exact syllable matches

would have
been here sooner
believe, duels
summed up
between two buns
chants out
the passing
between two worlds
over time and
between users
on sterilizing in
between uses
blood, you
bring me fluids
Brinley Bruton,
the Garden
City movement
have a
city to run
over the
city to us
protect the
city you love
we have so
clearly proven
that shapeshifts and
deceives humans
front-page headline DEWEY
a college
degree to serve
dipsy doodle
dipsy doodles
their instruments with
diseased roosters
Disney Channel and
Disney Junior
Carolina by
fifteen to one
fill de puta
fills de puta
with all you pig-
filthy humans
were filled with
workers' victory over
filthy lucre
give three to one
you made
him feel human
the earth un-righteously
in Kaliyuga
red stuff
in these ruins
In three, two, one
and charisma and tongue-
in-cheek humor
it eats you up
it mean to us
It means stupid
it means to love
it means to us
to get
it removed, but
maybe now
it seems stupid
it seems to work
It speaks to us
nice, but
kids need humans
lives need to touch
It is
merely human
miss me too much
and of the
misty future
Pretty cool huh
pretty cool, huh
Pretty cool, huh
matches your
pretty new purse
as a
pretty poor one
Well that's
wrong, it was
pretty stupid
device, but still
your whip is
pretty useless
Just the
really cool stuff
of things, be
really crucial
It is
really cruel
right, they
Those two
really do work
you, they
really do, but
he never
really grew up
really gruesome
that you're not
really human
when it's really,
really humid
one who
really knew her
you never
really knew love
when you
whenever I
really screw up
the barrel
really screwed up
Really soon, huh
being to be
He is
is that they're
stupid stupid, but
thought you were
to do something
really stupid
That felt
That is
Yeah, that's really,
really super
it was
really too much
I could
really use one
Engines are
engines is being
responsible, reliable, and
wanted to be
really useful
they say we're
Really Useful
assumptions that he
really uses
repeat unit
repeat units
miracles and
reveal new ones
it would
reveal too much
God has
will be
revealed to us
Have I
revealed too much
when the prison
ship's refueled
acting like a
silly schoolgirl
classroom held about
sixty students
still speak to us
Strictly Neutral
think she's human
think we're human
But they
he must
think we're stupid
helping to postpone
this reunion
which he grew up
- Janet Jackson,
I saw Madonna,
Whitney Houston
of it
will be futile
and there
will be losers
her life
made, men
your family
your life
your spirituality
will be ruined
will be too much
that it
The officers
Your talents
will be useful
his concessions
town's sundial
way, one
will be useless
will eat you first
I had, was
I'd gotten over
next door -
Winnie Cooper
beat Dallas
with these losers
smart, too
witty, too much

with 1 extra syllable

Should we
admit we're losers
offices will be
basically neutral
It's just
basically two words
are you
calling me stupid
affinity or being
chemically neutral
From in the
chemistry usage
key to a
conflict-free future
The implication is
crushingly stupid
super-genius be so
epically stupid
He didn't
even seem human
bid the
geldings be fruitful
Scoville heat unit
Scoville heat units
shockingly useful
to wait
until she's cuter
the engines
using these fuels
wanted me to come

with 2 extra syllables

this confusion is
artistically useful
all religions,
exclusively to none
fantastically cruel
forgetting thee too much
willful disregard for
humanity's future
imperfectly human
new dynasty of
Ismaili rulers
which it is
specifically suited
Specifically, Buddha
peace and
tranquility to Earth
peace and
tranquillity to Earth
these caves were
undoubtedly Buddhist
lost my
virginity to her

with 3 extra syllables

conception, it is
biologically human
Categorically proven
purposes of commerce,
comparatively useless
anything be more
devastatingly futile
them, will be
exemplarily ruthless
have a
sensitivity to the

with 4 extra syllables

passions that are
characteristically human
words are as
excruciatingly stupid