exact syllable matches

all because
all are one
The English are
all bollocks
shirts, are they
all cotton
the background is
all darkness
and bestial of
all dogmas
best Of
all God's works
when it's
all gone, huh
the source of
all Heartless
all experience, and
is possessed of
such islands proceeds
that lies behind
the origins of
all knowledge
all monsters
all profit
uncle and hear
all proper
Now it's
all sawdust
is common to
all scholars
anything that's at
all solid
Before it
moment that it
That's where it
all started
concerned, they are
all targets
we were
all washed up
Think about
Anbar Province
we really
are all just
domestic policy
are all one
You guys
are awesome
some of which
are bonnets
and the sun
are Brahma
problems of information
are broader
To what end
are comets
and Latin origin
High fives
nature, and freaks
are common
are conquered
stairs bullshit, you
are conscious
and the demons
are fallen
know their happiness,
are farmers
advantageous to us,
cigarettes and alcohol
are harmful
are heartless
Good, you
many of them
men of science
are honest
to which we
are hostile
But today women
are lawyers
are models
My desires
are modest
not Muslims, they
are monsters
that they
are not one
a deal they
are offered
apartment children
are on drugs
of them
are on Earth
don't really think
are proper
all times, there
are prophets
Our sills
are rotten
babies because they
bigger waves, some
are smaller
our response times
the piece, performances
Those walls
are solid
are starstuff
In others, we
some ways, you
are stronger
of the revolution
are strongest
round up, people
are water
The Polaroids
are, are, uh
here's where we
are, Doctor
boys, my
arm was cut
sons, and Thou
art Father
the supervision of
Bob Fossil
back as the
in the corporate
bond market
flop at the
franchise dominated the
in terms of
pull at the
box office
that the Frenchmen
call auteur
myself into a so-
Or rather so-
called artist
They should be
called bonkers
called commerce
which, combined, are
called conscience
This source is
called darkness
dreaming of being
called doctor
called doctors
Or the so-
called hard cunt
should have been
called Heartless
vice, which is
called honour
have a porter
called Trotter
A Fish
Called Wanda
That noise is
called water
old cable
cars on the
cause marvels
any good
cause on earth
Who is
Charles Bronson
Charles Johnston
Charles Province
Charles Thomson
his hand
chopped off once
a fame-seeking, manipulative
A two-bit
con artist
You out-conned a
society has a
cop problem
side of the
dark waters
go talk to
Doc Cottle
in your cherried-out
Dodge Charger
dumpster full of
dog collars
It's the wild-
dog genre
lot of
dog gone fun
Brian, he's a
dog walker
and a black rubber
and the
dog's on drugs
Written by
Don Houghton
Jack Cassini and
Don Thompson
must draw, and
draw often
supposed to
draw on 'em
dirt in warm
drawn waters
right outta the
drop boxes
helplessness one
drops all search
about to
fall off her
building would
fall on her
bombs, and
fall on Slough
master-mind behind this
false doctrine
a lying hell-bound
false prophet
we condemn as
false prophets
my enemy is
far stronger
to solve the
farm problem
it wasn't your
fault, Blossom
breathing of
temple of
God on earth
apart from the
God problem
We're all
God, Starbuck
also required for
God's knowledge
Who has
gone farthest
just how they
got broadened
other men have
got larger
is upset Iowa's
got problems
idea of Evolution
if I ever
That's how I
where Dancehall music
got started
You just
got watered
Hans Hofmann
because they drive
hard bargains
My men are
hard chargers
a little
hard on us
must be a
hard problem
from a long-term
heart problem
responsible for my
heart problems
to take your
heart, Chocolat
in the lonely
hearts column
the shape of
hock bottles
honk blarg, sir
a cup of
chocolate, served by
croissants with her
hot cup of
Les had a
make you some
hot chocolate
and no
hot cross buns
That's a
hot dog truck
on chest, like
hot faucet
a pool of
and there's no
got me in
got myself into
in rooms with
It's scalding
put her in
put them in
said there's no
she gets into
hot water
currents than a
hot-cross bun
is a slack
jawed llama
compete in the
in the regular
to enter the
job market
you with another
job offer
just doing my
job, Doctor
of the
jobs on Earth
Ed Solomon and
Written by
John August
Jones, and drummer
John Bonham
I'd die for
John Connor
John Garner
John Marshall
John Pomfret
Cooper Lane and
Michael Ferris and
John Rogers
Jim Thomas and
John Thomas
same name by
John Waters
Jon Postel
Josh Marshall
David Hume and
Karl Popper
Don Quixote de
Man of
The Man of
La Mancha
and is a
large problem
Bartolome de
las Casas
to have a
Locke problem
Well, so
long partners
Live and
long prosper
beauty and
loss are one
Lost Bottle
don't know about
patron saint of
saint of the
lost causes
faster and a
heck of a
lot harder
Seems like a
lot longer
it a whole
lot stronger
Thanks a
lot, mama
from being a
mall bomber
Cook, and
Mark Rosner
executive producer is
Mark Wahlberg
to write his
Mars novels
and the
mob are one
and morally, is
not altered
lower classes did
not bother
only consequences, effects,
not causes
Van Buren was
not conquered
away expecting light,
not darkness
that will
not dodge us
Bullock did
not draw first
my duty and
now, she would
tall and did
not falter
We were hunters,
not farmers
It is
not harmful
you do is
not honest
and therefore is
Information is
was from ignorance,
not knowledge
objects but
not large ones
but that's so
Not me,
not Marshall
new quarter, is
not modern
you like, but
not modest
These were
not monsters
after death you're
not nauseous
This idea is
not novel
from me, but
leather, which as
not often
is all-embracing and
not partial
beautiful reward is
crimes of passion,
run for service
not profit
Usually they are
not smarter
I do
not sparkle
not Spartans
race will
NOT stop us
they must
not want one
I think
not, Robin
girl who started
off awful
We paid
off lawyers
will rub
off on her
with that sawn
off shotgun
too, couple of sawn-
off shot-guns
a war
change things
handling this
important book
the people
on all fronts
after his death
the Lincoln Memorial
they both died
on Aug
Used to write
on Blossom
focus his wrath
on Donna
better place
on God's Earth
some humorous comments
on lava
more than that
on marble
still a take-off
on Parker
back and work
on problem
him give up
on problems
social system based
on profit
as he was
on solids
on vomit
and I'm taking
boards don't work
car that works
not to walk
saw him walking
since someone walked
that can walk
think, not walk
on water
on, Blossom
on, Conker
okay, come
on, Mama
on, Partner
ice cream, two
parts awesome
Paul Martin
Paul Sartre
Graham Stark and
Paul Saunders
Paul Tsongas
Paul Walker
Rob Malda
Rob Thomas
interested in your
rock garden
at the black
rock market
rock solid
for piers under
salt water
is the Cutty
Sark Gardens
out of a
Scotch bottle
that, you're Willard
Scott's problem
and the butcher
shop carcass
She found a
small cottage
by a very
small margin
owned land into
small parcels
Except for one
is, however, one
There's only one
small problem
I was a
small product
get so
smart on us
doss, like a
membership was no
There is no
soft option
of a
soft spot, huh
allow yourselves to grow
fact intensely emotional and
a way to
problems that can
tradition because they
we have to
We've got to
solve problems
Inch Nails
song called Hurt
stiff necks or
starched collars
start smaller
change in the
School, friends,
what about the
stock market
Stock market
invest in the
Stock Market
Will it
stop, Doctor
and the
strong are just
um, sort of
swap partners
tha problem
solutions, listen to
Thom Hartmann
but their
thought was one
to his manager
Tom Parker
Marc Norman and
Tom Stoppard
replace Gaza with
top honors
am America's Next
be America's Next
become America's Next
becoming America's Next
Don't you watch
for America's Next
me America's Next
of America's Next
show America's Next
to become a
win America's Next
win the Next
with America's Next
You're America's Next
Top Model
of introduction to
top scholars
wanted to watch
Vlasov squirm
Von Karman
General Helmuth
Helmuth Johann Ludwig
von Moltke
wherever men
walk God's earth
and to
heaven must
walk on earth
woman in lust
wants chocolate
wants Marla
Cause he
was all front
him it
was all one
even the constitution
was altered
ask me, this
was arson
him, and he
huh, score that
was awesome
was awful
which I
was brought up
was called the
looked and it
was Cartman
the process I
was conquered
whether this attempt
was conscious
and love itself
was darkened
First there
was darkness
that he
was fond of
disorder of Danae
was garnered
then said he
was gonna
was gossip
Maybe, if it
was harder
I think I
I thought that
kid, but we
was honest
for such deceit
was knowledge
him till he
was martyred
was not thus
fact that I
was pardoned
No, look, I
the future it
years, since equality
was promised
they'd thought I
was smarter
when I
was strong but
I wish I
was stronger
before Darwinism
was thought of
a small inside
watch pocket
false thinking brings
wrong conduct
he had the
wrong father
where the
wrong was done
This is really
wrong, Robin

with 1 extra syllable

been taken from
Bancroft's margin
Begone, long one
beyond Star One
is something I
cannot alter
was an American
Cosa Nostra
risk from the
discharged water
run and your
eyeballs water
declared a
fatwa on us
Gustav Mahler
Klingon Proverbs
and not a
micron farther
Robot Monster
Rudolf Rocker
Theda Bara
be, I am
Tupac Shakur
unrecognized, and as-yet
unsolved problems
truer morality based
upon knowledge
march of Fairfax
upon Oxford
is a third-hand
Vauxhall Carlton
is the upgraded
Yvonne Hartman

with 2 extra syllables

neck like an
astrakhan collar
of the
Avatar on earth
Basketball, not lunch
put some
camouflage on, sir
Elena Bonner
was a very
orthodox Marxist
self-doubts from the
Vietnam trauma

with 4 extra syllables

I can replicate
international commerce