exact syllable matches

trip, and
a big duel
fascism become
a big movement
a big room, sir
had happened
a bit sooner
a sham and
a snare and
an outrage and
but this was
cross than under
for him as
for just such
Is that
It is not
mere sound and
trial because of
a delusion
a dick to 'em
derivative of
a disused verb
He was
a Liszt pupil
dedication, and never
a removal
a six shooter
a thing, you punk
Iraq, Saddam walks
amidst ruin
human hearts
appears to us
bug him too much
each other's programs,
bugs included
bust improver
bust improvers
but it blew up
but with few verbs
come in useful
forward into the
coming future
identity from
coming to dust
Continues from
cutting fluid
cutting fluids
quiet, dry, and
cutting humor
done in two words
done with you, girl
One cannot
forgive too much
That I suffer
from delusions
from illusion
from remover
can come
from this, Brutus
from which to work
You guys are
fucking brutal
even I'm that
fucking cruel
everybody's got a
fucking future
such a fat,
fucking loser
all, we're not
Are you that
little girls are
we're not that
fucking stupid
Nice job, Mr
Fucking Stupid
the ways of
her elusion
artistic because of
freeing Scarlett from
her influence
and crush
her into pulp
just been through one
things are all
just illusions
love him too much
loved his humor
Ludwig Uhland
he cannot exercise
much influence
much is too much
nothin' to trust
would have
nothing to learn
You got
nothing to squirt
in future,
nothing to us
corrupt tells us
nothing useful
nothing you've heard
Nothing's ruined
she was a
nursing student
both nurses and
nursing students
by the shackles
of delusion
The Epoch
of Diffusion
dignity is that
of exclusion
secularists as paragons
of Hindutva
and all
of his jewels
most eminent
of one
was one
of his pupils
to one
of his students
a member
of his unit
of his used gum
are all shackles
in a world
through a fog
of illusion
came the power
of Illusion
to all kinds
of illusions
considered them capable
for the purpose
to the march
of improvement
hundred grand's worth
of improvements
as a result
than gun-at-the-head methods
wield a lot
of influence
a lot
as part
of its future
experience, regardless
of its newness
that measure
of its units
and intelligence
of its users
sensitive is capable
of renewal
They are masters
of Renewal
have been places
is a kind
on the basis
of ritual
the absolute quintessence
of seclusion
of things to come
of things you learned
convinced opponent
in service
only because
the future
the principles
of this movement
of this new world
across interactions
of this unit
of years to come
one, in view of
One, this dude sucks
in every constitutional
public movement
putting to work
I'm not
putting you first
roughing fluid
this useless
rubbish do us
he began
rucking to church
run into one
You aren't
running Eunice
liberties but under
some delusion
act has
some issues, but
me tell ya
somethin', Junior
me, you'll catch
something cruel
Something human
hope he does
say, instead of
something stupid
It does
something to 'em
at least discover
could have done
something useful
give up
gonna hurt
rip out
something you love
you understand
something, you punk
There's equal
stuff in Cuba
of that
stuff is useless
Sturgis Hooper
a man under
such influence
be not of
the disputers
Franks was
the fifth shooter
toll surpassed
the Hindu one
a balloon, burst
it certainly strengthen
thing, WE are
We are
the illusion
driving under
I accepted under
Territory and all
the direction of
the influence
and Terri attack
You are
the intruder
We lost
the intruders
How about
The Intruders
him, and resented
the intrusion
the kid you were
the kids threw up
I've done,
the lives ruined
battles of
life of
the near future
it out of
the near-future
and indifference of
are returned after
word, the formula,
year, he loved
the ritual
so we have
the seducer
the shit blew up
way to reprogram
the sim-units
influenced by
the swimsuit term
the thing you love
the things you touch
the will to work
the years to come
merge the
trucks into one
turned him to dust
over, and
turned into some
start by
turning to the
that wine
turns into blood
To Uh-
Uh is human
Contains the suffix
voices tied
up into one
rest of
us in future
Everything about
us is movement
Compare with the
verb refuser
and the untouchables
were excluded
in peer-reviewed journals
were included
What did you learn
the other
what is brutal
what is to come
is, but
weapons beyond
what is useful
snow-stars comes
whirling to earth
vast projects of
world improvement
our private
world in ruins
Worse is to come
praise, a
yearning to serve

with 1 extra syllable

outnumber us
100 to one
Adjusted to what
gonna lead
Alaric to us
allergic to uh
arguably, Pythagoras
amongst his pupils
force in the
anarchist movement
there's putting
anger into words
to being Joe
Average Student
backward in to the
explained as a
Balkan influence
of homicide
bombers is useless
bother him too much
a haunted
castle in Cuba
t-t-teeth are
chattering too much
Party of
China in Wuhan
the deep red
coloring sooner
am hardly
of those
competent to judge
primary data sources
concerning humans
social order requires
constant improvement
covered in blue dust
fairy gifts,
crowded into one
samples have
crumbled into dust
path, then
rapidly and
crumbles into dust
teamwork, before
crumbling to dust
the virus
doesn't kill humans
doesn't kill you first
for AMC starring
Dominic Cooper
Paronym to
this country to
galloping ruin
gargling fluid
gargling fluids
all kinds of
genre inclusion
dialects under standard
Franconian and Low
suppose it's the
to a possible
to pronoun by
under Middle Low
German influence
gonna cheer you up
gotta seduce her
handed him to her
handed it to Love
Cassidy, with his pearl-
handled 6-shooters
happen, it's too much
expected what
happened with Goosebumps
What is
what was
happening to her
these events
what is
happening to us
Herpestes ichneumon
turning the
language into a
I think
laughter is crucial
longer wish to serve
see Shawn
Michaels, his Super
political will a
minor illusion
the dance and
modelling students
modern delusion
against an earlier
modernist movement
find me a
modest improvement
mother him too much
starting with my
mother's influence
murdered in New Bern
offered it to her
oil, turpentine and
often bitumen
Is there any
other improvements
the state of
our disunion
the creation of
the greatest of
weaknesses, but from
our illusions
as always, making
our improvements
and that was
to withdraw from
our influence
our future,
our near future
rigid dogma and
outer ritual
rigid dogmas and
outer rituals
that hatred
passes into love
Passion is human
coup being
plotted is useful
leave the
politics to us
is a larger
positive movement
Resisting its
power is futile
determined to
preserve this Union
made me feel
productive, useful
job and a
we can a
promising future
not determine the
province's future
rabbit illusion
me, my
rifle is useless
By putting
sadness into words
Salafist movement
and other
samples in Duma
climax of this
savage ritual
York, a summons-
server in Newark
a kink about
slaughtering humans
character are
soldered into one
prospect of a
solid improvement
can with other
standard illusions
starters is too much
transmutes the
struggle into love
struggle is futile
is only a
stubborn illusion
to a
substantive use of
I was
suffering too much
Thatcher illusion
that'll cheer you up
That'll cheer you up
trample him to dust
Rolaids, aspirin, a
travelling toothbrush
many students came
under influence
be crushed
under its Ruins
are women, not
underage schoolgirls
develop in the
upcoming future
latterly experiencing gentrification
redevelopment program or
urgent call for
urban renewal
urban renewals
people who
volunteer to serve
for, but that
on if I
wasn't included
batteries, but they
weren't included
institutions of the
Zionist movement
Knesset for the
Zionist Union

with 2 extra syllables

paper, even an
alternative fuel
Now we use
alternative fuels
a variety of
alternative futures
means which have
resources which have
alternative uses
an apologist for
animal illusion
this not be
another delusion
reality might be
another's illusion
beautiful things to come
Cassandra is useless
and of the
of the modern
vehicle for the
conservative movement
organization, the American
Conservative Union
construction in two months
cultural diffusion
cultural diffusions
catastrophic failure of
cultural renewal
the State
Department since Truman
different skills you learn
is that
discussion is fruitless
is also an
eternal renewal
federative unit
federative units
From the
figurative use of
Power veto and
financial inducement
all the proper
funeral rituals
I want less
very definition of
government intrusion
truth that self-
government is rooted
memory and
heritage into dust
horrible things you've done
choose without
interrupting too much
indicate some northern
Italian influence
other Indo-European
languages into one
dedicated to demystifying
liberal illusions
What a
marvellous, misused word
exerts, however, a
medical influence
an era of
national renewal
unclear and its
origin disputed
Origin disputed
outnumbered six to one
foolish of modern
popular delusions
away from his
to make a
powerful influence
her bright and
powerful Influence
a political
prisoner in Cuba
justice, mere
sentiment into love
be liberated through
separatist movements
ability to exert
substantial influence
She's a
terrible influence
the need for
tireless renewal
because the
universe is cruel
Untalented Eunice
destroy the world,
Wakanda included
due to my
wonderful influence

with 3 extra syllables

was a strong
additional inducement
the world of
appearances, illusion
in no
comparison with Newton
of the
electorate is crucial
economic, intellectual or
emotional improvement
subdued by some
invisible influence
by a largely
irrelevant ritual
those metal
motherfuckers into junk
Was there any
particular influence
up to that
particular ritual
by that profound
physiologist Buddha
and forerunner of
exercised a significant
its capacity for
military power and
States and enjoyed
political influence
should embrace that
remarkable illusion
Samuelson is Human
have a nontraditional
traditional ritual
who clamor for
universal removal
this way by
unscrupulous seducers
watercolor illusion
watercolor illusions

with 4 extra syllables

an alternative to
agricultural improvement
with it an
incalculable influence
been prolific of
innumerable delusions
and Ketu provides
supernatural influence