exact syllable matches

to set the
bounds firmly
entertaining than The
Brown Bunny
Count of St
with which to
counter these
to charge a
coward fee
and then as
cowards flee
because the
crowd loved me
I'm runnin'
down a dream
Allie walk
once walk
down a street
lumberjack chopping
down a tree
deep and lay
down concrete
couple lockers
down from me
that ever got get-
down funky
doing cartwheels
down the beach
down the key
to look
down the sheet
boat gently
down the stream
aliens landed
dresses going
Enchantress walks
even walk
his way
Mexican restaurant
Morton walked
of walking
she walks
Spider-Man walking
the mini-mart
they're walking
two psychopaths
up and
up right
wheeling her
you walk
down the street
or cut
down the tree
they cut
down the trees
need to lie
down, honey
Lord, I
found some feet
Peters, has
found work here
You Welcome the
Hour, st
two to three
hours each
given a few
hours sleep
Barbra Jean's
see their
house from here
House of Leaves
is a
house of peace
to the
house, does she
favourable comment about
Howard Dean
Francis, Leon Askin,
Howard St
to conquer a
mountain peak
Nor at
mountain peaks
hair in a
mountain stream
hour nap right
now buddy
my eyes
now but me
energy conductor is
The circle is
now complete
fearless fool
now fronts thee
knee-deep in it
now, buddy
tears roll down
our cheeks
the dirt off
our cleats
wasn't part of
our deal
free, like in
It mocks
the end of
wakened, shivering from
What about
our dream
after us in
and live out
destinies, and answer
exist only in
give reality to
hearts, or in
its feet on
the scope of
will bring back
our dreams
that whisper in
our ear
Raising cattle for
our feed
apodictic rock beneath
are flowing beneath
crumbling from beneath
firm ground under
gives way beneath
laid there at
lie trampled at
sweeps us off
the muck at
to cut through
to do, eat
we tread under
our feet
Noon, at
our field
and most of
obtain battle-practice for
our fleet
is packed into
weaponry had mutated
our genes
start of all
our grief
this would be
our heel
have to earn
in return for
our keep
and brothers of
our League
this ground without
our leave
gas and destroy
our meal
address them by
to live above
to live beneath
to live within
our means
lowest part of
the prism of
our need
advisors, friendly to
of working to
times to meet
to us and
our needs
are to regain
His will is
nation and extend
than ever, for
our peace
think we've hit
our peak
essence is beyond
future is beyond
had talent beyond
heart are within
is always within
lies well within
living creatures within
technology brings within
our reach
face changing on
our screens
shaking hands took
our seats
can get through
our shields
Nothing up
our sleeves
of water in
our streams
the middle of
our street
It's stinking up
or march in
vigilante loose on
our streets
gave us for
our tea
a member of
He hates
She's on
two girls on
was playing for
our team
bills, we'll floss
the skin of
was offered to
our teeth
death which constitutes
our theme
you doing with
our tree
who's been eating
our weed
to work
out a deal
you for walking
out early
batteries, for your creeping-me-
out machine
People run
out of cheese
way, we're
out of cream
this power
out of greed
a way
alright, get
am so
and get
be walking
be wheeled
Bust me
can get
can't get
didn't get
don't get
escort him
for getting
Forrester, get
fuzzy, get
Get him
get me
get on
get them
get this
get us
get you
Go, get
gotta get
heck up
hell up
home, get
I am
I get
I squeeze
I'm clearing
I'm fucking
I'm getting
junk heap
just get
kicking her
let me
let's get
made it
make it
must get
my ticket
never climb
Now get
Now, get
on get
only way
or get
Our ticket
pajamas back
Run, get
safe and
safe passage
should get
take you
that thing
the fuck
the heck
the hell
the pigs
Then get
there way
those bitches
those creatures
to get
to hell
to move
to swim
to walk
two guys
Ugh, I'm
wanna break
wanna get
want you
we get
week, he's
We're getting
We're walking
Wesley right
you get
you thrown
you walk
your tail
you're both
You're gettin'
out of here
to sing
out of key
a bite
a fool
a hard-on
a monkey
any answers
baseball team
been drained
been gettin'
bruises massaged
complete fool
got it
had died
just drains
living daylights
living hell
nervousness went
something comes
stuffing knocked
that comes
that fell
the cool
the daylights
the fuck
the hell
the life
the piss
the shit
want it
you've hoodwinked
out of me
a rocket
out of meat
always just
but always
but it's
fleeting and
game is
is always
she's just
so far
out of reach
made mine
out of steel
shall come
out of thee
best two
out of three
and fall
pull cats
out of trees
You're wearing
out the keys
'til Mom finds
out, buddy
we're gonna be
outa here
all Lobsters, get
and let us
And stay
But I'm getting
do you get
Down, we get
find a way
friends and get
Fuck it, I'm
Game's over, I'm
Get him
Get me
Get the fuck
get the hell
getting the fuck
gonna make it
gotta get me
I gotta get
I wanna get
I'll walk right
I'm gettin'
It keeps you
Just get
Just get them
know the way
know what, I'm
Let's get
Marshal, pull me
Mister, and get
Now get
Now get 'em
Now let's
Now, get me
of these bitches
on and get
once and your
Right now get
Right, Let's get
she kicked me
slide on
take it own
that weak stuff
That's it, I'm
the heck up
things and get
to get me
to get you
tree and get
walking the hell
we can get
we gonna get
We gotta get
You getting
you gotta get
you just get
you let me
your black asses
you're fired, get
outta here
anybody, GET ME
kicking the devil
scared the shit
outta me
Alright, two
outta three
Revolution have
plowed the sea
produce one
pound of beef
You're the
Pound Puppies
so many
pounds of cheese
Get those
Power Geeks
who had the
power here
idea of what
power means
weakness of the
Power Team
actually seemed
end up
might be
parents are
to be
were so
will be
proud of me
his arms
round her knees
that should
rouse, stuns me
sorry to
shout, but here
off in this
shower here
kind of a
was an awesome
shower scene
I'm having a
shower, please
and I was
for Monica was
sound asleep
with butter and
sour cream
innocent as a
thousand dreams
equal, about five
thousand each
it be a
make it a
of over a
of over six
thousand feet
one hotel, two
thousand please
in Kassel, seven
thousand trees
in lamplight the
towers gleam

with 1 extra syllable

create the universe
about 13
You're talking
about a priest
cheerful for
curdle in
felt in
about a week
about done here
be is guilty
do not care
don't know anything
has an idea
is tremendous jealousy
It is funny
It's not
It's only
problem with guilt
This wasn't
Who cares
about money
We talked
about phonies
to know
about the Beast
acted handsomely
about the peace
soon forget
Tell me
about the sea
I care
about the shield
about the team
are you talkin'
about, buddy
account of me
drink large
amounts of mead
great things happened
around 30
want some walking
around money
soldiers stood
around the bier
which races
around the field
monster who can
devour me
greyhound puppies
this nation is
somehow complete
the table
throughout the meal
an epic
without a dream
a dog
without a flea
a cage
without a key
Its dogmatism is
without appeal
of walking far
without effort and
without fatigue
seen her
without her weave
A society
conclude peace not
Mary was not
on our home
strike swiftly, and
that I am
this they were
willingness to kill
without mercy
and are left
need never be
not work well
only by people
without money
this, expulsion
without the heaves