exact syllable matches
it was
all a waste
now we are
all ashamed
tracks are
was not
all one way
I got
all the game
All the Names
I saw
all the plays
I was
all the rage
blues are
busy are
clan are
folk are
guys are
it was
options are
people are
Samoans are
stories are
that are
They are
we are
we're not
all the same
have gone
He's not
vision, not
all the way
aller se
all-up weight
all-up weights
almond paste
based entirely on
altered states
Altered States
Arbor Day
are complaints
of art
Perhaps hearts
are the same
The odds
aren't great
They're gone,
you kinda hard,
aren't they
armored train
armored trains
armoured train
armoured trains
Asha Kale
August 8
awkward age
balta maize
bawer nake
bobbin lace
bomba H
bombas H
bombs away
bonnet snail
bonnet snails
bottle cage
bottle crate
bottle crates
bottom age
bottom aged
broad awake
brought the RAID
cada vez
call away
you are on
call today
carbon trade
carbon trades
carcass weight
carcass weights
I'm Carl,
Carl DuPre
Carl Sunday
Carl Sundays
carpet snake
carpet snakes
cart away
casa base
caucus race
end of all
causal chains
Charles Mackay
Charles the Great
Charlotte stays
chocks away
chocolate cake
Chocolate cakes
chocolate face
Chocolate glaze
Clark's first name
Claude McKay
claw away
closet case
column space
an effect on
commerce, date
common crane
common cranes
common nail
common nails
common name
common names
common quail
common quails
Copper Age
Copper State
cotton scale
cotton scales
Cotton State
crawler lane
crawler lanes
he's not
crocked some place
Cross the plate
Darren Hayes
doctor blade
doctor blades
He was
Doctor Fate
Doctor Strange
boil a hot
dog today
dollar day
dollar days
Don MacLean
Don McKay
Donald James
draw away
drop away
do was
drop the rape
let them all
fall away
fall from grace
falls from grace
a galaxy far
a galaxy far,
a land far
Advani who was
and danger was
composition is not
Dom- lay not
friends are not
human tribe, not
It's far,
Joy is not
loved ones are
my lips are
one that was
out there are
some place far,
take her far
the light was
to stay far,
far away
group around Far
king of Far
pitch in Far
sailing to Far
Far Away
Fathers Day
Fathers Days
came to Charles
I'm Charles
Foster Kane
garden nail
garden nails
garden snake
Garden State
Garland Day
garter snake
garter snakes
gone astray
It's all
nightmare has not
they have not
thinking have all
gone away
and it's not
Everything was
friends, you're all
I'm not
It's not
that everything was
that things are
That's not
you, that's not
gonna change
People are
say he was
the insect are
gonna pay
I'm not
gonna play
Wars are
gonna rage
It's not
gonna rain
I was
that I'm not
think he was
what I was
gonna say
then I'm not
gonna wait
Gotcha Day
Gotcha Days
gotten laid
hall of fame
hall of shame
halls of fame
halls of shame
Harsh Narain
Hart Lovelace
harvest break
harvest breaks
hobble chain
hobble chains
Honest Abe
hop a freight
Bernice, you are
hot today
Java SE
jaw away
John McCain
John McClane
John McCrae
John McKay
Johnson Lane
knowledge base
knowledge and all
knowledge pain
lava cake
lava cakes
lava lake
lava lakes
lawful day
lawful days
lock away
all the bombs
if he was
Now you are
locked away
loss of face
My car
lost a race
Mara Jade
marble cake
marble cakes
mark of Cain
Mark of shame
market day
market days
market place
marks of Cain
We were all
marks today
markup rate
markup rates
Marlon James
Marston Bates
Martha Raye
Maud Lovelace
Modern age
this was
not a date
not a name
She was
not a saint
one was
not a slave
a ball,
not a snake
But we are
but you are
end he was
human who was
They are
We are
not afraid
We are
not ashamed
not of pain
And it was
not sustained
it was
that was
this was
not the case
alas, are
back are
energies are
I are
levels are
meaning are
overlords are
period are
These are
they are
we are
not the same
of grey are
not today
noxious trade
noxious trades
can fall
off a plane
whole squad
off the base
off the chain
off the lay
off the rails
s are
off the scale
and fall
off the stage
office mate
office mates
Office Space
distinction is not
often made
Botha was
often strained
personally involved
on a case
never gone
really are
on a date
Snakes Not
on a Plane
on a plate
you are
on a stage
My balls
on a tray
carried aloft
on a wave
montage, we watch
on birthdays
doesn't fall
on her face
on parade
before your God
finish us off
on Sunday
to watch football
on Sundays
a wall
on the base
on the brain
cops are
great job
new thoughts
Valkyrie are
on the case
on the game
on the make
on the nail
that was
on the page
I was
She was
you got
on the plane
on the rails
we're not
on the same
he was
We are
on the stage
at all
on the state
force are
get caught
he was
the cops
on the take
that bomb
on the train
on the wane
commission off
me off
Reinforcements are
the cops
things are
on the way
opera cake
opera cakes
Oscar bait
Oxford Clay
Palm Sundays
parlor game
parlor games
parlour game
parlour games
parlour skate
parlour skates
parted ways
partial veil
partial veils
occupy all
parts of space
pasta bake
pasta bakes
pocket ayr
pocket change
pollack whale
pollack whales
pollen grain
pollen grains
pomfret cake
pomfret cakes
problem play
problem plays
problem space
proper name
proper names
quadrant plate
quadrant plates
quantum state
quantum states
rara vez
Robert Gates
Robert Graves
Robert Hayne
Robert Ley
rocket plane
rocket planes
rocket stage
Roger Haight
Roger Swain
rother nail
rother nails
salt away
salts away
saw the day
sawdust trail
sawdust trails
Scarlet Day
Scarlet Days
scarlet snake
scarlet snakes
Scotch fillet
sock away
solid phase
solid state
Sovereign state
sovereign states
sparse array
sparse arrays
Start the plane
Start the whale
taught away
Thomas Gray
Thomas Paine
pain on
top of pain
trauma plate
trauma plates
vala nake
von der Heydt
I could not
walk away
walk of fame
Walk of Shame
We all
walked away
in the Leon
Walker case
Walker Lake
walks of fame
walks of shame
wall of shame
walls of shame
do not
want a mate
We all
want the same
was a fake
it was
was a play
was a saint
a latter-day Adolf
was arranged
Brian forgot
was the brakes
got wrong
was the name
was the play
wash away
delivery bag got
priceless pictures are
washed away
water break
water breaks
water crane
water cranes
water frame
water frames
water gate
water gates
water gauge
water main
water mains
water maze
water plate
water plates
water rail
water rails
water snake
water snakes
Wattle Day
Wattle Days
yard of ale
yards of ale
with 1 extra syllable
Alphonse Allais
Blackwater State
Halbach array
Halbach arrays
masala chais
in the most
obnoxious way
Zapata rail
Zapata rails
with 3 extra syllables
salbutamol sulphate