exact syllable matches
civilised people have
Edward Halifax has
been spoilt
contact with that
big boy
have joined the
playing with the
sending out the
big boys
shut down by
Big Oil
coloratura with this
big voice
of cheap stinking
chip oil
bottle of cheap, stinking
American people a
clear choice
in me, my
Sheer poetry,
dear boy
So goodnight,
dear void
with a strange
fierce joy
film noir
me to a
motion, from a
fixed point
See those
gears, boys
mean, look at
him, oy
Can we keep
him, Roy
compliment him on
effort into being
He has made
Newton erred in
old age was
the maiden of
his choice
who would be
his foil
holds it to
toe smash onto
his groin
Devil is in
his loins
a fistfight, proving
repeat and emphasize
You do see
his point
we play with
his toys
and I hear
but I know
come out through
do anything with
drained out of
his charisma and
his fame than
I couldn't hear
mere sound of
more credit for
more mildness in
mysterious tenor of
Never raises
of all, is
powerful sensuality to
skies, trees, hear
that mostly with
the reverberations of
the top of
to go with
to him, lost
was mind altering,
his voice
own dead weight
in coin
also take place
in sorrow and
the senses Forever
in joy
as a case
be a case
being a case
is a case
is another case
in point
like a plant
in soil
Come on
time to move
in, boy
ship has come
in, boys
about besides boys
is boys
put, the problem
The problem
is choice
and behold, service
delicate web, there
expression of rebellion
is joy
I would keep
it oiled
just don't get
it, Roy
has never regretted
its choice
little play in
its joints
does not import
of Iraq and
its oil
dagger, and defies
stand it on
its point
you have to grow,
mean spoiled little
rich BOY
of the Oak
Ridge Boys
was your joy,
sheer joy
and yet a
shrill voice
an attack on
and jabbering at
starting to like
tell you about
took care of
your heart to
this boy
a reason for
this coil
I'll get outta
Just look at
We could pack
this joint
have in all
this noise
absolutely to insure
an actor at
been lost before
bleeding profusely at
brought up to
chance to press
could do at
deny it at
graciousness to appreciate
had led to
least not at
like family at
me flying, at
Milford Haven at
my watch at
never got beyond
only theoretical at
our confusion at
quite explicit on
really safe at
same opinion on
seems to grasp
straight up to
surprise me at
the process at
tragic proof of
translator will illustrate
well received at
whole duty at
this point
were alien to
this soil
satisfy yourself with
this toy
guy, I created
to write for
this voice
have often heard
this Voice
you looking at,
tick boy
a jamboree for
Vince Noir
covered his body
with boils
be goin' out
with boys
Everything begins
with choice
and fulfilleth it
certainty filled me
don't you weep
everyone fills me
fairly bubbling over
have been filled
he not depart
heart was filled
I am filled
made me whimper
the laborers shining
the new day
with joy
I'm in love
with Lloyd
hearts can't compete
with noir
fill the air
With Wine and
with noise
from that painted
something to do
with oil
be choked up
with soil
who like playing
with toys
with 1 extra syllable
generals yield to
beardless boys
all start life
being boys
makes a cool
bleeping noise
of a social
boiling point
He wanted a
boring voice
has got a
itself at the
man has his
order to the
stretches to the
to know his
breaking point
being flown with
British oil
other upon the
the resources of
weapons based on
British soil
your knowledge to
bursting point
chasing boys
is a war
coming, boy
I heard a
crashing noise
sun flung spangles,
dancing coins
David Deutsch
earring boy
and gratitude and
even joy
of Chaos and
Formless Void
temperature above the
freezing point
paper, music a
grating noise
made a strangled
growling noise
Hey, what's that
hissing noise
What's your favourite
humming noise
You're a good
Jewish boy
a considerable mechanical
knocking noise
hair, lidded eyes,
listing loins
peace is at
melting point
pressures or different
melting points
The bright good
morning voice
Hahaha, go on
Mrs Doyle
bound to their
native soil
eyes, and a
roaring voice
space was a
selling point
of their major
selling points
him like lovers,
shouting joy
was hard, organ
sounding joint
farther from its
life from its
such was its
taken as their
witnessed, is the
starting point
Another Democrat
talking point
You get the
talking points
to be a
telling point
reality, a temporal
tipping point
and then a
trickling noise
honour, and their
truest joy
but in the
tuneless voice
have experienced a
lives at a
That was the
was actually the
turning point
makes it a
valid choice
is that strange
wheezing noise
You're a
whipping boy
with 2 extra syllables
Lone is an
aesthetic choice
amusing toys
score a neat
debating point
behaviour at the
decisive points
will have the
decisive voice
Distinctive voice
But not this
disturbing noise
smooth current of
domestic joy
sense and her
emotive voice
They took
everything, boys
for a dramatic,
exciting voice
his wealth, his
expensive toys
to share her
with a new
favorite toy
was my brother's
favourite toy
announcer with your
majestic voice
error, although from
opposite points
you can buy
peppermint oil
longer make a
regressive choice
violent and war
related toys
day sunning his
rheumatic joints
along with a
sadistic choice
only remaining unassailed
strategic point
You are the
vanishing point
word in every
wandering voice
Or but a
wandering Voice
with 3 extra syllables
It was a
Compromising voice
have reached their
culminating point
have attained their
culminating points
endless worship and
everlasting joys
intellective void
Interesting choice
textually complex Weberian
interpretive ploy
But not this
irritating noise
That is the
overriding point
in this simple,
reassuring voice
around waterfalls, on
ultramafic soils