exact syllable matches
quit drinking for
30 days
an article as
a beefsteak
a cheap date
starting with
a clean slate
Most likely
unborn child was
a female
is not
a free state
Guy gets
a free steak
Sing with
a green face
ears or
a heat ray
Not in
a mean way
a frog into
Four years later
knowledgeable without getting
the objective of
with questions that
a Ph
I need
a real saint
children's books, writing
a screenplay
oh, that's
a sweet drain
Besides, cricket's
a team game
I'm not
a thief, Ray
three days, three
bloody days
always been a
bloody place
got in the
bloody way
with ate my
buddy, Dave
was righteous
but he's vain
that nation
but these States
wants execution
'cause he's failed
that make this
country great
the decisions our
country makes
long can the
country wait
Those damn
dirty apes
Thats a
dirty shame
I have your
dirty tape
So why
does she stay
merest outline of
dusky shapes
at a very
knew from an
ladies from an
early age
child of my
Fidel in the
early days
To an
early grave
scared of
'em these days
have more
fun these days
He's got a
Turd Ferguson's a
funny name
the old man
funny names
ugly in a
funny way
smart, fun
girls these days
sticking out of
her briefcase
at his or
her Ph
even know
that's not
her real name
dress like
her these days
together during their
hungry days
Blue Steel, Ferrari,
Le Tigre
That's a
lovely name
Heaven such a
lovely place
it's her fucking
This is your
lucky day
You got
lucky, babe
miracle of the
machine age
me knowing about
There is no
there was a
money day
but not for
money's sake
a big fat
monkey brain
shower or a
monkey cage
with a sleeping
monkey's tail
much he pay
their thick and
muddy brains
walk through any
muddy place
path at Nu
Mung Ba
live at sixty-twenty-five
Murray Lane
any democracy
workers rule
must be based
when you
must be brave
must be chafed
lesson which
life which
must be faced
No, this
must be fate
that she
must be great
course, sacrifices
the decision
must be made
a price
Every cent
of France
price that
So attention
must be paid
The obedient
must be slaves
This being you
must create
to the care
with an encyclopedia
of cliches
the problems
of each age
the end
of each game
the position
of each State
Oh Gods
the folly
of free trade
in a whirl
of sea-waves
desks some
idle pleasures
outlawed one
right one
the living
of these days
the harvest
of these gains
the magnitude
of these games
for each
of these names
the maternity
of these States
Chartisms, Revolts
of Three Days
made much
of, these days
it is something
one creates
One male,
one female
Why should
one need aids
in this
one, we're safe
is in a
police chase
apparatus of the
easy in a
of the highly-centralised
police state
That's a
search these days
sale on
some cheap paint
and it's a
sunny day
put in his
supreme place
are in the
supreme state
we need is
You got
the briefcase
the C train
experiences in
faculties into
the dream state
should observe
the feast days
feel threatened by
form than in
is already beyond
male but also
passive power to
passive receptivity in
the whole of
the female
stronger passions than
the males and
the females
power of
the free states
not in
the least vague
race, and
the peace race
decisions in
What is
the real game
say isn't
the real name
get carried on
the relay
Adventures in
the Screen Trade
certain amount of
first draft of
the screenplay
do it without
the shemale
half of
the team play
Where's your
third team mate
original group of
thirteen States
going there, about
thirteen ways
really unnerving every
Thinner thighs in
thirty days
give you a
tummy ache
What an
ugly face
in a hundred
unseen ways
girls pick
up these days
and look
up these names
say, do
what he SAY
you'll know
what he'll say
no matter
what we face
look at
what we make
to every
word, we say
can our
world be saved
kind of
world we'd made
disbelief just for
worldly gains
with 1 extra syllable
the world
because he failed
version of
bloggers he hates
are of weaker
bodily frame
The man was
brilliantly sane
of the seventeenth
century came
problem, every
challenge, we face
to the
chances we take
of waterbirds from
Chesapeake Bay
position in
China these days
actual dietary
with the
choices we make
everything if their
company fails
for the
daughters he dates
spearmint leaves,
didn't we mate
Didn't we, Dave
Didn't we, Jase
a 10 million
dollar sweepstakes
man at the
enemy's base
master of his
enemy's fate
energy wanes
all would be
equally brave
poets were all
equally vain
beautiful I've
ever seen play
itself appeal to
every age
who are covering
every base
is lost at
every break
the bars of
every cage
or indirectly in
We cannot address
every case
a little bit
a little more
a new person
a patriotic American
advantages that occur
all my life,
all sell out
all the time,
always go forth
and death decisions
and exciting with
and forgets him
and talks about
and visit it
Animals eat
are measurable improvements
are probably thinking
are working hard
around with me
as we meet
at that Laundromat
at this book
Be born
beat up almost
because it happened
becoming less clear
bring me coke
brushes his teeth
But it happens
buy candy bars
by building relationships
By dreaming,
by the hundreds
came by here
chance to play
common place of
condition grows worse
convinced of it
Death House, Michael,
did not work
don't see that
dozens of authors
drank to excess
drawn him here
enforcement agents more
every minute of
everything you have
evil around me
front of you
giving shit away
go to Mass
hair like that
half of sunlight
have daughters unboiled
heart with me
home feeling better
I cherish
I do this
I get joy
I live with
I not write
I'm getting dumber
in the world
increase is increasing
it in court
It takes place
it to me
it's getting worse
Jews were throttled
Learn it
licks his butt
lunch and dinner
make us proud
Marching towards me
meet these people
milk truck comes
millions of us
more about yourself
more absorbingly interesting
more like him
more like Louis
more to others
mounds of paper
much they're loved
must be rebuilt
new Joe Chills
Nothing grows stronger
of petty violence
of your bill
of your underwear
once a day,
ones eyes see
or three fliers
People are murdered
perform uncommon tasks
petty, unsexy ways
place to vent
poorer and uglier
pray to do
put to death
putting them away
same goddamn goop
see and do
see my husband
see you shit-kickers
situation like this
soul with poetry
started showing up,
struggles with it
survive the cross
talk to him
tell these beads
that they use
that wear yarmulkes
the ball park
They gotta rehearse
They print more
thing one sees
think of him
this one works
this out anew
thoughts in it
three of these
through the park
to carry through
to do that
to see Him
to the gym
touches my life
training new recruits
unborn children's lives
us live through
was proved true
we ourselves do
we see these
we work with
what I do
what we see
who wears makeup
wipe my butt
wisdom, remove things
work with it
world is changing
you each and
you look half-dead
you look younger
you love them
you walk over
every day
your answer in
every face
and we'll win
every game
I'm on
My name's on
would reign in
every page
the street, at
every place
every moment in
every play
every person of
race, out of
every race
room enough for
every sail
profession and vexed
every trade
and rages in
every vein
affairs, sovereign in
design disaster in
for you in
In almost
perfectly normal in
surpassing you in
this well-being in
unto ours in
was inspiring in
you're perfect in
every way
It's a
family name
it deals with
family pain
in an almost
family way
That's my
family, Kay
He wants the
favor repaid
Fiery Blaze
His voice
finally break
heard of
fractals these days
of the
future we face
yo nuts
gonna be drained
come, it's
future, it's
gonna be great
a coarse grained
gravelly clay
you think she's
handsomely paid
up in
Heaven these days
are much
higher these days
were playing the
honesty game
Behavior in the
Human Female
split seconds and
instant replays
of an
instant, Steel Gray
Isn't she quaint
it'd be great
of whisky,
it'll be great
conspicuous in the
Japanese case
listen, kneel, pray
on the
little green place
is your
master these days
a trip down
memory lane
were our
Model 3, Snake
like to
never feel safe
which we can
never repay
of all their
nursery games
them in an
time in an
orderly way
interchangeable with every
other female
building its first
overseas base
to interdict Japanese
overseas trade
of most
papers these days
hear some Charlie
Parker cliches
reward or the
penalty paid
bother with
people she hates
Ranger Wing is
perfectly safe
Uncle Scrooge is
perfectly sane
difference could it
possibly make
He valued his
than the
promise he made
needs to be
properly aged
earn a
quarter these days
Rumour, hearsay
year's worth of
Salisbury steak
Sara Teasdale
The flowers
shouldn't be grey
What would
Socrates say
When you
stumble, keep faith
and the
stupid these days
to have become
subtly changed
and their brakes
suddenly fail
Superbly played
we call the
Tiffany Way
your less eccentrically
tortured Ph
totally fake
totally spaced
of ignorance that
tyranny reigns
our holding that
union creates
a professional
unit these days
precautions to be
utterly safe
war crimes,
what'll we say
is on
women these days
with 2 extra syllables
drafts of the
actual screenplay
Elvis, where things
actually changed
and Ernie are
actually straight
even naked
animals need bail
This is the
artillery range
in the
bananas these days
breeds character,
character breeds faith
Character breeds faith
recordings were just
colossally great
to keep our
communities safe
on the
decisions he makes
He will
definitely pay
is paid when
diplomacy fails
time of
extinction, Steel Grey
But I'll be
fashionably late
hit the
foundation, we stay
incredibly great
the Vineland Social
Maturity Scale
already, and has
that you have
miserably failed
this is a
morality tale
sauna and a
musical bidet
carpets on
national street days
good-natured people should
naturally hate
the wreckage was
obviously staged
He is
personally brave
goes through a
photography phase
that's record
production these days
can stand
prominence these days
on the
promises he made
and glib but
quotable cliches
found the ice
remarkably safe
board a high
security train
all combination has
substantially failed
But what if
technology fails
what makes great
typography great
people like this
ultimately fail
difference did it
ultimately make
my experience it
usually fails
oppose them, is
wonderfully great
with 3 extra syllables
class of the
American Female
in my own
anniversary cake
almost painfully
antiquated these days
Felice Leonardo
Buscaglia Ph
the walls all
continually change
price we must
continually pay
reliability problem is
fundamentally changed
which made them
imperishably great
the Empire are
irresistibly drained
understands, withstands and,
miraculously, tames
the future must
necessarily take
interest rates, and
productivity gains
some sort of
rudimentary lathe
to the
situation he faced
with it is
understandably strained
Make it
unforgettably great
with 4 extra syllables
the 75 percent
illegitimacy rate
till I was
unrecognizably caked