exact syllable matches
careful what you
bite off
have nothing to
bite on
more than he
bites off
Said shows astonishing
blind spots
be equally enjoyed
I am forsaken
standards adhered to
time was had
by all
must be decided
by arms
anger fades, replaced
by awe
blown to pieces
by bombs
a sickness suffered
by dogs
the stronger man
by far
convicted of stealing
by fraud
a nation bestowed
be forgotten even
be moved inwardly
Do things properly
given to them
God, being intimidated
not literally authored
the course pursued
the universe designed
to be rewarded
to human reason
to our care
will be protected
by God
have almost all
know her career
Stephanie Meyer novels,
by heart
be put down
cannot be restricted
guarded, and sustained
must be guaranteed
to impose it
unchallenged and sanctioned
by law
by reason or
by laws
for expedients, and
by parts
process is called
by Prof
some leisurely passer-
by stopped
before humanity championed
feelings as determined
informed and fortified
we are driven
by thought
his fine portrait
by Watts
earliest form of
child thought
far from their
child's heart
is where all
crime starts
Old habits
die hard
The heedful
die not
possibility constitutes a
dire fault
you may never
drive on
Es war
ein Traum
remains, he will
saying still to
fight on
will talk and
find fault
as seek and
find naught
education, and the
there are the
fine arts
mouth shut flies
flie not
pieces of Iraq
fly off
something the other
guy wants
how handsome the
how sensitive that
guy was
Art is to
hide Art
nor can talents
hide faults
the heavens Before
high God
There's no
High Guard
I can between
high spots
a a three-foot
high wall
betting slips in
dump it in
the burial at
Hyde Park
is a thing
I bar
I like what
I brought
my calls when
I call
and what mirth
I caused
this which now
I draw
to another till
I drop
through His will
where and how
I fought
How long have
the only exercise
the only friend
What choice have
you know what
I got
and the one
at basketball so
I lost
alone, what have
Why should
I not
Draw me, lest
I rot
and that's what
I know what
joying in that
was the best
I saw
I found what
I sought
Where do
I start
with me is,
I stop
wrong, and then
I stopped
mean the way
I talk
be very wicked,
I, or so
is harder than
Just like
more beautiful than
more trouble than
of humor than
telling him what
That is what
those of whom
You're stronger than
I thought
a sacred manner
am sending as
these animals when
up the way
I walk
and that's what
apologize for what
can do whatever
can say whatever
choose which one
drive this whenever
French Ticklers if
from it that
go up if
have any upgrades
here's what
I have everything
know exactly what
know long-term what
me do what
performing live anytime
publish them anytime
That is what
That's all that
This is what
to be what
to know what
What did
what I, what
will leave if
I want
anyone knew who
back to where
bein' the way
could say what
didn't know who
how utterly mistaken
instinctive socialist, which
lucky, wonderful person
me, I'd wish
Of course,
OK the way
old they thought
say how cute
the army who
the same me
they knew who
to know who
to me than
to me, like
was bigger than
wasn't, never what
who and what
years older than
I was
a shadow show
was on television,
I watched
wonder what favor
You know what
I'd want
I'll talk,
I'll talk
and know that
I'm God
baby, long after
be me when
privilege one time,
the next time
I'm gone
about this and
if they're Republicans,
I'm agreeing, because
instead of what
now discovered that
this thing and
I'm not
doesn't mean that
keep learning where
they just think
You're gonna say
I'm wrong
big, with everything
It's all
I've earned everything
the only one
the only thing
You're all
I've got
not reason, gives
kind thoughts
In between
lies art
you, My whole
life long
Get to the
life pods
of conception, a
life starts
because his whole
life was
you must drink
life's gall
a fragment of
Life's heart
You can take
life's knocks
to switch the
lights on
the way I
like art
run us down
like dogs
and spit them
we sit around
like frogs
invent a sport
like golf
Now I look
like Mom
up in points
like rocks
piss came out
like snot
problem he would
like solved
as they fall,
like stars
to form a
live dog
guide, could not
Or you don't
rule does not
live long
blundering people will
Here, I
his life will
I going to
mankind, Mankind who
not enough to
not much to
the planet they
We're going to
worlds we ourselves
You will
live on
thinks that he
might fall
acceptable and another
might not
from which it
might stop
Mike, Karl
build bridges a
quarter of a
mile long
it was two
miles long
giant, a million
miles tall
to turn your
mind off
and keep my
mind on
tell me what
mine are
occasions to cut
mine off
a chicken under
fit neatly under
my shield on
what about
my arm
Friends, hold
my arms
in it for
or future in
my art
life and practice
my Art
sweat drip from
my balls
and this is
my boss
It-it-it-- It ate
Someone stole
the bonnet of
my car
night laid to
my charge
I've got
my claws
will be harvesting
you do to
my crops
look look at
my crotch
have left of
have to feed
libelous statements about
was out walking
my dog
But I'm walking
my dogs
children have been
my dolls
his face is
It is probably
It wasn't
It's not
night was not
Okay, that was
This is all
my fault
God who is
you believe in
my God
all with all
are always in
awkward places in
believe with all
but not
every bit of
feel concentrated in
goes straight to
great stir in
hand print on
have it in
he'll never leave
I gave up
I have lost
I kill with
in me, in
It breaks
kidneys, my liver,
like balm to
mind and into
Nicole, it broke
of love in
pouring back into
She warms
solemn image to
that with all
the design of
there's water, O
to merge with
was, it broke
With all
you have over
my heart
speech to which
my hon
also talking about
Because this is
believe I did
But it's
fear of losing
I couldn't do
I'm not doing
It's not
know why, it's
my exercise, doin'
or fired from
people around is
say I love
somebody's gunning for
trying to do
my job
the reverse be
my lot
warp jump on
my mark
done something to
guess I'd pick
show, I lost
That comes from
my mom
a guess on
much effort on
Sheer self-preservation on
tricky thing on
my part
was one of
my parts
got left on
my pos
ask you about
my scars,
Labor conditions in
test it in
my shop
they're upstairs in
my socks
I hear it
little credence to
my song
any more of
happiness, and stole
knew some of
my songs
my darling and
my star
the variety of
my stock
has never been
robed hypocrite rule
them to express
my thought
But I have
have thrived on
no mastery over
The sheep are
my thoughts
went on with
my walk
of her on
my wall
drive him from
my walls
I can't read
Not on
on me is
Terran Dominion on
my watch
Just touch me, oh, hog-of-
done ere the
night falls
the lights all
night long
rest of the
night off
the home-made name of
and think my
night's thought
turn into a
pie shop
light made by a
liquor into a
pint pot
chance of that
pipe bomb
weapons, ammunition, and
pipe bombs
Not with that
You were a
Psi Cop
brain from becoming
quite soft
does globally, it's
Ooooh, it's getting
quite strong
definitely raised his
go into our
right arm
I had the
There is no
right car
me tell the
nation and the
reforms which the
The utmost my
to hear the
true that the
Will the
right hon
apply for the
right jobs
soul may be
right nought
the intellect, goes
right on
Left socks,
right socks
be in the
dig in the
right spot
on the Civil
Rights law
the police, the shoot-on-
sight laws
that when I
signed on
made of this
slight flaw
enemy with two
strikes gone
fiery blast that
strikes Grom
laid anything to
Thy charge
cause to bless
thy fall
am the lord,
works and subvert
thy thoughts
died with his
tie on
We're in a
tight spot
full of ticking
time bombs
better is a full-
time job
stupid liberal legal
time laws
of his contemporary,
wanted to be
Ty Cobb
White Dawg
gravelly squeak in blue-
white frost
leaning against the
white wall
do not see
why hon
and I say,
and vulgar, that's
because it's like
call that treason,
explanatory power, and
hard to see
If not,
were and say
were, and ask
yeah I guess,
why not
spin-off games of
Wild ARMs
all drunk with
drunk with a
wild god
Love the
wild swan
for a fast tax
with 1 extra syllable
When we
arrived Col
to weep or
assign fault
am putting killers
public view, but
remain securely incarcerated
behind bars
but to hide
behind walls
silence thought, and
deny God
for they have
despised God
to be a
finite part
Goodbye, Charles
Okay, say
goodnight, Sarge
it was an
This is an
inside job
lot goin' on
inside ya
the power to
inspire all
becomes holy and
inspires awe
basis for a
quickfire farce
energy that we
relied on
Chief, I wanna
remind ya
sometimes in conformity,
sometimes not
hypocrisy do not
survive long
with 2 extra syllables
want the full
cellulite shots
for anyone violating
copyright laws
frogs in a
dynamite pond
with ideas that
mechanize thought
as Government by
organized mob
Paradise Lost
after-effects of a
suicide bomb
were hurt by
suicide bombs
policy with a no-
suicide clause
with 5 extra syllables
dematerialized watch