exact syllable matches
a factor in
the core of
all action
does not authorize
his energy in
all actions
course, it
all adds up
really what they're
all after
excuse to denounce
all Arabs
and bite
and confused
and food
and heartbreaking
and Venezuela
cuts happening,
do it
eat them
entire base
film came
go right
instead of
is lost
lie in,
many things
match his,
maybe not
mention everything
moved me
people vanishing
all at once
the flesh and
all ballast
her grandchildren were
all captured
all Americans of
remarkable extent through
self-respect that actuates
all classes
trodden on, we're
all damaged
temple where we
all gathered
could, in theory,
all happen
is how it
or hatred--how this
all happened
understand how this
all happens
guess we
all have one
by wiping out
all laughter
sense they were
all madmen
is inborn in
all mammals
You look
all mashed up
in absence of
Master of
that it is
the constitution of
the matrix of
What does it
what makes it
all matter
practice moderation in
all matters
words and rejects
all shackles
don't matter
like him
all that much
care of
cares about
Don't learn
Egg Smuggler,
emotions and
fighting for
he know
just order
land, and
on knowing
really believe
timing, and
truth, justice,
Vegas with
You know
all that stuff
I made
all that up
up on
all that work
trying to be
all valiant
leadership and ideals
are absent
Our prayers
Sometimes my questions
testimony that prayers
are answered
believe that there
not all replies
think our questions
are answers
are anxious
thousand dimensions
are as one
him of atheism
are asses
that we
are at one
The Germans
are bad, huh
Troy, all males
are bastards
My lungs
are blackened
always said actors
human, but prostitutes
rest of you
are cattle
out that we
are flattered
past and future
are gathered
knows fruit bats
are mammals
gained, and technologies
are mastered
of which they
are masters
you and I
are Naturals
with Moby Dick
are patent
practices like masturbation
are rampant
law, the rules,
are shackles
now those hopes
The principles
are shattered
and You
are That One
just where you
are, Captain
are surrounded by
You're surrounded by
armed bastards
have more
arms at once
Ya specky
auld bastard
Baht Castle
meticulously folded Mars
bar wrapper
the whole
block and, um
threw out
Bond at third
up by your
boss' battle
middle of a
box canyon
can conquer the
broad masses
exception to the
fall into the
broad pattern
more which we
call madness
call that dumb
can't even
call that girl
before when I
called after
that they were
called Angles
river which is
called Bassas
these creatures were
called dragons
they might be
called handsome
called hazard
called manners
speak gibberish they're
called rappers
he wasn't always
called Santa
made me feel
calm, tranquil
Carl Sandburg
beer, dogs,
cars and guns
Our mother is
Charles Manson
information theory by
Claude Shannon
have manufactured
claws and worse
Conrad Burns
fruitless attempts to
contact Earth
and trying to
has tried to
who's trying to
contact us
So he
contacts us
dwarves shining in
dark caverns
her search for
want to smell
dark matter
Darth Malak
by Publick and
Doc Hammer
he was a
dog catcher
shelter, controlled by
dog catchers
With police
dogs and clubs
It just
dont happen
when you just
draw manga
there are innumerable
false answers
away their
they were
flocks and herds
Theft, robbery,
fraud, taxes
Wade, that was my
save only
talk about
God and love
Heaven with
God and stuff
partition between
God and us
grace that
God grants us
think you were
God, Brandon
a gift from
God, Randal
a pair of
goddamn gloves
gun in her
goddamn purse
Break your
god-damn skull
don't have any
goddamn thumbs
here is my
goddamn truck
good in this
goddamn world
away from her
goddamned cunt
he just
got back from
been told you've
Now I
suspect why they
got cancer
got passion
just 'cause he
got talent
went and
got that gun
got that, son
gots hammer
found that
hard at first
dignity of a
hard chancre
to interact with
hard matter
will be
harsh and just
go far beyond
harsh language
But take
heart, Captain
Look into your
heart, Francis
not evil like those
Jacques Danton
about blow
jobs and stuff
John Acton
Also misattributed to
Neither did
of State, to
John Adams
John Calvin
John Gagnon
Ben Stiller and
Jim Herzfeld and
John Hamburg
John Vanbrugh
John, that hurt
Karl Jaspers
prise open their
locked caskets
in a fucking
just build a
time in a
log cabin
will go on
long after
being emitted from
Lost Angles
must be
lost at once
former dominance and
lost stature
mad as some
March hatters
Brooks and
Mark Andrus
moon, Venus, Jupiter,
Mars, Saturn
wanna bother
mom at work
Na Nana
Ron Factor is a
Bin wins there, riding
the word order is
We do
not abduct
before pants time,
if he strive
not after
and he does
away and would
They did
not answer
and I had
not answered
I mean,
not as much
look forward and
not backward
to look ahead,
not backwards
you it's
not bad luck
side, it is
not barren
but I am
not blasted
at least it's
not cancer
You are
not cattle
Oh no, Mom,
not glasses
out of necessity,
not habit
is named Hamlin,
not Hamster
if that would
It could
It will
know this does
not and did
of thing did
that it did
that this will
those raids did
not happen
September 11 had
not happened
it and
not have one
not LAST month
It is
not madness
as such do
asymmetry does
come, these do
could, it would
during eternity, and
His ineptitude did
individual ant does
It does
It will
or less would
shallow things will
soon it does
The subject does
not matter
These attacks are
not random
power, we are
not rattled
the way, it's
not Sharon
just do
not stack up
not that dumb
not that girl
we have
not that love
left, but
not that much
the phrase is,
not transient
they themselves dared
not travel
him, he is
not valiant
Rashness is
not Valour
not, Captain
odds catch up
off balance
kick those punks
off campus
off than some
off, that's what
It's like being
on acid
and directly bent
on action
being trampled
on and crushed
Now go
on and jump
with his head
on backwards
for the rapes
is he still
powerful personal computer
on campus
Big Wolf
on Campus
on Cancer
get it down
paints his pictures
on canvas
writing his Commentary
On Daniel
structure, and one
on fractions
need to put
on glasses
Cadillac, heading west
on Hampton
wings, and fed
on manna
of serenity than
on passion
Frizzle could be
on Saturn
Oh come
on Sharon
a place
on that bus
found something
on that nurse
a U-turn
any ideas
for discussion
gonna run
hold off
I cloaked
of money
to run
was working
on that one
with me
on that sir
a copyright
on that term
no rush
on that, sir
And, uh-
Paul Schnabel
make that awesome
plot happen
This is a
posh Panda
position of a
raw Kaffir
a hot
threw another
rock at us
It's just
rocks and dust
like wolf kabob
Roth vantage
in their
sa and mudd
I ever
saw at once
strips, drawn by
Scott Adams
their beer and
shot glasses
where the
shot has come
it by any
small matter
all inhabit this
classified as a
size of a
small planet
soft as young
was a great
soft mattress
years to
solve that one
first two Red
Sox batters
into each other,
sparks happen
were far from movie-
star glamour
away the rock
star mantle
start at once
I goin'
start that pump
not acceptance of
stock answers
pee, it's a
strong acid
there must be
strong action
terrific at casting
strong actors
to be
strong and firm
the retinue of
strong passions
circles on a
swamp planet
ice planets and
swamp planets
had been
swamped and sunk
thought as much
you change your
thought pattern
assimilate orderly coherent
thought patterns
Todd Carroll
Tom Carroll
Tom Jackson
talk rot, old
Tom Travers
Clair, in Uncle
good about Uncle
Tom's Cabin
Nothing will ever
make coffee and
toss salads
me the
trots and such
It's wall-to-
wall bastards
they sell
Walls and stuff
I work for
Momma, I
My father did
want answers
would really
want that much
want that, huh
What do you
want, Captain
wants action
only person who
was absent
breath, and there
was Adam
of freedom I
you think he
was after
His name
was Albert
I think it
was Alex
Your check
was bad first
money, as he
was bankrupt
Callas before she
was Callas
the lecture, it
was canceled
and my membership
And the party
that show
was cancelled
destroyed when I
him since he
warfare before he
was captured
death, and so
was Cassius
leaving, that it
was Daniel
the way Adam
was fashioned
but because it
was fragile
at once, which
was granted
you weeded through
was planted
and his heart
was saddened
His pleasant dream
was shattered
the way she
was strangled
talked about
was tax cuts
gasket, I surely
was thankful
uh, what
was that word
youngsters should
watch and learn
therefore but
watch and work
And forgive your
disregard for great
wrong actions
difference between
wrong and fun
Or the
wrong angle
Ackerman, always the
wrong answer
I prepared the
wrong chapter
landing on the
wrong planet
too, didn't you,
ya bastards
with 1 extra syllable
from overflow sites
across campus
along, Man-Cub
terrible as that
Argonne battle
aggressor response increased
beyond madness
shove 'em up
bullfrogs asses
is written, I
cannot answer
hatred which he
cannot fathom
cannot happen
future, you
cannot have one
or modern, she
cannot master
offer him
cigar and rum
claims to
exalt and serve
eyeball glasses
and being
involved has come
him against
Islam as such
notably that of
Lamont Cranston
it belongs to
Moonwalk Jackson
there like one
o'clock half-struck
a difficult and
prolonged battle
impulse to
respond as one
terrorism, how we
respond matters
greatest general since
Stonewall Jackson
get a
tripod and stuff
breath he blew
upon carrots
great a burden
upon language
Vaclav Havel
Vanguard Bandits
with 2 extra syllables
She is an
albatross, Captain
was fine, the
Renaissance happened
with 4 extra syllables
American leadership drives
international action