exact syllable matches

and death -
the same
7 May
Aran weight
Aran weights
bear away
arms cannot
bear the weight
bed of nails
beds of nails
belted plaids
most famous and
best-loved plays
I've had
better days
better place
in new and
better shapes
bring about that
better state
They all have
better taste
breast the gale
could have
bred a race
Care Sunday
center stage
more considerable and
central place
Central Plain
centre stage
Check the planes
Cheryl James
chestnut rail
chestnut rails
Clarence Day
all hands on
deck today
delta ray
delta rays
Delta State
dense array
dense arrays
desert date
desert dates
devil chase
Devils Lake
he meet that
dreadful day
they all
dress the same
dress-up game
dress-up games
Eccles cake
Eccles cakes
Edgar Cayce
Edward Cave
Edward Grey
Ellen Page
else the same
Ember day
Ember days
end of day
End of Days
this all
end one day
begin and
end the same
endless chain
endless chains
if it all
ends someday
engine bay
engine bays
engine lathe
engine lathes
era name
era names
challenge you have
of us has
thing I have
this kingdom has
ever faced
and painting Rembrandt
decision I have
every gospel song
historic telephone call
no reference was
than I have
this company has
this office has
unfaithful creatures God
ever made
piece I have
that I have
tune I have
ever played
or Vancouver had
ever sailed
than I can
ever say
who may not
ever take
feather spray
fell from grace
times they had
felt afraid
place and
the arts
felt the same
fend away
fetch away
since thou are
fled away
flesh decays
gender vague
could not
get a date
because they can't
I just can't
let her pod
No you can't
one who can't
past him and
that they can't
the kit and
think you can
You all
You can't
get away
everyday and
get up late
Come on,
get up, Yates
you catch that
gets away
My long,
hairless tail
head of state
Forces and
Head of State
Heads of Ayr
whom are
heads of state
heather ale
heather ales
heavens name
Helen Hayes
Helen Kane
helmet snail
helmet snails
Lake Huron,
person's heart,
slimy cap,
hence the name
Hester Thrale
Jepson claim
Jepson claims
kefir grain
kefir grains
Kelvin scale
Kelvin scales
Kelvin wave
Kelvin waves
that has
We have
kept the faith
kettle lake
kettle lakes
lead sulfate
lead sulphate
Flashlight shall
forward and
woman can
lead the way
LeBron James
are perverted and
led astray
the field and
led away
you have
led the way
ledger bait
left nullspace
he has
left the stage
this dialogue was
left unchanged
lemon plait
Lenard ray
Lenard rays
length of days
discussed them at
length today
lesser ape
Lesser Wain
letter case
letter grade
letter grades
level staves
lever frame
lever frames
Lexus lane
Lexus lanes
measure space
medal play
melt away
face shrinks and
melts away
member state
member states
mental age
mental case
and slavery are
mental states
Metal Age
Oak and
Nettle Day
Network Rail
this place shall
never age
and crowds that
true love that
never came
Certain things can
feelings like that
like you can
the stars that
never change
and which had
Human nature has
never changed
only investment that
only thing that
never fails
the judgments are
the movie was
to Cosell, was
never made
never makes
free good and
never pay
their jobs are
never safe
that we can
never say
pair of shades
pairs of shades
the kids as
parrot bait
parrot snake
parrot snakes
pedal brake
peg away
pencil case
pepper spray
pepper sprayed
pepper sprays
I am
pregnant, Grace
press avail
press avails
pressure gauge
beer and
pretzels game
beer and
pretzels games
to settle all
questions, gave
read the mail
what you have
read today
regnal name
regnal names
rendre ame
could have
people have
said the same
between first and
close play at
first base and
never got past
won't go past
second base
to get that
second date
second grade
second grades
second name
second names
second rate
the First and
Second Rays
section 8
section eight
are so placid and
becomes more self-sustaining and
becoming more sterilized and
place is sealed off,
sell away
send away
sends away
You can
sense the weight
conquer all that
senseless space
whom Allah hath
sent astray
sent away
sentence case
session ale
session ales
unless they are
set aflame
set the pace
set the stage
here and
set up base
These last
seven days
Seven days
seven eighths
seven shades
seventh grade
seventh grades
We can
share the name
with and
share the pain
Shepard scale
Shepard scales
Shetland lace
special case
special cased
delivered on that
special day
Special K
away to that
special place
special stage
Spencer steak
Spencer steaks
square away
squared away
squares away
stellar day
stellar days
loosened it and
stepped away
power and
strength of faith
person and
strength of frame
stretcher case
and I got
be silenced, and
I was
swept away
tear away
he annul, all
tears assuage
tears away
Tell her straight
Mike, you have show-and-
tell today
Tell us straight
temple name
temple names
tensile strain
tensile strains
Terrance Hayes
any request on
their birthday
late on
their first day
nothing can wash
Revolution completely washed
sort of swats
You can lock
them away
then one day
trunk, and
then the tail
Then what changed
there away
There were eight
There's a grave
the walk,
there's a lane
between that,
there's a place
There's a snake
There's some change
weak candidates and
they're afraid
they're ashamed
They're the same
Treasure State
treasure trail
treasure trails
treble staves
trencher mate
trencher mates
vector space
thought it was
vengeance day
wear away
wears away
weather day
weather days
weather gage
weather gauge
weather pains
weather vane
weather vanes
welcome, day
Cleanup has,
well uh, failed
went astray
dried up and
got up and
it just all
shame if that
that river and
The Box
ye arose and
went away
Wentworth scale
Western Cape
Whens lunch break
where away
Where the place
Where's the babe
Where's the cake
Where's the case
Where's the plane
Where's the safe
hard and
wreck the place

with 1 extra syllable

Advent Sunday
every other jungle
first ever text
Goodbye cruel
open your fun action-
adventure game
adventure games
affairs of state
Ancestors Day
without renouncing their
ancestral faith
ancestral name
ancestral names
and the
in the
conquest of space
Conquest of Space
invasion and
conquest of spain
Consent obtained
a larger
context one day
Forget the pain
Mandela Bay
and the
at the
object of faith
through the
process of play
this fining-down
process of scale
be leaving the
of the political
to leave the
process today
giving me a splitting
Professor Snape
making so much
progress today
Project Runway
the bad
prospects of trade