exact syllable matches

3 Esdras
I can
nothing can
stay focused and
Your features can
be better
the operation, and
be careful
perhaps can
be dreamt of
and all shall
be ended
open wound can
be entered
be fed up
without employment and
be helpless
criticisms that can
be leveled
all else can
His greatness cannot
It cannot
of which cannot
points and can
be measured
one that can
be melted
invaders should not
rulers should not
topics should not
be mentioned
sometimes pain can
be pleasure
I better not
I'd rather not
be pregnant
It cannot
loyalty will not
purpose can not
that injustice cannot
be questioned
the possible can
be senseless
in space can
be settled
a monarch can
be tempted
be tenda
May God
be their judge
I will not
be threatened
beam engine
beam engines
beat level
beat levels
know we never mention She-Who-Must-Not-
bleed edges
bleep censor
bleep censors
cheese rennet
one of Man's
chief pleasures
creme dental
de Barents
de Belen
de credit
de Decker
de deveras
and nom
de guerre of
de menor
de pension
de terre
De Vera
de veras
of Hank and
Dean Venture
di Betel
di testa
para dar
e vender
black dots across
each segment
East Bengal
East Devon
East Ender
East Enders
East Retford
I do not
make us all
mine included, and
That'd make ya
feel better
shoulders were at
field level
free edges
G M Young
grease pencil
grease pencils
Greek letter
Greek letters
Green Berets
green pepper
are elsewhere called
green peppers
and vivaed as
he entered
how can
he help us
was glad
he met her
movie about fonts
he rented
himself that
he went first
heat engine
heat engines
Heath Ledger
Do not call
here ever
and said that
he's pregnant
did not
keep their word
up and
keep them up
key presses
Lea Tsemel
leaf metal
leap second
leap seconds
Lee evans
you would understand
me better
And call
me Leonard
by surprise, and
me never
You'd best call
me Sarah
si bon
me semble
they called
me their chum
I want
me treasure
eaten that
meal, then what
Dave Chappelle and
Neal Brennan
A man
needs credit
Peach Melba
Please help her
Please spare us
please, spare her
queen regnant
queens regnant
real presence
real tennis
reed pheasant
reed pheasants
Rieke metal
Rieke metals
sea chestnut
sea chestnuts
sea devil
sea devils
sea feather
sea feathers
sea fennel
sea lemon
sea lemons
sea leopard
sea leopards
sea letter
sea letters
sea lettuce
sea level
icebergs, permafrost and
sea levels
sea nettle
sea nettles
sea parrot
sea parrots
sea pheasant
sea pheasants
seam presser
seam pressers
so I can
see better
and thou shalt
see Devils
I can
see they're up
seed vessel
seed vessels
She devil
but smiles as
she enters
My aunt,
she never
sheath dresses
and whey and
sheepflesh, sir
my life as
sheet metal
sheet metals
partner, Abigail, and
she's pregnant
siege engine
siege engines
siege weapon
siege weapons
speed metal
St Helens
St Mellons
find the lost
steam engine
Steam engine
steam engines
by sailors on
steam vessels
Steve Ellner
Steve Mellor
sweet chestnut
sweet chestnuts
sweet F A
sweet lemon
sweet lemons
sweet pepper
sweet peppers
T level
si bon
te semble
tea kettle
tea kettles
Team Edward
These beds suck
danger, fighting all
these metas
What are all
these presents
and relief on
Rube and ask
You ask all
these questions
set smile at
these treasures
to explain all
these weapons
of mind on
three levels
I have
it and asked
That was
three questions
TS girl
TS girls
Why can't
we get 'em
sad, and
we get hurt
Where are
we headed
forrarder, are
we, bless us
So, what are
we, helpless
members, but not
weak members
us that
we'd end up
We're friendless
things require that
we're sentient
wheel presses
yield stresses

with 1 extra syllable

Tolkien ----
Abney level
Abney levels
the Way by
Andy Behrens
Red and
Angry, welcome
a European woman,
an associate of
Annie Besant
Written by
Annie DeYoung
the Continental
army gets up
than a Soviet
Army pension
most perfectly trained
athlete ever
perfect counterpart to
Audrey Hepburn
Barney, welcome
body needs and
body pleasures
body presses
indistinct separation of
body segments
Rapture is a
body, Delta
up your whole
body, Karen
bonnie fechter
are a very
bossy engine
Bradley Denton
enjoyable on a
campy level
to own and
you did not
carry weapons
chamois leather
chamois leathers
Charlie, tell 'em
coffee senna
coffee sennas
comprehends her
copy edit
Cosby sweater
Cosby sweaters
Danny Elfman
donkey engine
donkey engines
fancy dresses
Fanny Kemble
farsi bella
was present when
Frosty melted
on the fertile
Ganges Delta
What a
gaudy entrance
Godfrey Kneller
Gottfried Feder
Gottfried Herder
Ordnung ist das
halbe Leben
Hami melon
Hami melons
hardly ever
shifted it to
Hari Seldon
I eat a
hearty breakfast
Johnny Nelson
Kathy Freston
Retributive justice is
largely Western
human affection and
lofty effort
squire to the
lofty heavens
Written by
Mandy Nelson
you're gonna pork
Marlene Desmond
not related to
Marty Feldman
Massif Central
and a rather
nasty temper
What a
naughty fella
family during the
language in the
Nazi era
all the standard
Nazi gestures
Nazi helmet
the most ghastly
Nazi methods
Nazi Shepherd
have the right
nobby parents
not make an
obscene gesture
calls and their
obscene gestures
Party Central
into a celestial
party chairman
party dresses
is the best
most daring birthday
the best birthday
the best damn
Your first
party ever
party member
of an average
Party member
than a thousand
the demands of
trust of the
party members
was promiscuity between
Party members
was made a
party question
and directed by
the direction by
Patty Jenkins
Pauli vector
Pauli vectors
can call me
Polly Esther
you wake up
Polly parrot
Written by
Randy Feldman
Rodney Bennett
short stories by
Sally Benson
Sandy Desert
falls off of
Sandy's helmet
G-d ignores
sloppy questions
Congratulations on my
have settled for
not one for
sloppy seconds
reputation as a
snappy dresser
one of his
snappy getups
sorry, Helen
I'm so
sorry, Sarah
Stanley Jevons
Stanley Spencer
beauty of the
spectacle of the
starry heavens
I made
Tommy breakfast
Zante currant

with 2 extra syllables

playing at the
Balaji temple
epoxy resin
epoxy resins
It's not
exactly pleasure
hydroxy ester
uh, take a
karate lesson
fear during the
McCarthy era
Miami 7
cave in the
edge of the
Fog in the
located in the
spiders in the
Mojave Desert
together, there was
nobody better
that, and
This practically
nobody else does
Nobody else does
nobody get hurt
gun and
Nobody moves,
their jobs,
to know,
with that,
nobody gets hurt
Nobody gets hurt
just go find
somebody better
from Washington
well and
wife before
somebody else does
by lifting
somebody else up
it call
somebody else, huh
I do,
line before
way before
somebody gets hurt
Somebody help her
somebody help us
able to beat
somebody senseless
somebody tell us
Did she steal
somebody's dentures

with 3 extra syllables

everybody else does
Everybody else does
Everybody gets one
speakers in the
Kalahari Desert
voice of the
Vietnamese peasant