exact syllable matches

2 Pere
And the shark
blew up
blue blood
Blue Bloods
blue duck
blue ducks
Blue Earth
blue funk
blue funks
blue gum
blue gums
blue shirt
blue shirts
boo sucks
boot cut
boot cuts
boot up
boot verb
boot verbs
boots up
booze bus
booze up
brew up
broom up
broomed up
brooms up
bruise up
bruised up
buhl work
cheung fun
chew up
chewed up
chews up
choose up
clued up
Cool World
coop up
cooped up
coops up
crew cut
crew cuts
crew up
cue up
cues up
do a
do bird
do drugs
do lunch
do of
do one
do up
do what
drew up
du nerf
dude up
feu vert
foo young
foo yung
food truck
food trucks
fool up
fruit crush
fruit cup
fruit cups
fruit dove
fruit doves
fruit up
fruits up
glue gun
glue guns
goof up
goose bump
goose bumps
goose club
goose clubs
goose up
Grew up
hoop skirt
hoop skirts
Hughes Mearns
Jules Verne
June 1
June bug
June bugs
knew of
loop jump
loop jumps
loose scrum
loose scrums
loose smut
lose touch
lube up
mew gull
mew gulls
moot earth
move up
New Alresford
New Bern
new blood
new bug
new bugs
new chum
new chums
Greek geometers sought
new curves
New Girl
built you an all-
new one
problems and wants
new ones
new up
New World
nude run
nude runs
ou um
pooled fund
pooled funds
poon up
puke up
puked up
pukes up
queue up
queued up
queues up
roof curb
roof curbs
rooped up
root up
root word
root words
Rude word
Rude words
school bus
school run
school runs
scoop up
scooped up
scoops up
screw pump
screw pumps
screw up
got us all
screwed up
screws up
They are not
sews up
shoe brush
shoe up
shoe verb
shoe verbs
shoot up
shoots up
soup up
souped up
soups up
spew up
spewed up
spews up
spool brush
spoon worm
spoon worms
spruce up
spruced up
stoop work
stoor worm
Stoor Worms
suit up
suits up
supe up
Threw up
to burn
anguish that was
career that was
dimension that was
everything that was
It has got
of what was
want the cops
to come
to cum
from dawn
to dusk
seen stars fall
to dust
- has gone
to earth
followed the Autobots
homeworld of Asgard
to Earth
Someone forgot
to flush
didn't wanna talk
husband and not
I'm gonna talk
I've gotta talk
Just talk
you wanna talk
You're gonna talk
to her
To judge
And lot
got a lot
had a lot
have a lot
students not want
They are hard
to learn
all the heart
What's not
to love
has just gone
to lunch
to much
to one
cave and starts
to purr
have a bar
to run
most desirable jobs
to Serbs
men laws are
to serve
to the
are not lost
as a shock
autographs, and talked
Come on, talk
damage and harm
God and not
he doesn't talk
not an art
others and not
their burden on
You are lost
you can talk
to us
intelligible, but not
to US
and, above all,
inside and got
matters are thought
run, run off
That ought
to work
to yer
ambition, but not
Lots and lots
Much talks
That was
too much
heavy, and far
too rough
tool up
tooth mug
tooth mugs
True Blood
true bug
true bugs
true love
true loves
true thrush
true up
trued up
trues up
truth drug
truth drugs
tube worm
tube worms
tuk tuks
tune up
tuned up
tunes up
two thirds
use up
used up
whew duck
whew ducks
attack on all
who serve
out on all
you bums
The others want
you culled
- are
you drunk
of Ireland are
romantic planet are
what planet are
What world are
you from
have a job
you love
What are
you nuts
a mark on
you son
friend doesn't lock
you up
brave and strong
we all thought
what a twat
you were
you what
a gnat, are
you, Bug
what are
you, huh
the world on
you, Jace
What are
you, nuts
youth club
youth clubs
youth work
guy, after all
you've done
zoom blur
zoom blurs

with 1 extra syllable

harpoon gun
success has brought
onto her
He battened
that have battened
onto us
Sam turns the
volume up