exact syllable matches

It's a failing, I admit-
Amsterdam and
buy a beer
have to
buy a drink
buy drugs,
buy some rims
He didn't just
buy something
You don't
buy the ring
you mean
by a thing
get your living
by loving
are eaten up
everything but possessed
to be affected
by nothing
for man raised
by puffins
to sleep
by the cliff
carefully hidden
by the kid
bound West
by the Miss
fucked over
the poor
by the rich
is produced
by the will
strung up
by the wrists
like automobiles,
by the year
Democrats shocked
by Trump's win
keep afloat is
by working
I'm gonna
die from it
something that won't
die, something
My father
died fucking
the frog
dies of it
could market a
diet drink
you can't
drive a stick
pen, and the
driver's whip
and destroy this
final glyph
my last and
final will
granting me a
final wish
a skill and
that, you will
find nothing
enough to
find one in
darkness to
find the spear
you'd never
find the thing
more if you
fire it
a cannon and
fired him
own changed face
frightened him
Dig that crazy
Gaian witch
mind, one such
giant will
you understand what
Guidance is
buy you
guys a drink
where you
guys come in
Some people
hide from it
you had to
hide something
help him
hide the ship
hides nothing
involuntarily to a
higher sphere
Desirelessness is the
highest bliss
I thought you
or your father
That's why I
the man who
hired him
I a dish
can see and
in a desk,
I admit
the last time
I appeared
know those guys
I busted
that's where
I come in
toilet before
I flush it
he chooses unless
I forbid
eyes, but
first time
not know
or that
then, had
I heard it
How could
I hurt him
I guess
I just did
caper that
I just flipped
him that
I think
I love him
are dead,
he said,
it because
job and
off slow,
people -
That's why
with silk,
I love it
someone else
I love killed
the time,
wife and
I loved him
blood and
easy and
foul, and
kid and
remember that
I loved it
was sick,
I nursed him
me than
I of him
hard as
I once did
Why do
I run it
Felt like
I rushed it
then, was
I shoved in
I something
shudder when
I touch him
anything unless
I touched it
I trust him
murder, and
I work it
from anybody
I work with
I'll -
I'll just chill
nearby, or
I'm a Blit
heard that
I'm a prick
as far as
I'm coming
You tell 'em
I'M coming
seeing new things,
I'm learning
nothin' is cause
I'm nothin'
life thinking
I'm one thing
But in purple,
I'm stunning
I'm the bitch
all with an
country with an
nation with an
resistance with an
iron fist
like Electro or
Iron Fist
I've done things
him, a
kind of cyst
with a
kind of fear
all that
by this
kind of shit
a different
a self-esteem
about that
about this
all that
and that
at that
at this
blab this
do this
doing that
double date
entirely different
lepers, that
like that
really my
the same
kind of thing
All those
respect those
kind of things
an animal
kind of trick
just,in fact,
be that
kind of witch
to some
kinds of it
and all
beyond these
do all
number of
kinds of things
human credulity that
lies flourish
But herein
lies the split
escaping a
life of fear
with a
life of sin
are the
life of things
of your
life, huh kid
the lamp of love-
light burning
by the
light of his
hurl it
like a brick
He sounds
Stop thinking
like a dick
and smells
like a fish
She giggles
treat me
like a kid
before them
I'll live
to live
like a king
to death
like a list
keeping house
little bit
really look
to sweat
like a pig
like a pinch
like a prince
like a tic
your neck
like a tick
I behaved
like a tit
snap off
snap you
like a twig
one -
like a twin
from emerging countries
like Brazil
fuck you feel
like fucking
and then perish
like nothing
that they don't
like something
like stuffing
and wars breed
race that breeds
like vermin
least several
lines of it
Lion King
again to
live a myth
live the King
Michael Fish
It'll make you
Midas rich
become a habit,
mightn't it
violent buggery to
mild touching
freight train a
mile uphill
tick of your
mind working
of the
mind, the will
sure would have
minded it
- it's a
minor risk
adverse effect on
best part of
educational experience of
greatest scheme of
profound influence on
that early in
the end of
The zenith of
This is about
to do with
You've ruined
my career
and sinless before
my coming
I give
my nothing
I hope
my son did
now to
my son Jim
my stuffing
the welfare of
my subjects
account in deciding
Dashed reasonable, was
my verdict
give you
my word Ms
minutes in
my world, bitch
This confirms
my worst fears
make a
night of it
you see the
pie coming
but a
pile of bricks
and a
pile of kids
a whole
grab a
in a
pile of shit
You wont
pilot it
half a
pint of milk
for a
pint of this
We're the
Piper Twins
is the
price worth it
No more
private gigs
over-reaching into people's
prying into our
public and your
private lives
Quiet people lived
quiet lives
about her
like it
me around
really changes
quite a bit
that was
quite a thrill
quite a trip
crayon doesn't
quite cut it
deeds that were
quite stunning
the divine
right of Kings
right, nothing
let him be
righteous still
Rite of Spring
other men could
rival it
the bright
side of things
the other
side of this
viewed all
sides of it
die within
to lose
sight of it
was no
sign of him
gave no
sign of it
the fellas behind
Silent Hill
Silent Spring
widely as the
site admits
look the
size of him
see the
size of it
slugs the
size of pigs
that Luke
smile of his
not in
spite of him
it in
sometimes in
spite of it
the thing,
spite of this
and seek to
barren traditions that
stifle it
was that they
stifled it
warmish bottle of
Tiger beer
lion and a
tiger mixed
A good
Of the good
was a long
time coming
a hard
time of it
like this
oak this
time of year
at some
time struck him
a few
couple dozen
or three
them eight
times a year
at other
times of year
or 40
times per year
wait 'til he
tries something
Christ to be
HE to be
trifled with
But above all,
Let me
try something
run that
type of risk
a time
all that
type of thing
EST, those
type of things
to certain
types of skin
freedom stirs, let
tyrants fear
case with authentic
vinyl trim
pact are our
vital lymph
and recited verses
while running
My ex-
wife loves him
get that
wife of his
king of the
wild frontier
hush no
wind stirs it
goes into his
windup, wink
I do not
I'm going to
write something

with 1 extra syllable

the refusal to
acquire it
I loved and
admired it
lot of
advice from him
diversification, and many
allied subjects
around back
behind the cliffs
still wet
behind the ears
to bed
behind the hills
same size and
bullfight subjects
been able to
decipher it
His heart
defied a king
and laugh and
deny nothing
uncomfortable when
deprived of it
senses, is
derived from him
they be
derived from it
you what the
designer did
for food nor
It's because humans
they do not
desire it
long as she
desired his
God becomes the
Divine Nothing
them to their
divinest bliss
lines in the
entire film
make of our
entire lives
me for the
entire thing
pocket for an
entire year
is not
implies what is
the good
inside of him
of him
real person
this thing
inside of it
Need to get
inside something
an adventure that
inspired him
know that you
inspired it
Monk's been
invited in
to give
mankind the gift
it but
material existence
system than
we are
outside of it
Please let me
recycle it
bend as I
public welfare may
require it
of religion itself
of the service
present necessity, which
thought the song
required it
Our sensibility
requires it
of Workers and
suchlike rubbish
survived worse things
heavy case of
survivor's guilt
Serves them right, those

with 2 extra syllables

Catholic Church
alongside of it
prove nothing and
clarify nothing
15 gun
homicides a year
petrifies the will
a minute, you
thinking beings, to
realize something
And I
realized something
most Americans have
sacrificed nothing
signifies nothing
but that word
specifies nothing
We were
terrified of him

with 3 extra syllables

a stone,
Hospitalized a brick