exact syllable matches

he was in
a choir
Balkans is called
the country in
a crisis
to go on
were all on
a diet
unimaginative Realism
a fine touch
quiet room by
a fire
didn't feel like
every windmill was
supposed to be
the passing of
a giant
a believer be
a loser and
And she is
great hypocrite and
he's not, he's
I would be
thing meaner than
treat me like
a liar
screw in
a light bulb
one comes near
sheeps led by
the ox becomes
a lion
a believer be
a miser
wanted to be
a pilot
a shotgun or
a rifle
painfully sad about
a riot
administration is not
establishment of such
a science
existence in such
a silence
I have chosen
a title
give the thing
the mockery of
a trial
understand Abraham is
a trifle
the more of
a triumph
yourself up for
a tyrant
can call it
Ideology is
word is now
a virus
and reared as
gratifying to be
it I became
rather than of
then you are
a writer
many of the Non-
Aligned Worlds
characteristic of cargo
research in cargo
cult science
tuberculosis in their
cursed island
Ah, that
first trial
need to know
the world is
from China
lightning, or frost
from fire
a different way
from science
mealy-mouthed brats
to be
just like her
She is
just timeless
kid, did you
love science
just too
much like us
the door that
much wider
must triumph
He grudgingly
obliged us
for the barricades
of bias
to produce stacks
of Bibles
a fair measure
of blindness
see The Life
of Brian
the People's Republic
of China
down in moments
failure and moments
of crisis
into their manliness
of fibre
is an organ
me my Chariot
of fire
The Ring
of Fire
through, the Ring
become a company
on the shoulders
of giants
from a cross
manufacture and utilization
with a rod
of iron
Hence, the birth
is the founder
not a fan
the hell out
forget this act
generosity, One pint
of kindness
law, the law
of liars
a certificate
of live birth
the sake
of my love
the continuance
the elements
of my work
any more
in all
of my works
accuracy and reliability
by the laws
by the success
challenge to historians
deepen public understanding
deny the evidence
in the domain
in the endeavor
in the world
is the heart
no more need
of technology and
of the glories
the early days
the youthful state
to the language
to the ordering
of science
a great deal
comes the beauty
in a moment
lost the option
people so scared
stand the wear
of silence
in the hour
of trial
appear the land
upon the observation
of trifles
extracts the claws
the bad behavior
of tyrants
and the salvation
of Zion
pay for
one by one
you by killing them
chiefly because it was
let us not be
I lost
some time once
wench or takes
some trifle
as such by
some writers
day, ere the
sun rises
without first having
survived one
as opposed to
Discipline, and
evil flow from
I've read
jewels, but saved
Jung and
met God of
of prophesy in
old Testament of
other stuff in
shortly the Book,
some churches in
they have read
to talk about
Watson's Apology for
the Bible
seller, and upon
the buyer
degrades and simplifies
the client
approach that creates
the climate
disastrous response to
global epicenter of
have for overcoming
in responding to
the crisis
been tested in
Bennet was stirring
combustible to find
flung him into
Fortune fall into
grey, sober against
hand dare seize
I can smell
it heard by
marched together through
much puts out
Take us into
the fire
be taken to
bring people into
the Ring to
the Fire
she killed by
the giant
A victim of
the Giant
the magnitude of
the giants
same as following
the guidance
risk was at
the highest
the glories of
the Highest
or French before
the hyphen
Bobby Lynn and
the Idols
Blow up
the island
The Man of
the Island
by order of
Kaiser for fighting
the Kaiser
fear and hate
the liar
fingers from touching
the lightbulbs
the rooster, in
the lion
male homosexuality among
the Mayans
because it is
the mildest
school teachers, tomorrow
the private
who rightly win
the prizes
the height of
the rifles
alone in
hit upon
to be
the right one
pick just
the right word
to blame for
the riots
future course of
his art without
separate branches of
the science
must always break
parties to cover
speech, reach Into
traced itself upon
the silence
the siren
about Ulysses and
to listen to
the Sirens
drug addiction in
the slightest
their resources to
the strikers
he his caught
the face of
the tiger
had God in
the title
the revision of
the trial
a blow against
the hands of
the will of
the tyrant
be exposed to
hard on vanquishing
They belonged to
the virus
voice in
the wide world
brewing to
the wife of
dog or over
the wire
these two were
the wisest
actual face of
the writer
execution by burning for
truck drivers
and the demagogue
turned tyrant
that was all
unlike her
so they end
up silent
raise me
up, I trust
of these swamp-dwellers--they
were pious
talk is
what I love
needs must
work my work
called it The
World Crisis

with 1 extra syllable

Albert Schweitzer
'n roll
artist I loved
will be
balanced by work
people talk about
Barbra Streisand
exists, only
understand only
because I love
Not a single
bullet fired
unfair advantages over
business rivals
whom did the
Caesars triumph
stances on
civil rights were
resounded throughout the
civilised world
hide from the
most of the
weaknesses of the
civilized world
of concurrence, of
common kindness
under their almost
constant fire
because I
couldn't find one
therefore to
creatures like us
Cullen Bryant
sand of a
desert island
out there on
Devil's Island
up on your
driver's license
population of Prince
Edward Island
other in an
endless cycle
there is not
enough silence
small comfort when
Evil triumphs
chestnut in a
farmer's fire
father, like son
the home for the
Festus, I plunge
was not a
forest fire
downed live wires,
forest fires
Hunting out
killers are called
freedom fighters
instead just
garbled my words
thin paper
given life blood
where I'm
gonna wind up
then into a
horrified Trump
conflict between nations
horrifies us
of the greatest
Horror writers
meats from the
human diet
of existence was
human kindness
symptoms of The
Human Virus
ten seconds of
inner silence
by crashing into
Keaton Island
rigged to simple
kitchen timers
that she
later died from
true of his
later science
fit for the
latest cycle
to be a
little kinder
but a scurvy
little spider
he was a
little tired
here are no
longer quiet
today come from
Marxist writers
world without a
master's guidance
has in any
measure rivaled
over the Cuban
Missile Crisis
natural philosophy becomes
no basis in
the birth of
the institutionalization of
modern science
was given its
modern title
occultist, mystic, poet,
mountain climber
nature guide us
ambrosia and
nectar like us
the baking,
never quite done
Your legend will
never tire
has created in
northern China
dey use mandarin
orange slices
exercise of any
than in any
other science
of alcoholism and
other vices
example has altered
our climate
our crises and
our triumphs
our metals and
our wires
All reactionaries are
paper tigers
A noiseless
patient spider
Sanger and
people like her
torn to
pieces by her
Poet's License
and the Missouri
reconciled her
And the sea
rises higher
not easy-peasy like
rocket science
kingdom and
ruin my work
chest, and a
scuba diver
the hand-saw,
second my words
are, or Hari
Seldon wiser
was not a
simple simon
to reach a
single rightness
sex with
someone I love
of omnipotence and
sovereign kindness
promise of the
strictest silence
death with a
tire iron
desperate band of
turnip pirates
in a minute
under fire
men and
women I love
Arabian tribe that
worshipped idols

with 2 extra syllables

save us from
another Titan
never meet with
anyone nicer
thrice-married cad and
casual liar
mathematics, semantics, and
of layering in
queer history of
computer science
mean, she's literally
created ISIS
must be a
deductive science
roles of various
different sizes
humanity will have
man will have
discovered fire
back into a
disorganized world
Much is of
dubious title
into the already
existent science
look like an
innocent idyll
Inspector Tiger
important department of
medical science
neither mathematics nor
none whatever in
teleology, empiricism, and
the standards of
whole of modern
natural science
prosecutor at the
Nuremberg Trials
was created by
physical science
produces kindness
enemy of the
rational buyer
gospel of
salvation by works
to overcome, this
serious crisis
statesmen had a
similar bias
important as so-called
technical science
is not really
testable science
occasionally to a
vegetable Diet

with 3 extra syllables

Man and The
American Crisis
was a prolific
American writer
green paint, and
corrugated iron
modern pornographers and
erotica writers
a soul
generated by love
figure among Beat
Generation writers
conducted harassment and
interdiction fire
written in a
mysterious cypher
older Christian
mysticism by love
appeared under the
original title
a strange and
original writer
of religious or
political idols
a human or
political science
artist, or a
professional writer
them were award-winning,
respectable writers
and made
spontaneous by love

with 4 extra syllables

badly from the
agricultural crisis
nature's meagreness and
mathematical dryness
and following a
to try a
vegetarian diet

with 5 extra syllables

sort of an
unimaginable item