exact syllable matches
From para-
of air -
the fan
tomorrow morning at
7 AM
pay you back
7 grand
Analyzable as a stem
air turned bad
word pairs such
as -
bear a hand
He's got Paul
Bearer back
naked Tom of
Bedlam mad
bell just rang
bell the cat
belled the cat
bells the cat
A black
belt perhaps
belted plaid
Bengal gram
best one can
betel bag
betel bags
batters have a
better chance
better half
better halves
are not the
better man
them on a
better path
blend of and
blendest ab
brennen ab
Breton cap
Breton caps
center back
center backs
central bank
, and the
most governments and
central banks
centre back
centre backs
centre half
centre halves
checkered flag
checkered flags
chequered flag
chequered flags
Chequers plan
Cheshire Cat
dead still and
deader black
dealt a hand
and the
death of that
and after
death the damned
deckest ab
dental dam
dental dams
dental plan
desert cat
desert cats
desert rat
desert rats
desert sand
desert sands
Devil Bat
devil grass
deviled ham
Edson Raff
to Tina, and
Edward and
Edward Bangs
Ela Bhatt
ellers tak
en carafe
That's the
was the
end of that
they all
end up bad
cars hold an
engine back
You're an
engine man
need wings and
engines and
Evans rat
Evans rats
that you have
ever cast
anything we have
bailiffs he had
employees I have
four degenerate bastards
fuck he had
greatest leaders Iran
hooliganism we have
I have
job a man
of you have
phones I have
poet-critic we have
relationship I have
teacher I have
the proletariat has
thinking we have
this country has
this village has
ever had
only thing that
ever has
an athlete can
ever have
any other law
ever passed
target you have
ever tracked
angles I'm not
she is an
expert at
I've got an
extra ab
Nobody brought an
extra bag
give you an
extra chance
you seen My peacock-
feathered hat
finally got
fed up and
feder ab
feral cat
feral cats
friendless man
Geddes Axe
gender gap
gender gaps
gentle craft
father was a
gentle man
gentle pats
dispositions in far-off,
gentler lands
I'm gonna
get a cat
never gonna
get a chance
get a plan
I wanna
get a tan
up and
get a van
do ya
get from that
I can
I'm gonna
try and
get her back
North and
get the cash
get the knack
get the sack
go upstairs and
get unpacked
gets the sack
haircut band
haircut bands
harem pants
headed cat
headed cats
where Hell and
Heaven dance
a part of
Heaven's Plan
heben ab
heben an
Hefner lamp
Hefner lamps
held up as
You got
hella cash
tell with that
helmet and
Helmut Lang
perished like unarmed
helpless lambs
Moon Zombie, and
Karen Black
pot call the
kettle black
kettle hat
kettle hats
, fitted on
leather straps
leben ab
would never have
left Japan
ye have
left the man
who have
left the track
lehnen ab
lemon ant
lemon ants
lemon platt
I can
in, and
lend a hand
lends a hand
lent a hand
leopard cat
leopard cats
leopard man
Leopard Man
lesson plan
lesson plans
Lester Bangs
weren't gonna
let her pass
level cap
level caps
level staff
level staffs
mega amp
mega amps
Crap, crap,
mega crap
Mega Man
member class
Did I not
mention that
I should have
since I last
You should have
mentioned that
merit badge
messet ab
mester man
an American thrash
metal band
it was a
metal can
ballistic rejection and
metal traps
football, we have
Nelson's dad
nested class
I should have
never asked
not mayor and
never dad
grey ram was
never fat
truth he has
never grasped
But we have
something I have
wife and daughter
never had
adventure I can
like you, and
that I shall
what I can
never have
Their art
never lasts
seldom smiled and
never laughed
I was
never mad
not, I am
never sacked
doesn't exist and
that doctrine and
never shall
Where I can
never stand
pair of pants
pairs of pants
para grass
it shall
pare the fangs
native land and
parents and
be on her
parent's plan
pebble dash
not trying to soft-
pedal that
if you can,
own biggest fan,
Pepper Ann
pepper gas
pepper Jack
England's green and
O'er all the
trees,O'er all the
pleasant land
pregnant chad
pregnant chads
pressure valve
pressure valves
por la
puerta grande
rebel flag
Rebels, Chap
Red Corral
Sarah Chang
second act
second acts
second aunt
second aunts
ever got a
I got a
us all a
we got a
You got a
second chance
the area are
second class
second half
second halves
the truth at
second hand
second hands
second last
segment rack
segment racks
sell the pass
sells the pass
sense of craft
fear and
sense of lack
was read and
sentence passed
session band
session bands
set aback
have a
set of fangs
set the land
seven and
set up camp
sets aback
-- that
sets us back
Okay, well, that
Well, that
settles that
setup man
thing was a
setup, man
seven oxen and
seven rams
sex attack
sex attacks
we can
share a cab
All part of
Sharon's plan
shelter half
Is that
Slender Man
Anyone can
smell a rat
smelled a rat
smells a rat
smelt a rat
all the
snares of Man
Special Branch
than a
speck of ash
spectral bat
spectral bats
spectral class
spectre bat
spectre bats
blessing, and
step from that
and a
stretch of sand
yawned and
stretched her back
swept the land
tear a cat
tears a cat
tell her that
I gotta
tell the gang
template strand
template strands
tenor sax
tenure track
tera amp
tera amps
terrace chant
terrace chants
fly off the
terrace yeah
Terre matte
use of mass
terror and
there and
test the mags
Tetra Pak
Tetra Paks
texture map
texture mapped
texture maps
as part of
their attack
competition, fend off
their attacks
equity bubbles and
their collapse
my purse at
they have at
yourselves slaughtered at
their command
all of
them earned rank
Subsidence, and
then collapse
lolly and
then come back
Then turns back
Then, jump back
Don't camp
there, young man
there's a catch
There's a chance
There's a laugh
There's the band
there's the man
They'll come back
They'll love that
They're just plants
future, and
they're the past
Where's all the
treasure at
bring that dog's
treasure back
treasure map
treasure maps
treble staff
treble staffs
tremble dance
trencher cap
trencher caps
velvet ant
velvet ants
velvet crab
velvet crabs
velvet shank
velvet shanks
Venice talc
vesper bat
vesper bats
The assault
weapons ban
Federal Assault
Weapons Ban
does not
wear a mask
You can
wear the badge
wear the pants
wears the pants
Weather Man
weather map
weather maps
welcome back
welcome mat
welcome mats
Well done, Franz
Well, fuck that
wenden ab
wenden an
from Normandy and
western France
does not
wet the hands
Where's the ads
Where's the bag
Where's the crab
Where's the craft
Where's the flag
where's the flask
Where's the lamb
Where's the man
Camp, Wrestle Camp,
Wrestle Camp
no one's gonna
yell attack
himself, and
yet a man
that had not
yet collapsed
our anguish, as
yet, alas
zettel an
zettle an
with 1 extra syllable
Sir, to
accept a fact
is quietly
refuse to
we must
accept the fact
acceptance, and
need to
access the past
opportunity to
address work tasks
everything, start
again from scratch
could be launched
against Japan
by a disastrous
ancestral act
then husband was
arrested, and
several interesting
aspects of that
attention span
attention spans
You are
aware of that
awareness band
awareness bands
Compare buff, yaff
Compare curved and
Compare knor, knarr
Compare the and
recall and
compare the facts
concessions stand
concessions stands
accomplished its
conquest of man
consensus trance
directed graph
directed graphs
directed path
directed paths
forever stamp
forever stamps
did not
forget the fact
other and
forget the past
Forget the past
the jobs my
grandparents had
just hatched
herself a plan
as the
progress of man
propeller shaft
propeller shafts
Protect the staff
Ravenna grass
it this far
together and
transcends the mask
The Amazing
Transparent Man
umbrella ant
umbrella ants
umbrella grass
umbrella stand
umbrella stands
I am an
unpleasant man
themselves on an
unwelcome land
You call
yourself a man
with 2 extra syllables
novelist has been
of course, be
role can be
altogether bad
characterized as Fodorian
Architectures, as
Citronella grass
operation of a
providential plan
transcendental act
in the
Vilayet of Van
Tall in his
watermelon patch