exact syllable matches

a bigger thug
is not
a Christian Church
Wales has got
a cinema
States imposes upon
a citizen
I am not
I was
I'm not
knows I'm not
She was not
wonder I'm not
a criminal
It's not
a destruction
It was
a deterrent
Assuming there was
supermarket, there was
a difference
You have caused
a disturbance
A Gift from Earth
I was
a gifted girl
I am not
a liberal
A little burned
grandmother was
I was
I'm not
It was
a little girl
things got
a little tough
just want
a little word
back off
a little, huh
A million bucks
and sizes are
a minimum
We haven't got
a minister
happened, it was
here was not
It was
Those lights are
a miracle
a feme on
a pilgrimage
a definition, not
A precedent embalms
a principle
I was
You are not
a prisoner
this is not
a rehearsal
burl on
a Silver Birch
is not
a simple one
a single one
directors are
a smitten bunch
A Swiss word, from
I'm not
a symbolist
A Village Church
Appears from the
Birch reduction
blood in the shirt
blunt instrument
blunt instruments
Brazilian butt
Brazilian butts
bucket drummer
bucket drummers
bucket of blood
bucket of rust
Burlington bun
Burlington buns
burning the world
busted a gut
busted a nut
busting a gut
busting a nut
busting the dust
But it's un-duck
But which someones
But with someone
Church Militant
coming unstuck
consisted of
cut signature
cut signatures
it was
done with puppets
Doublet of puck
dumb insolence
are not on
familiar terms
where it was
first discovered
where it was
first discovered,
first inversion
first inversions
first minister
first ministers
first principle
been rejected on
first principles
From chrisma, from
From Christopher
From discus, from
and far
from his servants
From instructor
From its colour
From Middle Dutch
From minister
dreamlike job
from minute one
From minute, from
variant of Coll,
from Nicholas
From nympha, from
From silver tongue
Fuck is a curse
Fuck little girls
Fucking pervert
Fucking trouble
Gunslinger Girl
herb Christopher
Hurwitz surface
Irving Younger
Jacinda Ardern
Jumping puzzles
jumping the gun
junk in the trunk
all civilizations are
just different
Just give Curtis
Just give the word
are based on
just principles
knuckling under
I was
learning from her
love in a puff
love in a puffs
Love is just love
Love is the word
Loved his mother
Madeira nut
Madeira nuts
Merlin Tuttle
South were not
much different
Nothing further
Nothing's certain
null recurrence
null recurrent
on my card
of businesses
into the hearts
of criminals
by the star
into the jaws
The god
of destruction
isn't a lot
it's a lot
make a lot
makes a lot
of difference
claiming the cause
of expulsion
in this fog
the igneous rock
of ignorance
Faraday's law
of induction
of inertia
that - Law
of Inertia
the arms
of its mother
a lot
of little bugs
in all
of Middle Earth
a common bond
of principle
a lot
of spirit, son
of things from her
lights are
of this colour
now a part
of Williamsburg
One clear purpose
one hit wonder
one hit wonders
one principle
one with the curls
one-hit wonder
one-hit wonders
Pearl is a Pearl
lips are
plumped with rubber
prescription drug
prescription drugs
by a large
public purpose
Public servant
public servants
punched in the gut
punches above
punching above
run in circles
Shutting up, sir
I'm not
some criminal
fragile methods are
some instances
went and bought
some instruments
Something hurts her
something's come up
spur-winged plover
spur-winged plovers
Stirling number
Stirling numbers
stuck in the mud
a slingshot,
stunning the Nerd
Subject's covered
Such is the stuff
the gods
such vicious cunts
sucking urges
sums with a gun
sunlit uplands
ground through a long-
term discussion
the chicken, the
the monks on
the cinema
state and not
the citizens
territories borders on
the mob was
the criminal
victims and not
the criminals
The Deer Hunter
The destruction
and that was
can make all
could make all
has made all
I saw
intent makes all
it made all
It makes all
make all
might make all
or rather all
others makes all
pretend makes all
That made all
that makes all
There is all
things make all
which makes all
who makes all
will make all
would make all
the difference
crack down on
the dissidents
itself is not
the eternal
The Excursion
all depends on
percent of all
the immigrants
and take on
is open on
to the All,
the infinite
bring anguish on
the predator, not
to fall upon
to prey on
To prey upon
the innocent
attentive concentration on
the instructor
chin against on
the instrument
after all, are
the integers
Judea in all
the interval
The kid's a sponge
The king of chumps
the king of Dirk
immediate anxiety upon
the listener
real meanings beyond
the literal
kindly upon
the little girl
It was
the miracle
The mirror girl
and froth,
the Pink Squirrel
the principal
The printer's just
out on
the prison bus
will, uh, stop
the prisoner
The Prisoner
occurred on
the return run
, on
the River Dove
The Riverman
The serum works
thought that was
the signature
concentrate on
the simple stuff
the simpleton
world, called
the Spirit World
The system works
the thrill of love
The Tingler
tribes scattered across
the wilderness
start fucking all
the witnesses
third inversion
third inversions
thrust reverser
thrust reversers
turning circle
turning circles
turning number
turning numbers
American people are
turning sullen
turning turtle
up in the world
up is her purse
Urich struggles
virgin sulfur
virgin sulphur
Even the groms
were disgusted
number of stars
were visible
What because uh
What difference
What in the world
What instructions
What is a truck
What is justice
What is the rush
What is the third
what is the word
that scars
what it observes
What kinda dirt
What presumption
What's his number
What's its purpose
work in the world
does for her hard-
working husband
aspect, like all
young cricketers

with 1 extra syllable

agua mineral
altar in the church
the cradle of
artificial births
to such sickening
artificial love
artificial turf
artificial turfs
producing lifeless and
artificial work
a great
artist in sculpture
distinguished by the
artist's signature
authors is much worse
people from a
bartering culture
in constructing the
carbon filament
carta reversal
and Schmidt, as
Carter discovered
caudal peduncle
in her spiritual,
causative functions
causative verb from
Causative verb from
Talking just
causes witnesses
say, considerate to white-
collar criminals
behavior of a
distracted by a
hunted like a
Ma-Ma is a
more like a
treated like a
common criminal
Common criminals
common difference
and branches,
common in jungles
common in the US
Communism won
for informed and
competent persons
wage of a
competent worker
wanted to eliminate
competition from
the entire
competition just
competition ones
It signified a
conquered repugnance
us from
conquering the world
Eternity and this
conscious Eternal
a state of
conscious innocence
copper silicate
Dalton with a gun
mistake, a colossal world-
darkening blunder
falter in the world
Farthest thing from one
this what my
world what my
father discovered
father is the sun
Now I'm
fondling a girl
garden with a spud
golfer in the world
Devil is
You are
gonna kill someone
like you're never
gonna recover
gotta think of 'em
harbour in the earth
harbour in the world
he was a
hardened criminal
hardest in the world
main job is
harvesting turnips
one becomes an
honest citizen
can't have an
honest discussion
types of radical,
honest discussions
a prominent and
honored citizen
hostile witnesses
share our
knowledge with others
largest in the US
the eighth-
largest in the world
Compare analogous
logarithm, from
lotta libera
to their
mamas in buckets
market discipline
how the
market is structured
one from the
market principle
efficacy and
marketing of drugs
form of
markets it constructs
from years of
Martian discipline
to the
martyrs is absurd
Maunder minima
Maunder minimum
into the
modern discipline
were witnessing a
modern miracle
monster in the world
where that
monster is concerned
That makes
monsters shrivel up
office in a month
office in the world
and interpretation is
individual contributor is
often difficult
opposite number
opposite numbers
the exact
opposite of fun
clash of all
opposites under
partner think of her
partners in the world
partners with the Hulk
positive number
previously derived from
positive numbers
problem in the world
problem with the work
problem with the world
problems in the world
promised him the world
or have a
proper discussion
reveals himself and
propositions her
Robert King Merton
Robert Millikan
Robert Silverberg
wife like, eh,
Roger Whittaker
Rosalind Russell
man, you get
rotten miracles
from the
rotten ninja world
of the liver,
Saunders Limited
scarlet pimpernels
Wine makes the
sharpest Vinegar
that being a
would call a
solid citizen
solid emulsion
solid emulsions
sovereign citizen
sovereign citizens
domination of a
sovereign synthesis
Spartans, listen up
the faction
strongest in number
never considered a
talkative person
Tanya in the US
the work of
Thomas Middleton
Government and all
thoughtful citizens
stands to-day a
tottering structure
Walden inversion
Walden inversions
Wallace in the US
wander in the world
See, that
wasn't difficult
wasn't frivolous
his mother
wasn't his mother
but that
wasn't its purpose
because I
wasn't this person
water pimpernels

with 2 extra syllables

and published by
Digital Entertainment and
Devolver Digital
existed are its
forgotten ministers
I haven't
forgotten, Minister
improper integral
improper integrals
installment in the of
involvement with the church
Micawber principle
Micawber principles
obnoxious kid brother
over the
prerogatives of birth
the importance of
unconscious inference

with 3 extra syllables

correspondence principle