerk
given myself a
generous promotion
What about my
generous proposal
of the
hospital were broken
are its most
important components
This is an
impregnable fortress
an inferno of
incredible horror
Kosher and an
indignant Jehovah
inspections were over
into an
instrument of torture
Invasion of Poland
bench risks affecting
judicial performance
disease, leukemia, amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis
Leave my
loneliness unbroken
magnificent gold work
George was a
magnificent soldier
marvelous performance
of any
meaningful world order
curse of the
merciful Jehovah
by its own
miraculous organ
the partial
needlessness of motors
often risen to
ominous proportions
tubby, be
original for once
happen at that
particular moment
giving a smashing
personal performance
didn't take any
political shortcuts
than an empty
usual type of
political slogan
broached by a
possible supporter
those of a
professional soldier
them or
profitable for us
is why I
prohibited torture
interesting by
quotations from poets
awfulness of the
Reliable Sources
Now it
resembles a forest
Reversal of Fortune
a just
sentiment of morals
it has a
sexual component
always be his
signature performance
all time most
successful performer
we have
tremendous control of
all manner of
unbearable torture
rests on that
universal order
in your most
unlovable moments
emanate from that
unreasonable order

with 3 extra syllables

have in our
constitutional order
definition of no, sir
delicate and
evanescent of moments
each new
generation of mortals
he was an
incredible performer
The sheer
indescribable horror
the consciousness of
individual knowers
real genius, or
individual poems
in significant and
intelligible order
and the
machinations of Bolton
and her
occupations were hopeful
nervous about this
particular performance
of the
performances of Fortune
propaganda work for us
word and
significance hung broken
to be a
spontaneous composer
inaccessible and
undefinable for us
was not an
unfavorable omen
violation of those words

with 4 extra syllables

water, is slow,
gravitational, amorphous
a humiliation of
irreducible proportions

with 5 extra syllables

devices of an
irreconcilable opponent