exact syllable matches

betting parlor
betting parlors
Some old
Celtic bollocks
drawers, under
chairs, in closets
internal bleeding,
check his pockets
not much
checking, not much
about their own
cherished doctrines
lands in Eau
Claire, Wisconsin
crested pochard
crested pochards
him to
death with chocolates
must, better
death with honour
and pours the
deathless waters
Robert Gaskins and
Dennis Austin
all brought up
spectacular comeback since
Dennis Hopper
Dennis Potter
Derek Barton
Derek Jarman
Derek Thomas
Written by
Deric Washburn
dredging boxes
had seen
dressed in bottles
those who
dwell in darkness
have anything
have something
else in common
else is on, huh
and everybody
else's on earth
ground for everybody
else's problems
charisma, and
Elvis was one
end it's all one
epic cockpunch
gotta hear the
Epic Saga
Steven Greene and
Eric Alter
Eric Carle
like the new
turned into another
Eric Cartman
Eric Hargan
Eric Hoffer
Eric Johnson
From the lexicographer
Eric Partridge
a shit about
Eric Roberts
Erik Proper
Nigeria has had
ethnic problems
Fairless Barber
to be
fed, is darkness
Flemish Brabant
Flemish proverbs
journey from
flesh is longest
strong boy,
flesh is stronger
Frederic Harton
I'm a real
Frederick Zoller
get him started
get it locked up
ahead -
they couldn't
get it started
get it, Walter
helps to
now let's
get things started
get this job done
Shall we
get this started
until he
gets his target
now, and it's
the streets are
getting darker
fear of
getting knocked up
and I were
getting larger
forward to
getting off of
Now they're
getting slaughtered
from us, gradually
getting smaller
can feel yourselves
may actually be
getting smarter
And I'm just
and we're just
battle is just
but I'm just
evil are just
good ideas from
I was just
I'm just
this party's just
We're just
Your day's just
getting started
And he's just
and I keep
and it's
And you are
healing faster and
I'm only
That's why we're
The ghost is
The pulsations are
the rip tide's
Your powers are
getting stronger
in the bathroom
getting water
hair is awesome
Harris Barham
worked at the
health department
by the Pawnee
you by the
Health Department
One was
held in August
an idea
by properties
Everything was
possessed they
property was
shared and
that were
they both
held in common
it is
held in honour
who the
hell is Marcus
hell is Mark from
Hell is on Earth
me to
help him bargain
going to
help him Doctor
eleven to
help his father
Henrik Larsson
Herrick Johnson
Kenneth Arnold
Kenneth Collen
Kenneth thompson
already, and
kept his promise
just fallen for
Kevin Arnold
Kevin Carson
And I've met
with the irreplaceable
You are not
Kevin Costner
Lee Curtis and
Kevin Pollak
the murder of
Kevin Thompson
Written by Andrew
Kevin Walker
Some things
lead beyond words
that is
left is honour
I have
left this office
him in the
leg department
leget offen
speed and ever
less involvement
let fear stop us
Let it all burn
let it stop us
From a nautical
lexicon, from
of having multiple
marriage partners
of tiny
men in boxes
Merrick Garland
Chet never
met his father
metric martyr
we have our
metric martyrs
nesting boxes
back on
next year's cotton
pit near it,
Paris garden
stint with the
Paris opera
sang at the
Paris Opera
pelvic arches
slower when
quenched in water
is a dull
reddish olive
he cannot
relish God's love
All the
rest is darkness
their affairs
rest with Allah
said Bill Carson
said is not heard
said it was girls
said it was nuts
said it was tough
sense of
self is stronger
the Art of
Selling Bargains
The additional
The legal
The other
senses are a
on the
set is awful
set this all up
militant Islamists
share in common
Very bad
shedding problem
Hell, the
smell is awful
smelling bottle
smelling bottles
casts her
spells in proverbs
spend it on DRUGS
Warrior, all towing
splendid barges
be mad, absolutely stark-
staring bonkers
stepped in chocolate
result in securely
tested knowledge
testing clauses
and empty for
the spectators take
two days after
their departure
Leave them in
lie still in
their dishonor
Your shame is
their dishonour
through them without
their involvement
just love
them beyond words
them did not work
I'd happily give
them Gibraltar
pursued by
them in common
have put
them in office
to treat
them with harshness
why make
them with Potter
by spraying
them with water
Then his daughter
then it all just
door 'cause
then it's awkward
burns out,
not shine,
there is darkness
I go
there is drama
there is not one
there is on earth
there is on Earth
there is problem
Why is
there this option
smell fresher once
they're defrosted
Jew I
tread with caution
treaded water
treading water
his personal
wealth since started
up ahead are
wearing armor
He was
wearing armour
not fair, she's
wearing goggles
who knows
well his saga
Well, it was fun
It's a
West Wing office
buried deep in
whelming darkness
And that's
was young
when it started
when it stops, huh
when its autum
when it's bottled
as hard
when it's honest
when things are tough
when things got tough
when this was done
back to
this is
where it started
where it's gotten
yes, with vodka
within us,
yet beyond us

with 1 extra syllable

I cannot
I don't
accept this offer
the stock of
accepted knowledge
the price of
accepting Stalin
trying to
address his problems
to exploring avant-garde
aesthetic problems
Ethics and
Aesthetics are one
from the Personnel
Affairs department
Normandy and
again in Holland
heights, descend
again with knowledge
music, once
again, is awesome
a son
befriended him
had fought
against his father
were proof
against this doctrine
pending investigation into
alleged misconduct
ascending colons
eclipsed by the
ascetic option
by this most
attentive farmer
chose to
avenge his father
vowed to
avenge his honor
family of a
collective farmer
this to the
collective farmers
Compare bewonder
Compare imposture
Compare with modern
7 or 8
connected novels
Coquettish Bomber
on to
defend its honour
from inside the
pentagon and the
Defense Department
depressing problems
descending colons
the darkness
descending on Earth
Detective Carter
Low quality
detective drama
harbor a grudge,
Detective Maza
the best
detective on Earth
refused to
digest this nostrum
had lots of
digestive problems
foreign as our
domestic commerce
is not a
domestic goddess
domestic partner
domestic partners
A little
domestic problem
than the Gross
Domestic Product
domestic products
structuring of sociologically
effective markets
to the special
effects department
electric rocket
electric rockets
bright, beautiful and
embellished goddess
the root
entrenched in darkness
feeling, intuition and
esthetic conscience
Forget it, Doctor
the limits of
genetic knowledge
genetic marker
genetic markers
I'm a
gutless flip-flopper
hold upon
himself is stronger
in a rat
infested office
treasure from piranha
infested waters
fly to its
looks at the
Was I they
intended target
make conception control
itself improper
Kinetic artist
kinetic novel
kinetic novels
Magnetic Monster
that I make
myself dishonest
objective clauses
is necessary for
sense of organized,
objective knowledge
focused on real
objective problems
Ossetian proverbs
of 100
percent silk products
the One
perfect in knowledge
a baffling, utterly
perplexing problem
scope of the
perspective broadens
have concerns which
prevent involvement
used to describe data-
processing problems
up by jointing far-
projecting splockets
orderlies wearing padded
protective garments
and wearing space-age
protective goggles
of warning and
protective proverbs
choked off with
relentless promptness
In this
respect, his doctrine
geniuses in their
respective genre
downside of
success is stalkers
earth seeking the
successive autumns
They got
themselves in solid
advertising slogan for
Timex wrist-watches
talents and his
unblemished honour
Vincent, it was love

with 2 extra syllables

be a paramedic -
to work simple
arithmetic problems
necessary for a
comprehensive model
and its
discontent with dogmas
a continent of
energetic mongrels
contain mysteries or
esoteric doctrines
sacred trust of
esoteric knowledge
his occupation with
the solution of
geometric problems
identified the regular
geometric solids
implementing partner
implementing partners
a scientific
interest in cotton
large number of
there are always
interesting problems
east of
Inverness in Scotland
the Carron
ironworks in Scotland
ourselves is called love
and warm
ourselves with water
parting, especially a
permanent departure
represent it on Earth
from a source
representing modern
sulphuretted carbon
satisfaction of an
undigested knowledge
the blows of
unexpected trauma
offering itself as
unprotected fodder
an unresisting and
unrejecting partner
unprecedented, unmerciful, and
unrelenting harshness

with 3 extra syllables

They were
experimenting on us
thermoelectric rocket
thermoelectric rockets