exact syllable matches

help it -
you understand
bituminous sand
bituminous sands
build you up from scratch
am not a
delusional man
the speech
did you understand
what I
did, you understand
drink brewed from the plant
like a
fish, you understand
give you a bus pass
give you the guns back
to look
grim, you understand
enough for
I want
him to understand
if you prefer that
Tell me,
your hands
if you understand
if you were a man
an evident and
immutable fact
is unsubstantiated
in provable fact
in two summers past
They're coming
in, you understand
formed under
influence from and
under the
influence of and
not get
into other hands
as emigrants
into other lands
from Finnic
into Russian as
into the lush grass
into the tub and
To program
what there
is to understand
is true of the laugh
issues of the past
I take
it you understand
you have
kids you'll understand
seeds of the
leguminous plants
you are
quick to understand
opportunity to
renew the attack
stick to just the facts
I know
things, you understand
I don't
that you
think you understand
artist, I
think you'll understand
indignation at
this cruel command
This you understand
will soon understand
will you understand
not even
wish to understand
a treaty
with you, understand

with 1 extra syllable

can't even
could never
you'd even
begin to understand
Continue the attack
for the
critic to understand
nothin' but
dogshit, you understand
accept or
even to understand
going through a rough patch
You're never
going to understand
the bare but
indisputable facts
to variations of
institutional drab
empower the
institutions of man
leading to the terms and
and the
longing to understand
Nothing you'd understand
Nothing, you understand
thousand years
seeking to understand
low-lives are
starting to understand
not bad
trending, you understand
complaining, just
tryin' to understand
I'm just
they are
trying to understand
for a
visit, you understand
asking questions,
idea of
wanting to understand
understand who
wishes to understand

with 2 extra syllables

to pups
according to circumstance
no longer
anything to understand
don't do
anything, you understand
I'm only
only now
beginning to understand
connected to the attack
Everything, you understand
Everything's beautiful, man
ordering to observed facts
Pertaining to German and

with 3 extra syllables

this so
difficulting to understand