exact syllable matches
English, it was written
bearded clam
bearded clams
we had not
been attacked
he has not
which have not
been surpassed
big girl pants
big-girl pants
bissen ab
bissen an
blicken an
blister pack
blister packs
blitzen ab
bridge the gap
bridged the gap
bring her back
bringest ab
bringest an
business class
was a Scotch
business man
Business man
business plan
business plans
Carol with an all-
chicken cast
chicken dance
chicken scratch
Christmas ham
Christmas hams
Christon Bank
civet cat
civet cats
crystal class
he did not
deserve that
did Abram
feeling of God
didn't last
dimpled chad
dimpled chads
Let's not
discuss that
dribble glass
poor-creatures who are
driven mad
enough bran
bones and not
enough cash
capellini and not
enough crab
there's Just not
enough facts
body of large
enough mass
fichte an
figure dash
figured bass
filler cap
filler caps
filter ab
filter bank
filter banks
filter pad
finger fan
finger fans
finger glass
finger grass
finger mask
finger masks
finger pad
finger pads
Finna land
fiscal stamp
fiscal stamps
fish corral
fish corrals
fisher cat
fisher cats
fitted cap
fitted caps
gift of gab
gifts of gab
ginger snap
ginger snaps
give a crap
do not
web-headed moron
give a damn
give a hand
give a hang
give the axe
I got
given that
gives a damn
gives the axe
gizzard shad
griffen an
Griffith, trans
Here's some cash
Here's the plan
hidden tax
Hilton Als
You called
him a gnat
you call
him a man
himmel an
before Jim got
his advance
time to launch
his attack
Wizard blew off
his command
the blood on
his mustache
His words danced
hit a snag
hit the fan
hit the gas
hit the rack
hit the sack
hits the fan
hits the rack
image map
image maps
them all
in a bag
I was
Nietzsche was
in a band
complex blackguard
in a bath
in a flap
King Kong
in a flash
kids are
she was
in a gang
A lot,
in a glass
he was
in a mass
you belong
in a pack
being tossed
in a pan
in a snap
been caught
rats caught
were caught
in a trap
effect decided upon
they are whitewashed
in advance
Hessians with Raul
in command
in der Tat
the Koran
in her hand
all wrong
house was
in her hands
high school curricula
japans trendiest heartthrob
in Japan
in one gram
when involved
in some task
disappointingly uninvolved
were called
in the act
it was
the bra
in the ass
I was
were shot
your boss
in the back
he was
That was
in the bag
in the band
in the bank
you fart
in the bath
in the black
getting caught
in the blast
went on
in the camp
it was
in the can
motive, not
in the fact
fingers caught
in the fan
in the flag
in the hand
in the hands
in the lab
in the map
is not
in the math
you got
in the pan
all small
you're small
in the pants
Ali Khan,
are all
are locked
beauty was
been solved
been wrong
defeat Kira
everything was
Far, far
his trademark
it was
nightmare was
or far
that's all
in the past
her part
things not
was not
in the plan
in the plans
in the sack
in the tank
their part
in the task
is caught
she was
in the trap
income tax
inert gas
inner class
inner man
Insel Man
instant mash
the law
is a ass
I want
is a chance
is a man
organization chart
is a map
So, John
is the man
swallowing hard
is the plan
we call
it a dag
he calls
it a flag
it's gone,
it comes back
I call
it The Rack
it up fast
knows how long
telling how long
it'll last
or wrong,
it's a brand
as to cause
its collapse
to obey all
its commands
It's just black
It's just blank
It's just that
jigger mast
jigger masts
kick some ass
kick the can
did was
kill one man
killer app
killer apps
Kim Young Sam
Kim Young-sam
a Joe Rock
kinda gal
Briana Banks' arse
kinda slack
Kingston valve
Kingston valves
kisses, and
klingel an
liquid gas
liquid glass
liquid laugh
liquid laughs
in my hot
little hand
They've got
You've got
little hands
one of God's
little lambs
Can't talk,
little man
little pants
little slams
lizard man
middle class
middle man
milk moustache
minute glass
minute hand
minute hands
minute man
Mister Man
Mitchell, trans
crowd into Antwon
Mitchell's hands
mixer tap
mixer taps
nickel back
nickel backs
nickel bag
nickel bags
ninja van
ninja vans
nipple clamp
nipple clamps
Philip Schaff
Philip Spratt
pickle plant
pickle plants
picks up Hal
I'll never not
picture that
You got
pictures that
pidgin man
pilgrim badge
Pippa Black
pitcher plant
pitcher plants
pivot man
prism glass
prison camp
prison camps
prison gangs
reserve bank
reserve banks
reserved track
reserved tracks
return match
return pass
return path
return paths
return tag
return tags
return valve
return valves
reverse pass
revert back
ribbon map
ribbon maps
ribbon stamp
ribbon stamps
Richard Franck
be in this angst-
ridden band
ripgut grass
river bank
river banks
river crab
river crabs
river jack
river jacks
river rat
river rats
shingle cap
ship canal
ship canals
silver bath
silver baths
their names on
silver plaques
on models are
simple and
simple as
simple past
simple pasts
single jack
single jacks
as a strong,
single Sam
Sister Act
sister acts
skin the cat
slip one past
spirit lamp
spirit lamps
spirit man
spirit path
spirit paths
spit of land
spits of land
Thunder Cross
Split Attack
springest ab
sticker grass
he was
still a cat
There was
still a chance
you are
still a man
surprised yours are
still attached
Still the champ
string attached
strings attached
swing a cat
do ya
think of that
What do ya
think, dumbass
to call off
this attack
The servant saw
this, aghast
Suck on
this, scumbag
is a Scarlet Maw
timber camp
timber camps
tip the can
tip the gaff
tippen ab
tippen an
tippest ab
tippest an
tippet ab
tippet an
triers of fact
trigger man
triple valve
triple valves
Viktor Brack
visier an
whip the cat
wicker man
widgeon grass
my mom
will come back
your mom
will love that
William Cranch
William Gass
William Kapp
William Pfaff
wing attack
wing attacks
winkel an
winkle an
winter rat
winter rats
with a bang
carnal liaison
it was
with a man
a fox
with a mask
mete want
with a span
half falls
with a THWAP
Engineering Tripos
with first class
a bra
with one hand
with the ax
with the bag
the bar
with the band
with the dance
goes on
with the fans
go along
play along
playing along
with the gag
first, off
with the pants
nothing wrong
with the plan
going on
with the task
witness stand
witness stands
wizard hat
wizard hats
perceptions that all
women have
yes I want
women mad
vowel, it was
written as
Ziploc bag
with 1 extra syllable
acting scrum-half
acting scrum-halves
Aldington, trans
councils of the
archbishops and
of all
artists, the hands
those boards
blocking the track
the explosives
blocking the tracks
relatives in Allied
bombing attacks
calling a cab
sound for
calling a cat
capital grant
he wants his
cardigan back
conical flask
conical flasks
conical hat
conical hats
from the
crossing of and
agility in
dodging the facts
know, I'm
drawing a blank
ended up
dropping the class
can do a
hospital ad
to Saint Mary's
Hospital at
hospital pass
Occitan and
show the police
officer's badge
I mean,
Oliver's back
optical flat
optical flats
the manufacture of
optical glass
optical trap
optical traps
panic attack
panic attacks
popping some tags
blow this
to blow this
popsicle stand
posterior mal
And who
profits from that
do of
find him,
possibly be
some guy
robbing a bank
Sonic runs back
all over,
starting from scratch
tips from a
talking hubcap
tropical yam
tropical yams
mean like
walking the plank
is one
yawning the gap
with 2 extra syllables
disposed to
acknowledge the fact
assaulted a man
one survive an
safe from possible
atomic attack
with 3 extra syllables
Aquarius is an
It's an
astronomical fact
a raving, sinister,
demagogic nutbag
diabolical man
complete social and
ways to avoid
economic collapse
construction of regular
geological maps
has become the
paradoxical cat
a bunch of
psychological crap
well as a
psychological fact
follow the same
technological path
to call it
xenophobic attacks