exact syllable matches
be with long
absent friends
acid test
acid tests
action men
was slow and
action rare
Adam West
experienced before and
so alive as
after death
after ke
after length
after lengths
After Sex
after them and
into the water
tawdry rags cast
after them
Alex webb
Allan Nairn
Allen belt
Allen belts
Allen West
Allen wrench
alpha cell
alpha cells
cricket bat, and
Do I have
He had
I didn't have
is gonna have
an accent
because they've had
first wife, had
her he's had
I didn't have
I had had
I've never had
me to have
second wife, had
so it was
which he had
Who had
why I had
an affair
to stave off
an arrest
but reanalyzed as
an a-stem
But it was
an attempt
anchor bend
anchor bends
anchor men
an artist
woman, comrade
and a friend
an arm
and a leg
a thought
and a quest
and again
respect and awe
and assent
all these bombs
and bloodshed
and collect
been laughed at
and condemned
are exactly spot-on
and correct
make them laugh
to throw off
and forget
with their models
and girlfriends
He paused,
and gulped air
who saw
and heard them
one arm
and one leg
cute, and smart,
and perfect
and protect
beds apart,
and scourge them
other gods,
and served them
the strongest
and the best
the strong
and the dead
stopped Sovereign
and the Geth
the heart
and the head
the arms
and the legs
you're not,
and the next
the drama
and the tears
between Iran
and the west
between Islam
with Islam
and the West
escape to Nepal
and Tibet
think it wrong
and unfair
oh yeah,
and what else
Q-N-C here can
questions, not just
answer them
answered prayer
Answered Prayers
Death has
answered them
answer's yes
appel tres
apple pear
apple pears
cigarette lighter and Mom's
you that,
your back
as a friend
part, such
as a leg
curious rat
as a pet
interpret that
as a threat
take that
as a yes
as against
writing is regarded
as correct
do that
as of yet
he was
it was
as one dead
as long
as one's leg
aesthetical works are
as perfect
someone as common
as yourself
infantry and
ask the dead
ask yourself
see my fat
seen my black
ass again
your fat
ass up there
milk bottles
at a fair
at a guess
at a stretch
to be laughed
at again
an equal chance
at success
piker walks
at the bell
at the best
be mad
at the Elves
a martyr
got shot
important part
question mark
the plot
to that
at the end
at the helm
knight armor
at the Met
At worst, they're
able to laugh
at yourself
atoms check
a werewolf and
all around and
back again, and
blackguards be packed
It comes not
never get that
please don't call
take it all
the city and
the leadership and
through hell and
turned their heart
back again
Hobbit There and
Back Again
of Somnath
back from them
my arm
back up there
It's not
bad luck then
You're not
bad yourself
their reach and
baffles them
bag of shells
barrel chest
barrel chests
cash on the
barrel head
barrel heads
He's got one
barrel left
cash on the
out and
basket cell
basket cells
we would have
battled them
bramble net
bramble nets
cabbage head
cabbage heads
cabin bed
cabin beds
You see that
cabin there
cactus wren
cactus wrens
Calvin, ed
camper shell
camper shells
to the trash
can again
desire a man
can possess
guys have plans,
cancel them
In all
candor, Gen
Cantor set
Cantor sets
a bamboo and
of a small
canvas tent
He was a
captain then
cas direct
catch a square
we gonna
catch the hell
gonna get that
chance again
Clara cell
Clara cells
classes membres
crap oneself
she and
Dad first met
And not
dagger dead
dance of death
Daniel Bell
Dan's girlfriend
dans le temps
dans un sens
going to ask
Danvers next
Faberge egg
Faberge eggs
fashion sense
his mind can
fathom them
flat affect
flat affects
fragile X
gambler's share
whatever, ain't gonna
gank herself
to go and
gather them
crowd that had
humanity that had
the great throng
gathered there
grab some air
Grab some bench
grabbed some air
grabs some air
granule cell
granule cells
gravel nest
gravel nests
of my bad
habits yet
you had
had one then
faith my father
had professed
Martin and Fosse
hadn't checked
kills off
half of them
hammer bench
or providing that
hand yourself
But you can't
handle mess
big, you can
men he cannot
sure you can
Think you can
to undertake and
We can
handle them
a rear-engine car
a rented car
handles best
born, their black
hands protect
hang a left
hang a leg
She had
hanged herself
hapless wretch
about what's gonna
not what gonna
on what can
see what's gonna
What's gonna
wonder what's gonna
wondering what's gonna
happen next
happened next
successive years as
what would have
happened then
happened there
knew what had
of that had
think that has
happened yet
elaborate on what
happens next
happens then
Well, that
happens, yes
the way man
has progressed
hatchet men
have a care
Go on,
have a guess
They all
have a neck
have a pair
you ever can
have again
gods and
have served them
have some eggs
You can't
have the eggs
you've read and
haven't read
spring-heeled Jack,
Jack from Hell
Jan Mayen
jasper ware
kaffir bread
kafir bread
Lachman test
Lachman tests
your plane crash
lands somewhere
language death
language nest
language nests
last one left
in all that
Latin mess
Latin square
Latin squares
latter end
latter ends
they will not
laugh again
machen schlecht
Dean had gone
Has Lamborghini gone
mad again
if it was
madness, well
Madras, Dept
mammoth steppe
mammoth steppes
can be that
me become that
man again
appears and kills Pac-
Man again
is not The
Man Upstairs
managed care
that that
man's Burt yet
when all the
matter's spent
nagele fest
want all the
Naturals dead
padded cell
padded cells
panda bear
sponge cake and
panda bears
pass the eggs
we all
pass the test
past perfect
go down that
path again
Upon the
paths of men
what's the grand
plan again
I can
plan ahead
Planet X
go to that
planet, then
after our small
planet's dead
plasma cell
plasma cells
plasma gem
plasma gems
rabbit test
rabbit tests
I'm serving raw
rabbit, Chef
ran ahead
never saw the
ranch again
of joy and
rapture then
rat lungworm
ratchet wrench
several times and
rather well
Thus was
Sabbath kept
sack of flesh
sacks of flesh
Sad but blessed
saddle quern
And we had
sanctioned them
sanctus bell
sanctus bells
sand gazelle
sand turned red
with your bad
Santa self
standing ovation, and
Satin wept
savage yells
do not
scalp the head
shines white, and
scatters red
scramble net
scramble nets
into pieces and
scramble them
to taste that
scrambled egg
scrambled eggs
all that
shall come there
shat the bed
been smashed, and
smashed again
chair, and
snapped her neck
her and
snaps her neck
stack the deck
of bullocks at
Stamford fair
stand confessed
I can't
stand the smells
so you can't
stand yourself
standard fare
standard fares
tanah air
off on a
tangent there
tattle tell
tattle tells
than again
needs someone smaller
than oneself
a monster
better chance
higher rank
much darker
than the rest
are stronger
than the threat
fight someone smaller
that is larger
than yourself
Thanks, Butt-head
that a bear
a look at
back and watch
can I start
Did you tap
go through all
going through all
I'm gonna start
laughing, let's start
What was
that again
Get 'em on
that bulkhead
relationship than
that of friend
easily as
stronger than
that of friends
rather than
that of men
you ask
that of them
part of
still had
that one left
Look at
that one there
I want
that one, yes
and myself upon
been uniform on
durst not touch
great authority on
to say on
when I'm on
will not touch
that subject
Look at
that sunset
look at
that up there
upset, but not
that upset
tell him all
that upstairs
laughed at
that word then
Did you draw
You bought
You saw
that yourself
that's a dress
That's her strength
like Aimee and
that's perfect
That's the best
bed, and
think that
that's the end
That's the test
That's what sells
That's worse yet
that's yourself
I lost
track of them
Or it cannot
transfer well
transferred sense
Both he and
Xander stare
with 1 extra syllable
cannot therefore
continued to
abstract from them
need to paint
abstracts again
king's pawn
advance one square
attachments end
banana bread
banana breads
banana chair
banana chairs
Cassandra Clare
smaller, quite a
compact affair
compact cassette
A Video
Compact Cassette
companion cell
companion cells
companion set
companion sets
a friend,
comrades, a friend
compensated for the
contracted breadth
giraffe gazelle
giraffe gazelles
goddamn regret
Lancaster, Penn
medallion men
it felt like
Tarzan again
Trafalgar Square
greatest gifts are
unanswered prayers
with 2 extra syllables
nonfinancial debt
nonfinancial debts