exact syllable matches

pussycats have got
9 lives
bide tryst
and the sharks
bite him
bite in
bite it
bite stick
bite sticks
bite wing
bite wings
bites in
blies in
blind bit
blind pig
blind pigs
blind stitch
blive til
bride gift
bride gifts
brine shrimp
brine shrimps
buy in
buy ins
Money cannot
buy it
buys it
of sickness caused
the buttocks caused
by fear
balls stomped on
frightened, and shocked,
won over, charmed
by him
a little awed
being acted upon
I'm charmed
by it
one turned on
the channel caused
which was appalled
by this
, small
child, kid
chime in
dine in
dive in
dived in
dives in
dried milk
drive in
dry sink
dry sinks
a small,
dry stick
time and not
fight it
file film
file films
file in
file with
files in
I shall not
find it
fine print
five sixths
flight risk
flight risks
fright wig
fright wigs
gripe inn
Guide Bridge
height fear
height fears
hi sinh
merely covers, not
hides him
high bit
high bits
high jinks
high king
high kings
hind limb
hind limbs
hind tit
hind tits
hind wing
hind wings
hy sinh
I Ching
right, I forgot
than I thought
Thank God
that I thought
That's all
I did
My fault
I fear
matter how long
I lived
i rith
i sted
he was wrong,
in an Escalade,
ink and all
over the top,
the salon,
was my grandma's,
You cannot,
I think
even that far,
that determined, Babar,
the button, John,
yer kneecaps off,
I will
I wis
I wish
I wiss
ice beer
ice beers
ice bridge
ice disc
ice disk
ice fish
ice fished
ice milk
ice milks
ice pick
ice picks
ice rink
ice rinks
I thought
I'd shit
My God,
I'm sick
Kleine Beer
knife switch
lie in
lie with
the smallest, God
lies hid
Lies Inc
Is that all
Tailored all
you how hard
life is
life list
life lists
life peer
life peers
life ring
life rings
light mill
light mills
light switch
light years
of obscene libellous Oz-
like filth
Ideas are
like fish
but, ha, not
throw the ball
You can talk
like him
left a mark
like his
like shit
like sin
like stink
But not
carat, gilded barmpot
fix a car
for a job
hunched over clocks
it's just not
just go along
keep driving along
Must talk
Oh, God, not
on a job
open a jar
part, are not
see Hank, not
shot after shot
start us off
That I was
to a restaurant
to but not
to work jobs
torture us all
like this
General Clark
liked it
way that God
likes it
lime kiln
lime kilns
lime pit
lime pits
line fish
line hitch
live in
live with
din can daunt
mine ears
about how hot
mine is
Now come along,
to my workshop,
We're all pawns,
my dear
I had was
my fear
I have lost
my fears
he needed was
his balls on
my fist
their helmets on
my fists
I gotta call
I rub on
my kid
beard was not
my King
his word on
my Beloved on
my lips
he wasn't on
my husband off
not crossed off
not high on
them all off
my list
my nibs
I just dropped
my ring
humans are on
that slut off
my ship
kind of lost
my shit
That was
my sin
me of all
my sins
rough material on
the sun on
my skin
I've got
my spears
Tool talk not
my thing
your mouth off
my things
my thinks
with scallops on
your mouth on
my tits
the lump was
my twin
falcon landed on
my wrist
It's Not On
My Wrist
night fear
night fears
night shift
night shifts
night stick
night sticks
night winds
I've got
nine lives
phi kim
Pine Hills
piped link
price in
price list
price lists
priced in
prime rib
prime ribs
prime ring
prime rings
prize list
Pye Bridge
Reich wing
rice king
rice kings
rice milk
rice milks
rice mill
rice mills
rice stick
rice sticks
rice stitch
ride bitch
rides bitch
could just walk
I just walked
Just walked
We'll just walk
right in
right quick
whether people want
right things
right wing
right wings
rime riche
side bitch
side chick
side chicks
side dish
Get up along
side him
side kick
side kicks
side ting
side with
sides with
sight in
sight sing
sign bit
sign bits
sign in
We can all
sign it
signed in
signs in
size stick
size sticks
spike strip
spike strips
spine pig
spine pigs
Spy Kids
spy ring
spy rings
strike in
tai chis
Tai Ping
Thai stick
Thai sticks
poverty, and not
thy will
tide mill
tide mills
tide rip
tide rips
tie clip
tie clips
tie in
tie ins
tie pin
tie pins
tied in
useless as a hog-
tied steer
ties in
tight lips
tight ship
tight ships
time bill
time bills
politician of all
time is
time sink
time sinks
time twin
time twins
for a long
time, Hibbs
Tri Delt
I have not
tried it
Ham hock,
Come on,
try it
type hint
type hints
type in
impression, as Paul
VI did
Vine Hill
weiss beer
weiss beers
White Chicks
white guilt
Not Ron
White Inc
white ink
white list
white lists
white pill
white pills
white tin
white witch
After all,
why think
wies hin
wild pig
wild pigs
wild pink
wild pinks
wild pitch
king of all
wild things
wind chill
wind chills
wind mill
wind mills
wind shear
wind sprint
wind sprints
wine list
wine lists
Wright Mills
write in
wye switch
y sinh

with 1 extra syllable

Cartwright kids
onside kick
onside kicks
like structure, and
quantize it
order is disturbed,
starlight dims

with 2 extra syllables

fighting Jon's war,
liked to play
love to play
lucky to play
midfield and played
to do it
to have played
were frantically flapping
alongside him
alongside ship