exact syllable matches
all eyes
It was not
all lies
these locks are
all mine
All night long,
at my cards
doors were locked
I haven't got
I walked
practiced my gongs
shopping at Wall-Mart
the light on
through the park
We haven't got
all night
a wake-up call,
and I was
and they are
Are the jars
But that was
cared about was
don't be alarmed,
got that was
I'm not
No, I'm not
of them are
pretty swell job
talk, I talk,
that all wrong,
That was
with the cards
all right
Habsburg has lost
him, I lost
all rights
and boodlers on
be fenced on
by manipulation on
by ramparts on
is discernible on
of non-violence on
will arise on
all sides
all smiles
All Whites
alt right
ar ais
are chi
and grey rocks
are piled
nations, and all
The songs
are right
Psyche, bluer far
are thine
that all swans
are white
of the Lost
Ark style
art line
art lines
Art Night
auld wife
auld wifes
bar bike
bar dike
bar flies
bar fly
bar line
bar lines
bark lice
barn find
barn finds
baulk line
baulk lines
Blah Blah Blah
Blah Scythe
Bob Knight
bomb site
bomb sites
bon die
She's the mob
boss' wife
bot flies
bot fly
bought time
box file
box files
box kite
box kites
box wine
box wines
call sign
call signs
call site
call sites
call time
wheat-based breads are
called sai
calm wind
car mile
car miles
carp lice
chalk line
chalk lines
Charles Ives
Charles Ryle
Charles Sykes
charmed life
choc ice
clock vine
clock vines
cod line
cod lines
cost price
cross aisle
cross aisles
cross bike
cross bikes
cross file
cross files
cross write
crossed line
crossed lines
Oh, dear, I've gone
da kind
da sein
dar pie
dark flight
dark flights
dark light
dark lights
dark ride
dark rides
Dark Side
dark slide
dark slides
dawn choirs
dog fight
dog fights
dog guide
dog guides
genetically engineered part-man part-
dog guy
dog spike
dog spikes
You like hot
dogs right
home I was Papa's
dost ein
draw live
draw right
drop by
drop dimes
drop light
drop lights
dropped by
dropped dimes
drops by
drops dimes
fall guy
fall guys
fall line
fall lines
fall wind
false light
false lights
false nine
false nines
free from all
false pride
Far Cry
far fein
far right
far sight
couldn't have gone
far, right
fault line
They are called
fault lines
flop style
fog light
fog lights
fog line
fog lines
frost line
frost lines
gall mite
gall mites
continent, are long
gone by
resacas have all
gone dry
gone wide
goss ein
got high
hard by
A long
hard climb
hard drives
hard light
hard line
hard lines
hard pine
hard pines
hard sign
hard signs
hard time
fall on
fallen on
falls on
fell on
when coming upon
hard times
hawse pipe
hawse pipes
heart line
heart lines
hog line
hog lines
hop flies
hop fly
hot ice
hot line
hot lines
hot pie
hot pies
hot pint
hot pints
hot wind
you just want
jobs, right
Jock Stein
John Bright
John Child
John Guyse
John Prine
John Squire
John Weiss
Jon Kyl
knaw chylde
knock, Kyle
koch ein
La Treille
large white
large whites
las ein
Law Whyte
She and Amon
lock eyes
lock time
lock times
locked eyes
locks eyes
log drive
log drives
logg ein
logge ein
long i
live a long,
long life
long line
long live
in the long,
long night
long price
long sight
A long,
away a long,
for a long
gone a long,
here a long,
in a long,
is a long,
run a long,
take a long,
that's a long,
long time
for a long,
LONG time
longe line
longe lines
lost time
you guys are
lost, right
mach ein
mach weis
March 5
March 9
March flies
March fly
mark time
marked time
marks time
moth flies
moth fly
motte ein
things that are
not crimes
She saw Aidan
not die
are, they are
not mine
not quite
the time was
not right
Permissions are
not rights
when I was
not wise
och aye
off drive
off drives
off side
in from some far-
off sky
at some far
off time
off times
off white
oft times
with corruption, soft
on crime
offer my thoughts
on Dr
on drive
on file
you're like God
on high
on ice
Er, call
on Ives
think I'll all
on Kives
put a mark
on life
on line
once, someone was
on mine
on side
on sight
racial epithets scrawled
on signs
on site
it's not all
on Slide
monsters had gone
on strike
stop the launch
think I was
to my restaurant
on time
of non-violence was
on tried
palm wine
palm wines
park light
park lights
in the car
park twice
part time
I'm not
Paul Pry
plot line
pop eyed
pop flies
pop fly
pop psych
pot life
pot pie
pot pies
my mother on
outlaw sex on
unprotected sex on
prom night
held up on
Prom Night
quad bike
quad bikes
quod vide
rob blind
Rob Pike
Rob Smyth
rock mice
rock tripe
rock tripes
rod line
rod lines
Ron White
salt line
salt mine
salt mines
sarge ein
let that hot
sauce die
saules brilles
saw file
saw files
Saw VI
schloss ein
Scotch pie
Scotch pies
Scotch pine
Scotch pines
Scots pine
Scots pines
Shah I
shark bite
Shark Night
Shaun White
shock site
shock sites
shop right
shop time
slob ice
small blind
small blinds
Small Eid
small fries
small fry
Small Isles
small time
small white
small whites
soft ice
soft pine
soft pines
soft sign
soft signs
Sol I
Sol VI
spar ein
sparks fly
spot price
spot prize
squab pie
squab pies
squall line
often found along
squall lines
squaw vine
squaw vines
star drive
star drives
star height
star heights
star pine
star pines
star sign
star signs
becoming a rock
star, Dr
States does not
start fights
Stock price
stop by
stop light
stop lights
stop sign
stop signs
stopped by
stopped pipe
stopped pipes
stops by
straw wine
straw wines
strong AI
swamp pine
swamp pines
swan dive
swan dives
swap file
swap files
swap line
swap lines
ta i
talk shite
Tall White
Tall Whites
top flight
top light
top line
top lines
tot i
voir dire
wall ride
wall rides
wall time
what the heart
wants, right
My arm
was fine
The song
was light
and All
was Light
Maybe Panama
what I thought
was right
Voting Rights law
was signed
was where Wrong
was, right
there was
Watch Guy
watch night
watch nights
wrong side
wrong sides
you that got
ya high
What are
ya, blind
Smile, Darn
Ya, Smile
with 1 extra syllable
Armstrong line
named after the
Choctaw tribe
jollof rice
with 2 extra syllables
Batangas knife
Batangas knives
the God of
Sabaoth hight
him for the
Sakharov prize