exact syllable matches

I grabbed- her-
sweet can
of the beat
- yeah
I'm Orthopox
13 man
we had
a deal, man
state has
a free hand
again as
and not
are not
ass of
come as
fool and
He back-sassed
he was
I am
out as
slave, not
a free man
immobile as
a Greek mask
I got
a heat lamp
mad as
a meat axe
It's not
a real badge
have had
a real chance
is not
you're not
a real man
I call
I demand
a rematch
wool on
a sheep's back
is that,
a ski mask
He was
a sweet man
part of
a team, man
I'm not
a thief, man
parents on
a tree branch
he was
I'm not
a weak man
I was
a wee lad
once we have
achieved that
Dax Shepard and
the Entertainer, and
Bernie Mac
even worse than
bloody cats
You're all
bloody mad
buddy pack
buddy packs
drivers does a
buggy have
bunny grass
bunny ranch
bunny rat
bunny rats
But she's black
chenille plant
chenille plants
chubby, man
Come clean, man
complete graph
complete graphs
No one has
concealed that
concrete class
our thought of
concrete fact
of a
country Cat
country dance
country ham
country hams
country rap
off the
cul de sac
ankle biters from the
pet-killing scourge of the
- both ends are
curry plant
curry plants
cutty grass
dirty dance
dirty mags
But what
does he have
dummy half
dummy halves
dunny can
dunny cans
dunny man
early bath
early baths
life of the
early Mass
of the
earth, these lads
earthly branch
than all the
earthly trash
Ernie Banks
fer de lance
Fermi gas
you want
from me, man
From these hands
all the
fun we had
you are
funny Fran
I'm not a
funny man
was just a
funny prank
'Cause it's not
funny, man
grumpy pants
gunny sack
gunny sacks
Gurney flap
Gurney flaps
gut rehab
lotsa sugar and
honey and
honey ant
honey ants
honey plants
honey trap
honey traps
hungrier than a
hungry man
But, but
I might not
hurry back
Gee, that
hurt me, that
is gonna
hurt real bad
journey man
Just three tanks
patriot and
that's gonna
love me back
all the
luck he had
lucky bag
lucky bags
I am a
lucky man
of his dad's
lucky pants
gonna get that
to get that
You want the
money back
money bag
money bags
money dance
money man
money plant
money plants
spend all that
money, and
You want that
money, yeah
monkey bag
monkey bags
monkey cap
monkey caps
monkey gaff
monkey gaffs
monkey grass
as mad as
monkey mash
Monkey patch
monkey patched
monkey trap
monkey traps
mummy bag
mummy bags
mummy track
Murky bass
the worse
must be bad
Mein Kampf,
must be banned
and Faustus
must be damned
nutty slack
oblique dash
oblique flank
oblique flanks
A sample
of greensand
ass rip off
of He-man
shoots a lot
of kneecaps
socks off
of me, Jack
have heard
of me, yeah
never got his one-on-
one rematch
not the
one we have
stethoscope and a
police badge
police man
puppy fat
Andrew can her
slutty can
the world, and
studied man
I will not
study maths
can do, and
succeed at
and Tosh, and
Suzie, and
arm and
swung me back
over at
the beach and
the deal man
putting on all
the decals
put on
the feed bag
put on
the feedbag
put on
the feed-bag
out among
the fleet at
eating all
the free snacks
freedom more than
the freed-man
you are
the Green Man
are not
the real Cass
cannot touch
the real man
doing great on
the rehab
people off
the scene, and
piss off
the seeds Matt
God I bought
the three-pack
lot quicker than
the Z-Stacks
a dry and
thirsty land
They are the
Thirteenth Clan
turkey ham
turkey hams
turkey slap
turkey slaps
will buy an
ugly hat
but I'm an
I'm a fat,
who loved an
ugly man
unclean hands
going on
up here, man
eyes are
up here, pal
just fucked
up real bad
up, T-Bag
has brought
us here, Flash
all of
us need that
that was
what he had
I want
what he has
and that's
are not
better than
terrorists want
to have
what we have
look at
what we've had
of the
word, see swag
worry back

with 1 extra syllable

pulled tight
after each pass
a minute
after we've passed
agony aunt
agony aunts
up to be
Alan Greenspan
flowers gone,
wish you'd
answer me that
Argentine ant
Argentine ants
attorney badge
Batmobile was going
awfully fast
balcony bras
Save the
Baron de Kalb
barra de pan
barras de pan
bumblebee bat
bumblebee bats
cambra de gas
cambres de gas
a required
campus meal plan
syphilis, which Maupassant
certainly had
chancery hand
chancery hands
does not
chatter, he acts
you catch my
comedy act
common greenshank
companies that
company man
East Pinball, a
company that
cottage cheese ass
courtesy flag
courtesy flags
currency band
currency bands
glance at the
currency cat
currency strap
currency straps
resulting from these
dastardly acts
of the
dolphins eat that
factory class
ought to vote on
smoke your little
faggoty pack
the same word
family as
I get my
I'll get your
you want your
family back
make your whole
family bad
he had a
Let's start a
start a little
family band
community or a
family clan
all your own
family crap
accounts a devoted
around, you're a
I'm a
into a semi-respectable
of a well-to-do
You're a
family man
Family man
Family Man
tradition with the
family plan
never had no
to protect our
family, and
to support a
with my chosen
family, man
important, you know,
family, that
to be a mere
family's back
to save her
family's ranch
doin' old man
fantasy camp
all that Celtic
fantasy crap
to wargamers and
fantasy fans
sent me into
fantasy land
fantasy lands
dealing with the
galaxy, at
a feed from
Ganymede and
hell with a
gasoline can
The farmer's
gonna be back
our show's
gonna be bad
think they're
gonna be fat
I'm not
gonna be mad
gonna be pals
gonna eat that
how he's
gonna eat Zak
I'm not
gonna feel bad
now you're
gonna feel that
are you
gonna see that
gotta be dad
gravity dam
at the school's
Halloween dance
Where's the
Halloween mask
up for wearing
Halloween masks
the Ghost of
Halloween Past
rest will roll
harmlessly past
we're working in
harmony, yeah
Haven't we, lad
the biggest
hazard we have
hope your newfound
honesty lasts
Jackson C Frank
be read in
Japanese as
arse like a
He's waving the
Japanese flag
large collection of
Japanese masks
Japanese wax
Poems from the
Japanese, trans
using the
language we have
would no
longer be France
how much
longer we'll last
luxury tax
magazine ban
axiom in Monthly
Magazine, Jan
mammary gland
right set of
mammary glands
modesty bag
modesty bags
make our
mother feel bad
Muscovy glass
The word is
obsolete and
You don't
often see that
bad, they
oughta be spanked
pappa reale
pardon me, Mac
taken place can
possibly act
Possibly calqued
Translates and
possibly calques
best story I
every way he
everything if you
fast as they
fast as you
good as we
hard as they
hard as you
important as they
inconspicuous as you
long as they
long as you
many as they
observer as they
of applause you
our duty, we
quickly as you
simply as you
small as I
the best she
the good we
well as you
widely as I
possibly can
could they have
I could have
possibly had
a level could
that we could
possibly have
were having couldn't
possibly last
can take a
I have a
wanna take a
pottery class
poverty grass
poverty trap
poverty traps
Probably calqued
probably have
got a
problem here, yeah
is the
problem we have
bunch of
have the
problems we have
uses the
product we have
Promise me that
promise thee that
of both personal
property and
property and the
property class
property tax
and buy virtual
property, and
You can't own
property, man
bring out different
qualities, and
regarded as a
quality badge
measured as a
quantity and
rabbit real rab
sala de chat
salary cap
salary caps
scala reale
Preferably buxom and
Will you be
scantily clad
it was
solid steel cast
How does
someone hear that
submarine fan
submarine fans
of a
sudden, green man
man, the
taller he stands
States and
that'll be that
That'll please Dad
Travers We pass
I've become a
trustworthy man
a vest on
underneath that
cheer, and that's
utterly sad
on the
wallaby track
would probably
wanna be tanned
You don't
wanna eat that
wanna see Anne
I don't
Would you
wanna see that
waterwheel plant
waterwheel plants
sped along his
watery path
what'll we have
of the
worker bee has

with 2 extra syllables

just joined the
academy staff
lands easy and
accurate B-flats
this an
actual street lamp
admiralty brass
Admiralty ham
your wife an
apology, Frank
aquila reale
as complementary to
autonomy and
Christoph Waltz and
just told, involving
Tom Cruise and
Cameron Diaz
upon, in my
capacity as
of butt in 30-pound-butt-
capacity pants
from the scriptural
chronology and
of my temporary
rather carry a
swinging like a
colostomy bag
colostomy bags
that for which
democracy stands
democracy, man
economy and
plane ticket for
economy class
economy crashed
by an education
elaborately bad
passage of the
Equality Act
Wall was a
fraternity prank
geometry, and
is the
government we have
granada de man
hustle a
hustler here, yeah
virtues I
imagine she has
so black, so
impossibly black
also essential to
morality, and
like the
National League, Hank
us as we
naturally stand
He's in the
Nephrology Lab
a professor of
and professor of
philosophy at
the Department of
the Faculty of
Philosophy at
and heterodox, that
philosophy can
must have skipped
philosophy class
think it's
possible we can
really enjoyed my
psychology class
the rest of
reality and
then be a
reality man
much closer to
reality than
Remarkably fast
technology stack
experiences in their
totality, and
clay disks and
ultimately banned
Purely individual interests
ultimately clash
ultramarine ash

with 3 extra syllables

is Professor of
of Sociology and
Anthropology at
See also the
See fuller
See further
See the
etymology at
The temperature dropped
phenomenally fast
a time, he's
neck, I'll be
Tracheotomy Man

with 4 extra syllables

philosophy of mind,
epistemology, and

with 5 extra syllables

sociobiology has