exact syllable matches

the State
Board of Charities
Bourne Supremacy
The mystic
chords of memory
close parentheses
near the
the Northeastern
coast of Thessaly
munches the ripe
corn contentedly
court of equity
courts of equity
And you
don't love Melanie
on the
door of destiny
for the
sort of
flow of energy
civil-rights legislation
creative liberalism
has been
has stood
for a century
on trial
for a felony
not looking
for a guarantee
for a senate seat
meet they fight
for ascendancy
for blurs, they're blurry
has no need
for parentheses
its own
for some centuries
been executed
for such treachery
conceptions strove
in their quest
for supremacy
for the better, here
did everything
for the charities
and pensions
to care
for the elderly
by working
food targets
You're listening
for the enemy
for the memories
for the memory
any plans
for the remedy
for the rest of me
them ready
for whatever need
of dollars to
foreign charities
defend against vicious
with all our
foreign enemies
from alien and
foreign heresy
it a
or another
form of energy
formal heresies
formal heresy
the imagination of
they did in
former centuries
its ceaselessly-changing
forms of energy
of the
forms of Energy
to a common
global destiny
goes the referee
home directory
know the enemy
know the penalty
know what, Jeremy
a number of
local charities
is not a
local entity
It's a
local specialty
low fidelity
accelerated at much
lower energies
phase space of
they find their
lowest energy
every thought, every
moment, every
must maintain our
moral clarity
Moral clarity
average intensity of
moral energy
that, slowly, to
more complexity
and more and
more successfully
now we're, like,
The Hand are
we are your
mortal enemies
alone with my
every man his
I not your
really have a
to save her
you are my
you recognise your
mortal enemy
shadows of a
mortal memory
of memory is
motor memory
now but a
mournful memory
our nation has
no necessity
no one left but me
No one questions me
no one's ever seen
And there's
no serenity
Limited, makes
no such guarantee
a path of
noble destiny
nor a lender be
to twice its
normal density
creatures to spread
north successfully
just a dirty
Oakland memory
of a far
older enmity
open sesame
open sesames
opens breathlessly
a parrot
or a parakeet
or a set of teeth
a vocation
or a specialty
unmaintainable through size
or complexity
idea of fate
marks of contingency
required by mercy
or necessity
he forgotten
or neglected me
of friendship
or of enmity
state of difficulty
or perplexity
the clock
or the century
the business
or the legacy
a hill
or trajectory
or whatever's free
in the
order they're received
Daddy are at Court-
Ordered Therapy
they find I'm
wife were both
over 70
persisted throughout Eurasia
over centuries
over memories
coon it
over Second Creek
to achieve your
own serenity
to correct its
own trajectory
are your
be their
own worst enemies
are your
be your
become its
I'm my
is its
You're your
own worst enemy
Are Our
Own Worst Enemy
poke a bear, buddy
in the past
quarter century
road ahead of me
the straight
road of destiny
Shortened telomeres
joy and destroys
long-lasting problems with
times involved in
short-term memory
electrifying, with
so much energy
sighed, For
so much melody
it has followed
things he did
so successfully
social engineered
ordinary task or
social pleasantry
fission, powered by
the sun and
solar energy
goods are
sold against money
like a
sort of recipe
a dominant
has infinite
source of energy
and my
took my
Stone of Memories
a whole
swarm of enemies
and I
told her Tennessee
high speed with
the gift of
total clarity
it was
total destiny
vocal clarity
in the
war against Turkey
is not growing
warmer steadily
warrant, guarantee
me have
your attention here
I have
your attention please
Your attention please
I have
your attention, please
of him, consult
your directory
We're reading
your telemetry
your worst enemy
zone of rarity
zones of rarity

with 1 extra syllable

earmarked fifteen years
ago, apparently
on for
physicists for
almost a century
respect to these
components severally
inability to
control the treasury
explodes tremendously
follows from enmity
Hello again, Rusty
us from this
ignoble lethargy
him to his
persuasion of man's
immortal destiny
strange powers and
important destinies
has left an
important legacy
there's an
important lesson here
a much more
important recipe
who had
imposed the penalty
October 17
Oh,hello again,Buddy
has always
opposed the enemy
a powerful and
resourceful enemy
Serota tendency
by the
shadows of memory
or indirectly
support the enemy
at the
threshold of destiny
from unrest, tends
toward serenity
very slowly
towards the enemy
produce a
yellower emerald green

with 2 extra syllables

The davenport-
the chesterfield
California pepper tree
California pepper trees
being a bionic
commando apparently
radio telegraphy
radio telemetry
someone singing the
telephone directory